辩证法对话,Dialectical dialogue
1)Dialectical dialogue辩证法对话

1.Change from Dialectical Dialogues to Literary Dialogues--More Exploration of "Socratic Dialogues" and "Menippean Satire"辩证法对话向文学性对话的转变——关于“苏格拉底对话”与“梅尼普讽刺”的再探析
2.Dialogue and Tolerance:the Significant Theoretical Spirit of Dialectics;对话与宽容:辩证法的重大理论精神
3.On the Relations between Dialogue and Dialectics:A Philosophy Study on Dialogue Aesthetics;对话与辩证法的关联——对话美学的哲学审视
4.Chinese Dialogic Dialectical Thought --From the Perspective of The Warring States Period’s Dialogic “Fu”;中国对话辩证法观:从战国对话体赋的视点出发
5.Resolution of Dialectics of Nature and 0ntology Boundary Consciousness--Refutation to Opposition of the Dialectics of Domestic Philosophy Community;自然辩证法“消解”与本体论边界意识——对当前哲学界辩证法“对立论”话语的反思
6.Dialectics of Nature:To Be Developed and Never Dispelled--Refutes Opposition of the Dialectics of Nature and Dialectics of history;自然辩证法只能发展不容消解——评自然辩证法与历史辩证法的对立
7.Differentiation and analysis between dialectics and sophistry-criticizing the anti-China sophistry speech;辩证法和诡辩论的辨析——对诡辩反华论的批判
8.The animadversion of Fichte s emprise dialectic on Kant s intellectuality dialectic;费希特“行动辩证法”对康德“知性辩证法”的批判
9.Language,Conversation,and Imagination in Application of Critical Hermeneutics;语言、对话与想象:辩证诠释学的应用
10.Dialectics or Eclecticism: Dialectical Analysis on the Mean;辩证法还是折衷主义:对中庸思想的辩证分析
11.Plead for Engels--Natural Dialectics and the Opposition Between Marx and Engels;为恩格斯辩护——自然辩证法与“马恩对立论”
12.Paradox of Myth and Dialectics of Enlightenment--Toward a Critical Hermeneutics;吊诡的神话与启蒙辩证法:批判诠释学刍议
13.Dialectics and the Fate of Contemporary Philosophy--A Comment on T. Adorno s Reinterpretation of Dialectics;辩证法与当代哲学的命运——评阿多诺对辩证法的重新诠释
14.From Dialectics of Contradiction to Dialectics of Harmony;从矛盾辩证法到和谐辩证法——辩证法的历史变迁
15.(15)New Dialectical Conceptions: A Discourse Between Chinese Comparative Literature and Plural Cultures;新辩证观念:中国比较文学与多元文化对话
16.Dialectic studies how opposites can become identical.辩证法研究对立物是怎样变统一的。
17.The unity of opposites is the fundamental concept of dialectics.辩证法的基本观点就是对立面的统一。
18.Critique and Transcendence of Hegel s Dialectics by Marx;马克思对黑格尔辩证法的批判与超越

dialectics of dialogue对话辩证法
1.On Feuerbach s dialectics of dialogue;论费尔巴哈的对话辩证法
3)Dialectical contrast辩证对比
1.Thinking about the dialectic of management;关于管理辩证法的几点思考
2.Legal and Illegal of Application of Dialectic: Zhang Yi s Understanding Hegel s Ethic Theory Based on Metaphysical;辩证法运用的“合法”与“非法”——张颐论黑格尔伦理学说的形而上学基础
3.Rethinking On Luka cs’ Dialectic of Totality;卢卡奇“总体性的辩证法”再思考——读《历史与阶级意识》
1.Harmonious Moral Education Construction in Colleges in the sight of Marxist Dialectics;马克思主义辩证法视域中的高校和谐德育建设
2.On the Relations between Dialogue and Dialectics:A Philosophy Study on Dialogue Aesthetics;对话与辩证法的关联——对话美学的哲学审视
3.The Fate of Dialectics and the Construction of Chinese Modernity;辩证法的命运与中国现代性的建构
