研究立场,the research position
1)the research position研究立场
1.Thirdly,the research position is gradually clear,from just paying attention to others to becoming conscious of our own sense and purpose.建国以来西方哲学史研究所取得的主要成就,呈现为研究水准显著提升,实现了从只见哲学不见历史到对"哲学就是哲学史"的深层认知;研究视阈明显扩展,实现了从只见西方不见东方到对中西哲学比较研究的深刻理解;研究立场逐步明晰,实现了从只见他者不见自我到对西方哲学史研究的主体自觉;研究范式不断转换,实现了从知识型研究到思想型研究的内在更迭等。

1.On the Fundamental Change of the Research Standpoint of Marx's Economics论马克思经济学研究立场的根本转变
2.Cultural Studies and Ideology On Position of Neutrality in Cultural Studies;文化研究与意识形态——评文化研究中的中立立场
3.A Study on the Relationship between FI/FD Learners and Speech Act Production场独立与场依赖型风格学习者的口语产出研究
4.The Establishment and Operation of China s Oil Futures Market Study;我国石油期货市场的建立与运作研究
5.The Study on the Feasibility of Establishing Western Regional Capital Market;建立西部区域资本市场的可行性研究
6.Researches on Instauration and Risk Prevention of Second-board Market of Our Country;我国二板市场的设立及风险防范研究
7.Literature Position and Culture Tendency in Contemporary Feminist Criticism;当代女性研究的文学立场与文化倾向
8.A research of discourse analysis into psychology;话语分析:心理学研究的一种新立场
9.Comparative Studies on the Spiritual Stands of Cao Yu s Tragedies and Comedies;曹禺悲剧与喜剧精神立场之比较研究
10.Research on Building a Common Shipping Market in the Northeast Asia;关于建立东北亚共同航运市场的研究
11.A research on the independence of the electromagnetic field invariants;关于电磁场不变量独立性问题的研究
12.Research on the Construction of New Area Offshore Financial Market in Tianjin Binhai天津滨海新区建立离岸金融市场研究
13.The Theoretical Analysis of establishment of Underwater Inhomogeneous Optic Field水下非均匀光场建立方法的理论研究
14.A Study on Salinger's Cultural Position Regulated by Habitus“习性”调节下的塞林格文化立场研究
15.Research on Ergodicity of Flow Field in the Mixing Tank of a Vertical Kneader立式捏合机混合釜内流场遍历性研究
16.“Standpoint of Education ” and “Standpoint of Pedagogy”--on Two Intentions about the Study of Educational Phenomena;“教育的立场”与“教育学的学科立场”——论研究教育现象的两种意向
17."Suspending" and "Be Far away from My own":Analysis and Critic of Value Free Stance in Qualitative Research“悬置”与“离我远去”:教育学质性研究价值中立立场分析与批判
18.LegCo Subcommittee on the Financing of Airport Core Programme立法会研究机场核心计划财政事宜小组委员会

researchers stand研究者立场
3)standpoint of educational research教育研究立场
4)legislation research立法研究
5)independent research独立研究
1.The triple visual angles that the research of the Chinese and Western aesthetic history of music in contemporary China inevitably touches upon are as follows: one is the independent research that takes itself as the object of the work,discussing the aesthetic proposition,the aesthetic category that arises from its own cultural ambience,etc.中国当代关于中西音乐美学史的研究必然涉及的三重视角:一是以自身为对象进行独立研究,探讨从自身文化氛围中产生出的美学范畴、美学命题等;二是以对方审美理论的问题视角作为参照进行比较研究;三是用现代的音乐美学理论言说方式对历代音乐美学思想进行阐释性美学研究。
6)launch research project立项研究
