研究视阈,the field of vision in study
1)the field of vision in study研究视阈
1.Secondly,the field of vision in study is gradually expanding,from only caring west but neglecting east to the comparative study between western philosophy and our main philosophy.建国以来西方哲学史研究所取得的主要成就,呈现为研究水准显著提升,实现了从只见哲学不见历史到对"哲学就是哲学史"的深层认知;研究视阈明显扩展,实现了从只见西方不见东方到对中西哲学比较研究的深刻理解;研究立场逐步明晰,实现了从只见他者不见自我到对西方哲学史研究的主体自觉;研究范式不断转换,实现了从知识型研究到思想型研究的内在更迭等。

1.Reflections on the Scope of the Studies of Japanese-Chinese Translation History;关于日汉翻译史研究视阈重构的思考
2.The Scientific Concept of Development as China s Publishing Threshold under the Development Research;科学发展观视阈下中国出版发展研究
3.An Analysis of National Identity in the Perspectives of Constructivism;建构主义视阈下国家身份问题的研究
4.The Research on Psychological Methodology from the View of Philosophy of Science;科学哲学视阈下的心理学方法论研究
5.A Study of Pupil Culture in the Angle of Student Life Development;学生生命发展视阈下的学生文化研究
6.Study in Chinese Teaching of Middle School in the Educational Visual Threshold of the Life;生命教育视阈中中学语文教学的研究
7.Classroom Culture-a New Point of View about Research on Interconrse between Students and Teacher;课堂文化—师生交往研究的一个新视阈
8.Study on American Service-learning in a Perspective of Citizenship Education;公民教育视阈中的美国服务学习研究
9.A Study of the State Behavior in the Perspective of Structural Realism;结构现实主义视阈下的国家行为研究
10.A Study of Translator s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics;认知语言学视阈下的译者主体性研究
11.Idea, Vision and Methods--Discussion on Calligraphy History Research;理念、视阈、方法——关于书法史研究的探讨
12.The Research on the Experience of Life:A New Visual Angle of Teacher s Professional Development;生活体验研究:教师专业发展的新视阈
13.Aesthetic Perspective of the Study of Literary Anthropology for a Century;百年文学人类学研究范式的审美视阈
14.Resistance of Poetics: Cultural Studies in the Visual Threshold of the Study of Literature;诗学的抵抗:文艺学视阈中的文化研究
15.The Chinese Bible and Cultural Capital文化资本视阈下的《圣经》汉译研究
16.Government Functions of the Regional Public Administration's Domain区域公共管理视阈下的政府职能研究
17.Issues about Construction of Governing Ability in Moral Perspective道德视阈下的执政能力建设问题研究
18.Research on Political Education from the Perspective of Higher Education Reform高教改革视阈下的思政教育路径研究

threshold study阈值研究
1.The caculation method combining with coupling study of water quantity and water quality, the threshold study are discussed.考虑到生态环境需水量的时空特性,探讨了结合水量水质耦合研究和阈值研究的生态环境需水量计算方法。
3)visual research视觉研究
4)TV Study电视研究
1.An Analysis of the TV Study Paradigm in the West;西方电视研究范式的价值分析
2.TV study is an important field of Cultural Study School.电视研究是伯明翰学派的重要领域,他们的研究,特别是后期的受众研究,是对美国经验学派长期主导的电视效果研究的一个反驳。
3.China s feminism-oriented TV study should do more than following the achievements of western researchers,but be established on the ground of localization,that is,on the ground of Chinese TV culture and China s own TV study.中国自己的女性主义电视研究不应该只是对西方研究者的机械模仿 ,而应立足于中国本土的电视文化 ,立足于中国本土的电视研究 ,用女性主义的批评视角去重新审视男权中心意识下的中国电视文化。
5)perspective of research研究视角
6)research vision研究视点
