远古时期,Age of Teras
1)Age of Teras远古时期
1.An Archeological Research on the Fishery during Age of Teras in the Yangtse Gorges Region长江三峡地区远古时期渔业的考古研究

1.Its origin dates back to remote antiquity.它起源于远古时期
2.A Study of Salt Resource of the Three Gorges and Immigrant Culture in the Period of Remote Antiquity远古时期三峡盐资源与移民文化述论
3.According to an old Chinese story, "Nian"was a monster in ancient time.有一个古老的传说,"年"是远古时期的一种怪兽。
4.An Archeological Research on the Fishery during Age of Teras in the Yangtse Gorges Region长江三峡地区远古时期渔业的考古研究
5.The Origin of "the Yangtze Delta Culture" In Ancient Times;“长三角”文化的远古溯源──远古时期“长三角”文化研究综述
6.They think that the oil under the surface of the earth originated in the distant past.他们认为地下的石油在远古时期就开始形成。
7.Research on Flooding and Dry Changjiang River at Three Gorges in Prehistoric Times;远古时期三峡地区长江洪、枯水位的考古研究(距今约15万年~1万年)
8.Above is the evidence that in previous times when fresh meat was in short supply, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of meat.以上就是证据,表明远古时期当新鲜的肉类短缺时,很多家庭养殖鸽子并把它作为肉的来源.
9.In the earliest times, prehistoric humans wore animal skins and bones and prayed to somehow become as swift or keeneyed or strong as the animals with which they shared the world.在远古时期,史前的人类穿戴着兽皮和兽骨,祈祷能变得像动物一样敏捷或者锐目或者强壮。
10."Known from ancient times, Beer was especially common in northern climates not conducive to grape cultivation for wine."在远古时期,尤其在不宜种植葡萄以酿制葡萄酒的北方地区,啤酒已是普通饮料。
11.There were original and natural styles of book-classification in ancient times and Seven Lue of Liu Xin and Han Records of Ban Gu were the inheritance and development of it.远古时期已有书籍的原始自然分类。 刘《略》、班《志》的出现是对此前目录学的继承和发展。
12.In the past thousand years, pain or happy, they had undergone decline and prosperous.他们从远古时期到现代文明社会,一直依靠驯鹿经济维持生活和求得发展。
13.Zep Tepi- the return of ancient knowledge at the end of this Cycle of Time.在这时间周期结束重现的远古知识。
15.Assimilation of poetry and music in the Spring and Autumn Warring periods in ancient China远古至春秋战国时期音乐与诗歌的同源性研究
16.The custom of celebrating the moon can be followed back as far as the Xia and Shang dynasties.中秋赏月的习俗可以追溯到远古的夏朝和殷商时期。
17.The Humane Environment and Evolution Features in Guo-guo Area;远古至西周时期虢国地区的人文环境及其演进特点
18.Classic period?Greek and Roman theatre;古典时期,即古希腊、罗马时期;

remote geologic time远古地质时期
3)In remote antiquity远古时代
4)In ancient countries,远古时代,
5)the ancient Shu period古蜀时期
6)The middle ancient times中古时期
