古希腊辩证法,ancient Greek dialectics
1)ancient Greek dialectics古希腊辩证法
1.Differentiation of the ancient Greek dialectics and result古希腊辩证法的分化及其后果
2)Greek dialectics希腊辩证法
1.After introducing to Rome, ancient Greek dialectics brings Rome s law science into the ancient Greek field with scientific job,which makes it change into real legal science.传入罗马之后,古希腊辩证法又将罗马法学带入了古希腊的职业科学之门,并使之转变为真正意义上的法律科学。
3)prime number filter of ancient greek古希腊筛法
5)Athens constitution of Ancient Greece古希腊雅典宪法

1.Aristotle's Philosophical and Political Orientation on Athens Constitution Reform of Ancient Greece亚里士多德对古希腊雅典宪法改革的哲学政治学取向论要
2.A characteristic feature of Attic Greek.雅典式的习语,文体,风格等古希腊雅典个性风格
3.the territory of Athens in ancient Greece.古希腊的雅典的一个地区。
4.the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken and written in Attica and Athens.阿提卡和雅典所用的古希腊方言。
5.a district of ancient Greece northwest of Athens.古希腊一地区,位于雅典东北部。
6.the citadel in ancient Greek towns.是古希腊城市雅典的根据地。
7.Greece's best writers lived in ancient Athens.希腊最好的作家就生活于古代雅典。
8.The two eyes of Greece.希腊古代的两座城市"雅典"和"斯巴达"。
9.Influence of the wars on Athens City in the Classical Age of Greece希腊古典时期的战争对雅典城市的影响
10.From Politeia to Ochlocracy: Athenian Democracy in Writings of the Classical Greek Age;从理想到暴政——古典时代希腊人的雅典民主观
11.An Approach to the Reconstruction of a Greek Late Archaic Sculpture of a Girl,The kore Athen,Acropolis 682考尔雅典女神,雅典卫城682——一尊希腊古典晚期雕塑的重建工作(英文)
12.On the Position and Effect of the Athens Intellectuals in Ancient Greek Education History;雅典知识分子在古希腊教育史上的地位和作用
13.The Effect of the Social Reform on Athens s Becoming the Centre of Ancient Greek Civilizations;社会改革对雅典之成为古希腊文明中心的影响
14.The Athenian Democracy Political Context and the Generation of Greek Tragedy雅典公民政治语境与古希腊悲剧的生成
15.The capital of Greece is Athens.希腊的首都是雅典.
16.The puristic, archaizing form of Modern Greek, which contains morphological and lexical features borrowed from Koine.纯正希腊语现代希腊语的纯正的古典形式,包括一些从古希腊共通语借来的词法和词汇特点
17.The funeral oration is an old custom and tradition in ancient Greece, it was very typical in Athens.葬礼演说是古代希腊一个悠久的风俗与传统,在雅典表现尤其突出。
18.Comparison between Culture of Zhao Kingdom in pre Qin Period and the Reformative Opening Spirit in Athenian Culture先秦赵文化与古希腊雅典文化改革开放精神比较

Greek dialectics希腊辩证法
1.After introducing to Rome, ancient Greek dialectics brings Rome s law science into the ancient Greek field with scientific job,which makes it change into real legal science.传入罗马之后,古希腊辩证法又将罗马法学带入了古希腊的职业科学之门,并使之转变为真正意义上的法律科学。
3)prime number filter of ancient greek古希腊筛法
5)Athens constitution of Ancient Greece古希腊雅典宪法
6)Ancient Greece古希腊
1.Different in Approach but Equally Satisfactory in Result, Come down in one Continuous Line ——the Analysis of Finery Style of Ancient Greece or Rome;异曲同工 一脉相承——古希腊、古罗马服饰风格分析
2.Contrast of dress style between ancient Egypt and ancient Greece;古埃及、古希腊服饰风格的比较
