柏拉图路向,road to dialectics of Plato
1)road to dialectics of Plato柏拉图路向
1.Application of Plato s statistical list in the evaluation of quality of health education by stage;应用柏拉图统计表阶段性评价健康教育质量
2.A Comparison between Plato s and Confucius Educational Thoughts;试比较孔子和柏拉图的教育思想

1.Necessity is the mother of invention.--Plato需要为发明之母。——柏拉图
2.an advocate of Platonism.柏拉图哲学的提倡者。
3.Plato was born of a distinguished family.柏拉图出生于名门。
4.International Society for Neoplatonic Studies国际新柏拉图研究学会
5.Plato regards wrongdoing as stemming purely from ignorance.柏拉图认为恶源于无知;
6.From "The New Socrates Approach" to "The New Plato s Approach";从“新苏格拉底法”到“新柏拉图法”
7.The Simple Exploration of the Theory of Naming about Plato’s Cratylus浅析柏拉图《克拉底鲁篇》的命名理论
8.The Dualism and Contradiction of Plato s Poetics and Aesthetic Thought--the Reading Notes of Plato s Collected Editions;柏拉图诗学与美学思想的双重性和矛盾性——《柏拉图全集》阅读札记
9.Idea As the Methodological Kernel of Plato s Poetics and Aesthetics: Notes on Plato s Completed Works;相:柏拉图诗学与美学思想方法论的元点——《柏拉图全集》阅读札记
10.What if Plato made up the story for mythic purposes?如果柏拉图所写的只是个神话故事呢?
11.of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy.属于、关于或代表柏拉图或他的哲学。
12.On the desk there was a bronze figure of Plato.书桌上有一尊柏拉图的铜像。
13.Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself. --Plato思想是灵魂在同自己交谈。——柏拉图
14.Plato's school for advanced education.学园柏拉图创建的高等教育学校
15.Plato wove historical fact into literary myth.柏拉图把历史事迹编写成文学神话。
16.Much of Plato's thinking was assimilated into Christianity.柏拉图的许多思想都为基督教所吸收。
17.Plato found himself in the middle of this controversy.柏拉图发现自己身处这一争论之中。
18.Senec and Plato call me from thy lore,塞内加和柏拉图叫我离开你那套,

1.Application of Plato s statistical list in the evaluation of quality of health education by stage;应用柏拉图统计表阶段性评价健康教育质量
2.A Comparison between Plato s and Confucius Educational Thoughts;试比较孔子和柏拉图的教育思想
3)Plato Shape柏拉图体
1.A Study on the Function of Scientific Cognition and Aesthetics of “Plato Shape”;论“柏拉图体”的科学认知与审美功能
4)Platon beauty柏拉图美
5)Platonic solids柏拉图实体
6)platonic solid柏拉图立体
1.An idea of implementing three-dimensional model for coloring mode of Platonic solids in accordance with space rotational group of Platonic solids is raised, and the problem in constructing three-dimensional model directly related to symmetry is thus resolved.提出用柏拉图立体的空间旋转群来完成柏拉图立体着色方案三维模型构造的思想,解决与对称性直接相关的着色方案三维模型的构造问题;提出一种柏拉图立体旋转群群元新的分类方法;提出群元抽象对称性、局部色数和饱和色数3个新概念;提出对抽象对象进行抽象着色方案的构造,然后再将抽象着色方案映射到具体的轮换上,最后映射到三维模型空间去的构造方法,设计了实现该方法的算法,并用Visual C++6。
