救赎时间观,Time concept of salvation
1)Time concept of salvation救赎时间观
2)doctrine of redemption救赎观
1.Tillisch s definition of "real Marxism" compares the conception of people, conception of history, doctrine of redemption, etc.蒂利希对“真正的马克思主义”的界定 ,把马克思的人观、历史观、救赎观等与基督教进行了比较 ,并认为 ,马克思思想既受基督教文化的影响 ,同时又与基督教神学有本质的区

1.Spiritual Quests in Wise Blood: Flannery O Connor s View of Salvation;从《慧血》中的精神探索看奥康纳的宗教救赎观
2.The Defection and Retrieval of Love--A Brief Discussion About Post-modern Mode of Love in Haiyan s Works Through The Merciful Buddhist Nun;爱的背叛与救赎——谈海岩作品《玉观音》中的爱情观
3.Willa Cather s View on Happiness and the Spiritual Redemption of Modern Humanity;薇拉·凯瑟的幸福观和现代人的精神救赎
4.Redemption of Sexual Passion--The Ming Dynasty s conception of courtship and marriage in Feng Menglong s Three Short-Story Collections;情欲的救赎——从“三言”艳遇故事看明人婚恋观念
5.The Aesthetic Redemption of Tragic Life--On Nietzsche's Aesthetic Philosophy of Life生命悲剧的审美救赎——论尼采的审美人生观
6.Saving the Frail Soul:the Present Crisis in the Teenagers' Value Education and Its Relieving拯救孱弱的灵魂——我国当前青少年价值观教育的危机与救赎
7.Critical Redemption--On Faulkner s Ethnic Perspective from Christmas in Light in August;批判式的救赎——从《八月之光》主人公克里斯默斯看福克纳的种族观
8.Plight of Life and Rescue of Art--On Nietzsche s Aesthetic View;人生的困境与艺术的救赎——尼采的艺术美学观刍议
9.Comparison of the 'Blood' Image in "Medicine" and "Chronicle of a Blood Merchant"孤独的救赎——《药》与《许三观卖血记》中的“血”意象之比较
10.You are my Lord and Savior!"您是我的主,我的救赎者。
11.To deliver from sin and its consequences.赎救从罪恶及其后果中把人解救出来
12.bringing about salvation or redemption from sin.从罪过中得到拯救或者救赎。
13.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. <The Shawshank Redemption >坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。《肖申克的救赎》
14.Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies.求你亲近我,救赎我。求你因我的仇敌把我赎回。
15.Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes.18求你亲近我,救赎我。求你因我的仇敌把我赎回。
16."For the Lord has given a price for Jacob, and made him free from the hands of him who was stronger than he."因耶和华救赎了雅各,救赎他脱离比他更强之人的手。
17.Zion will be redeemed with justice And her repentant ones with righteousness.赛1:27锡安必因公平得蒙救赎、其中归正的人、必因公义得蒙救赎。
18."Upright acts will be the price of Zion's forgiveness, and by righteousness will men be living there."锡安必因公平得蒙救赎,其中归正的人,必因公义得蒙救赎。

doctrine of redemption救赎观
1.Tillisch s definition of "real Marxism" compares the conception of people, conception of history, doctrine of redemption, etc.蒂利希对“真正的马克思主义”的界定 ,把马克思的人观、历史观、救赎观等与基督教进行了比较 ,并认为 ,马克思思想既受基督教文化的影响 ,同时又与基督教神学有本质的区
3)Time Buying时间赎买
1.Significance and approaches of salvation of cultural relics through tourism development in TGP reservoir area;旅游业救赎三峡库区文化遗存的意义及途径
2.Tuya’s Marriage: Tuya’s Love Salvation;《图雅的婚事》:图雅的爱情救赎
3.The Lost Life, the Romantic Salvation;迷途的人生 浪漫的救赎——小说《蓝色的马》解读
1.The Suffering and Redemption of Contemporary Job;当代“约伯”的苦难与救赎
1.Lu Xun s thought is profound because of his despair,simultaneously,the more significant significance lies in his revolting against despair refusing to be shared,and has the quality of redeeming,which is closely connected with solitude,has historical value forever.鲁迅因其绝望而深刻,而同时他又抗争绝望,拒绝分享,孤独地走向救赎。
2.Weber thinks that moden art,including literature,have the function of redeem to these negative consequences.韦伯则认为现代艺术(包括文学)具有对这种后果进行“救赎”的功能。
3.It signifies that novel queries and criticizes reality,affirms and redeems man s value, and explores reality,affirms and redeems man s value,and explores and inquires the existence.昆德拉基于当下特定社会语境而提出的一个重要的理论概念,它意味着小说对现实进行批判和质疑,对人的价值进行肯定和救赎,对存在进行追问和探索。

救赎论  见基督教神学。