启蒙主体,Enlightenment subject
1)Enlightenment subject启蒙主体

1.The rethinking to the pioneers in Nahan and Panghuang;《呐喊》、《彷徨》对于启蒙主体的反思与拷问
2.Dissertation about Tool and Subject of Culture Enlightment--Discuss the construction of Culture Enlightment Theory in the Strength of Moluosspoetry;文化启蒙的工具论和主体论——论《摩罗诗力说》对文化启蒙理论的建构
3.The Ethnic Identity Conformation and the Enlightenment Dimension in Mr.Rou Shi s Novel Writing;柔石小说创作中的主体认同与启蒙向度
4.Enlightening,ehlightening:the dilemma of the enlightening -- Why am I not an unconventional moralist;启蒙,启蒙:启蒙的两难——我为什么不是一个道德形而上主义者
5.The Anxiety of the Significance--From"Pang Huang"to See Lu Xun s Tragical Experience about the May Fourth Movement;意义的焦虑——从《彷徨》看鲁迅五四启蒙主义的悲剧体验
6.A Conflict between Style and Didacticism Recital--An Analysis of Reformism Novel Theory文体与启蒙叙事的对抗——改良主义小说理论内在困境剖析
7.The Puzzlement and Solution of Enlightenment--On the three problems of Chinese Enlightenment literature in 20th century;启蒙的困惑与出路——关于20世纪中国启蒙主义文学的三个问题
8.On the Relations between Liang Qi-ch ao s Thought and Literary Theory and the Enlightenment;梁启超思想暨文论与欧洲启蒙主义的关系
9.The Irrational Tendency in Enlightenment Written by Wang Guowei;王国维启蒙思想中的非理性主义倾向
10.On the Change of Lu Xun s Ideas of Enlightenment--Starting with a Discussion on Blessing;论鲁迅启蒙主义观的转变——从《祝福》说起
11.From Enlightenment to Revolution:the Evolution of Romanticism in Modern China;从启蒙到革命:中国浪漫主义的嬗变
12.Analysis on Huang Zongxi s Democratic Idea of Enlightenment and Its Historic Position;试论黄宗羲民主启蒙思想之历史地位
13.Nirvana phoenix--Review about enlightenism of new period;涅槃的凤凰——新时期的启蒙主义述评
14.The Dialectic of the Enlightenment and Ecofeminist Criticism;《启蒙的辩证法》和生态女性主义批评
15.Consideration, Criticism and Enlightenment--Analysing the Essay Theme of Wang Xiao - bo;反思、批判与启蒙——浅析王小波杂文主题
16.Zhao Shuli: the Role-remolding of a Man of Enlightenment;赵树理:一个启蒙主义者的角色改塑
17.The Thought About the Enlightenment :An Important Literary Subject of the War of Resistance Against Aggression;启蒙主义:中国抗战文学的重要话题
18.Content brief introduction;中西启蒙“民主”观在价值源头上的差异

the Enlightenment启蒙主义
1.Lu Xun s Concept of the Enlightenment Novel;鲁迅的启蒙主义小说观念
2.In "Crying Out""and in"Loss",especially in "Putting Before The Public",Lu Xun portrayed "On-lookers" who generally appeared as the image of the unnamed mediocre persons from the perspective of the Enlightenment indeed.在《呐喊》和《彷徨》中,特别是《示众,》鲁迅确实是从启蒙主义角度来写"看客"的。
3.So the Enlightenment has become weaker and weaker.当代启蒙主义思潮从一开始就受到了来自西方现代主义思潮和本土世俗化浪潮的双重挑战。
1.National Literary Complex in the Enlightenment and its revelation;启蒙主义的民族文学情结及其启示
2.Modernity and Chinese Enlightenment Literature;现代性与中国启蒙主义文学思潮
3.In the face of National Crises, enlightenment was the"emergent"task for China and Korea.所以两国产生了以启蒙主义为主导的新文学。
1.From the "Fifth Generation" to the "Sixth Generation",Chinese contemporary avant-garde movies come through the change from didacticism to post-modernism,which reflects the changing rule of Chinese social culture trend during new era.从"第五代"到"第六代",中国当代先锋电影经历了从启蒙主义到后现代主义的流变,其演进脉络反映了新时期中国社会整体文化思潮的运转逻辑。
2.In the context of enlightened 1980s, the humanist didacticism presented in the women literature and the efforts of rebuilding subjectivity of women could not meet the inner requests of women s self-development, and the expressions of human subjectivity of neo-didacticism could not naturally agree to the goals of women subjectivity.在20世纪80年代的启蒙语境中,女性文学创作始终不渝遵循的人道启蒙以及重建个人自主性的努力,与女性自身发展的内在要求并不完全一致;新启蒙主义关于“人”的主体性的知识表达与建立女性主体的目标并非天然契合。
3.Summary:An explicit continuation and transition of didacticism can be found LuXun to ZhaoShuLi,forkx-ample from the topic"people" to "peasant",from "bad nature" to "question",which are to be discussed in three aspects.从鲁迅到赵树理,启蒙主义有明显的继承也有明显的转换;从“国民”向“农民”,从“劣根性”向“问题”,文章从三个方面讨论这一转换的现实意义。
5)enlightenment theme启蒙主题
1.This essay holds that, as far as the May-4th period is concerned, the trend of enlightening thoughts is a consistent, generalized and integralizing trend.本文认为,就“五四”时代而言,“启蒙主义文学思潮”是一个贯穿始终、并在发展过程中起着对多种多样观念进行整合的“总思潮”现象。
