先天形式,priori form
1)priori form先天形式
1.In fact,what Kant deemed that we could only know the phenomena(not "things-in-itself")in terms of a priori forms should be appropriate since there is always some subjectivity(or subjective elements)in our understanding of the world,and what we have known is not "thing-in-itself",but the "phenomenon" or "appearance",as termed by Kant.康德认为通过先天形式认识到的是现象,而不是"自在之物"。
2)The form of a priori先天的形式
3)innate cognitive form先天的认识形式
4)apriori forms of intuition先天直观形式
5)Congenital Malformation先天畸形
1.Relationship between family history and environmental factors and congenital malformation;先天畸形与家族史及环境因素关系
2.The Histological Observation and Comparation of Several Congenital Malformation Fetal Skeletal Muscles;几种先天畸形胎儿的骨骼肌组织学观察与比较
3.Comparative study on influencing factors of congenital malformation in different population;不同人群先天畸形影响因素比较

1.malformation of central nervous system中枢神经系统先天畸形
2.Analysis of 14156 Hospitalized Chindren with Congenital Malformations;14156例先天畸形住院儿童情况分析
3.He is bear with a slight deformity of the foot which make him limp他的脚稍有先天畸形, 走起路来一瘸一拐的
4.He was born with a slight deformity of the foot which made him limp.他的脚稍有先天畸形, 走起路来一瘸一拐的.
5.He was born with a slight deformity of the foot which make him limp.他的脚稍有先天畸形,走起路来一瘸一拐的。
6.a congenital deformity [disease]先天性的畸形 [疾病]
7.A congenital abnormality of the skull in which the top of the head assumes a conical or pointed shape.尖头畸形头颅的一种先天性畸形,头的顶部形成锥形或尖形
8.Radiographic Analysis of Congenital Deformity of Kidney and Ureter肾脏及输尿管先天性畸形的X线分析
9.X-ray Diagnosis of Newborn Congenital Digestive Tract Malformation新生儿先天性消化道畸形x线诊断
10.Congenital Deformity of Middle Ear先天性中耳畸形(附14例16耳报告)
11.Research and analysis of congenital malformation in 5253 cases of new-born5253例围产儿中先天性畸形的调查分析
12.The Clinical Analysis of 106 Female Patients with Congenital Genital Malformation;女性先天性生殖器畸形106例临床分析
13.The research of animal model setting-up in congenital heart disease小鼠先天性心脏畸形动物模型的建立
14.Imaging findings on 101 cases with congenital urinary malformations.101例先天性泌尿系畸形的影像学研究
15.Echocardiographic features of congenital mitral valve anomalies先天性二尖瓣畸形的超声心动图特征
16.Mutational Analysis of EYA1 and SIX1 Gene in Chinese Patients with Microtia先天性小耳畸形EYA1和SIX1基因检测分析
17.Nephrotic Syndrome and Congenital Multi-Malformation Syndrome肾病综合征与先天性多发畸形综合征
18.Diagnosis of congenital multlimb malformation with 64-slice CT:case report64层螺旋CT诊断先天性多肢畸形1例

The form of a priori先天的形式
3)innate cognitive form先天的认识形式
4)apriori forms of intuition先天直观形式
5)Congenital Malformation先天畸形
1.Relationship between family history and environmental factors and congenital malformation;先天畸形与家族史及环境因素关系
2.The Histological Observation and Comparation of Several Congenital Malformation Fetal Skeletal Muscles;几种先天畸形胎儿的骨骼肌组织学观察与比较
3.Comparative study on influencing factors of congenital malformation in different population;不同人群先天畸形影响因素比较
6)Congenital deformity先天畸形
1.This article summarized in two aspects, of which one aspect is about the obstetric risk factors such as maternal pregnancy age, addiction (cigarette smoking, cocaine abuse), fetal sex and the another aspect is about the influence of such risk factors on the fetus such as congenital deformity, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), low birth weight, respiratory distress syndrome(RDS).国内外对前置胎盘发生的原因及对胎儿的影响已有深入的研究 ,就其发生的产科危险因素包括孕妇年龄、不良嗜好 (吸烟、可卡因的滥用 )、胎儿性别 ,及其对胎儿的影响包括先天畸形、宫内发育迟缓、低体重、呼吸窘迫综合征这两方面进行综

先天知性形式  18世纪德国古典哲学家I.康德提出的人的认识能力的一种形式。指其范畴表所列的诸范畴,是思维借以取得知识的基本前提。康德认为,知性不能直观,感性不能思维,只有当它们联合起来时才能产生知识,知性的认识功能是把感性所接受的杂多的内容进行综合统一,使之形成有规律的、有内在联系的统一体,从而建立起知识的"对象"或"客体"。知性的这种积极的能动性表现为"判断"。"判断"这种思维活动,有赖于知性自身提供的纯概念。这种纯概念不是感性杂多,是纯粹的形式。这种纯概念由于是知性自身的,不是来自经验的,因此是先天的。所谓"先天知性形式"即是这种由知性自身提供的纯概念,它表现出知性的自发的能动性。    康德从知性或思维的判断作用来说明知性是能动的,又以亚里士多德的传统逻辑为基础,从判断形式的分类推演出他自己的范畴体系,也即先天知性形式的体系,包括:①量的范畴(单一性、复多性、总体性);②质的范畴(实在性、否定性、限制性);③"关系"范畴(依附性与实体性、原因性与结果性、交互性);④"样式"范畴(可能性与不可能性、存在性与不存在性、必然性与偶然性)。康德认为,这些范畴是人们进行思维的先天条件。