反转柏拉图主义,to reverse Platonism
1)to reverse Platonism反转柏拉图主义
1.On the Meaning of the Platonism in Augustine's Theology柏拉图主义在奥古斯丁神学体系中的作用
2.Influence of Platonism on Romantic Theory柏拉图主义对浪漫主义诗论的影响
3.Nicolai Hartmann s value Platonism is a whole theory pattern, which is constituted of theory of value essence and relation and discovering and ideal and principle.哈特曼的价值柏拉图主义是由价值本质论、关系论、发现论、理想论、原则论等观点构成的一个完整的理论范式。

1.pertaining to or characteristic of or in accordance with Platonism.关于或具有柏拉图主义特征。
2.On the Neoplatonism in Mathematics and Some Related Questions;数学中的现代柏拉图主义与有关问题
3.A revival of Neo-Platonism or a system derived from it, as in the Middle Ages.新柏拉图主义柏拉图主义的复兴或由它发展而来的体系,如在中世纪时期
4.Neoplatonism The First Shit is the best shit.新柏拉图主义:原初的大便是最好的大便。
5.Theologization and Deconstruction of Platonic Mathematic Trut h柏拉图主义数学真理的神学化及其解构
6.The Influence of Neo-Platonism in Italy During the Renaissance;文艺复兴时期新柏拉图主义在意大利的影响
7.The Essence of the Western Theory of "Visual Society":The Inverted Platonism;西方“形象社会”理论的实质:颠倒的柏拉图主义
8.Nietzsche and Platonism;尼采和柏拉图主义——论尼采的“两个世界学说”
9.New-Platonic Dialectical Thought and Its Historical Status;新柏拉图主义的辩证法思想及其历史地位
10.Michelangelo's Literary and Artistic Creation and Neoplationsm米开朗基罗的文艺创作与新柏拉图主义
11.On the Meaning of the Platonism in Augustine's Theology柏拉图主义在奥古斯丁神学体系中的作用
12.In one sense, a Platonist is simply a person who knows more than most people know about Plato.从一种意义上说,一个柏拉图主义者只是一个比大多数人更了解柏拉图的人。
13.Late Greek ethics leads to mysticism--On neo - platoism ethics;晚期希腊伦理学的归结:神秘主义——新柏拉图主义的伦理学说
14.Platonism, Stoicism and Paul's theory about salvation by faith, are the main thought source of Christian universalism.柏拉图主义、斯多葛主义和保罗的因信得救说 ,是基督教普遍主义的主要思想来源。
15.In Neo-Platonism, the image of the absolute good, containing the cosmos of intelligible beings.奴斯在新柏拉图主义中,作为绝好的形象,包括易领悟的生物宇宙
16.In this paper, the historical evolution of Platonism in mathematic is analysed with philosophy.本文对数学中的柏拉图主义的历史演变,进行了哲学上的分析
17.Plato's aristocratic communism柏拉图的贵族式的平均共产主义
18.Basic Characteristics of Plato's Idealist Political Thought柏拉图理想主义政治思想的基本特征

1.On the Meaning of the Platonism in Augustine's Theology柏拉图主义在奥古斯丁神学体系中的作用
2.Influence of Platonism on Romantic Theory柏拉图主义对浪漫主义诗论的影响
3.Nicolai Hartmann s value Platonism is a whole theory pattern, which is constituted of theory of value essence and relation and discovering and ideal and principle.哈特曼的价值柏拉图主义是由价值本质论、关系论、发现论、理想论、原则论等观点构成的一个完整的理论范式。
1.The Influence of Neo-Platonism in Italy During the Renaissance;文艺复兴时期新柏拉图主义在意大利的影响
2.On Islamic Neo-Platonism;伊斯兰新柏拉图主义研究
3.Based on the illustration above,the paper concludes that the development of western traditional humanitarianism changes from nature-philosophy to philosophy shape centered on human-being and the integration of them,and then from ethical mind that adhere to the Individual Selfish Departmentalism to the Neo-Platonism that transcends reality.分别从古希腊早期(古朴时期)、古典时期及希腊化时期等几个阶段,阐述了人们对其自身的认识过程,由此得出西方传统人论思想的发展经历了由自然哲学向以人为中心的哲学形态的转变和二者的统一,以及随后的以个人生活为本位的伦理思想到最后超越现实的新柏拉图主义。
4)Platonist morality柏拉图主义道德
5)Platonism in mathematics数学柏拉图主义
1.Firstly, the article introduces the background of Italian Renaissance, and the cultural current of thought in detail-humanism and the philosophy current of thought-Neoplatonism.文章首先简单介绍意大利文艺复兴时期的历史背景,比较详细的介绍了当时的文化思潮——人文主义和哲学思潮——新柏拉图主义。
2.Neoplatonism was one of the important thoughts of the Renaissance.新柏拉图主义是文艺复兴时期重要思想之一。

反转 反转——  股价朝原来趋势的相反方向移动分为向上反转和向下反转。