神学意志主义,theological voluntarism
1)theological voluntarism神学意志主义
1.Their disputation reflects fully the profound bifurcation in world view between the theological intellectualism and theological voluntarism in early modern natural philosophy.莱布尼茨与克拉克的著名论战因其牵涉到时间、空间、引力等重大的自然科学问题而备受关注,然实际上自然神学方为双方争论之焦点,此论战充分反映出早期近代自然哲学的神学理性主义与神学意志主义在世界观上的深刻分歧。
2)voluntaristic pantheism意志主义的泛神论
1.On Voluntarism of Ancient Greek Philosophy and Marxism: With Regard to the Analyses of Its Relationship with Chinese Traditional Thoughts;唯意志主义和马克思主义的古希腊哲学观──兼析与中国传统思想的关系
2.Humanism is one of the contemporary western two greatest philosophies current of thoughts, it includes many philosophies flows, for example: Voluntarism, life doctrine, Pragmatism, Existentialism, philosophy of Sigmund Frend etc.人本主义作为现代西方两大哲学思潮之一,它包含了许多哲学流派学说,例如:唯意志主义、生命主义、实用主义、存在主义、弗洛伊德主义等等。
3.In fact,its emergence and development represent the conflict between voluntarism and law of science and the paradox between theory and reality.十月革命的发生、发展,体现了科学法则与唯意志主义间的悖论和理论与现实间的吊诡。

1.The Historical Starting Point of Axiology Aesthetics;价值论美学的历史起点——唯意志主义美学的评价
2.On Voluntarism of Ancient Greek Philosophy and Marxism: With Regard to the Analyses of Its Relationship with Chinese Traditional Thoughts;唯意志主义和马克思主义的古希腊哲学观──兼析与中国传统思想的关系
3.Personal Reality:the Starting Point for the Interpretation of Historical Materialism--Exploration on German Theory;现实的个人:历史唯物主义的起点——对《德意志意识形态》的解读
4.New Materialism and Its Origin--These on Feuerbach and German Ideology;新唯物主义的诞生地——《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》和《德意志意识形态》研究
5.The practical significance of studing the subject theory of historical materialism;历史唯物主义主体论研究的现实意义
6.Marx and Engels called themselves "practical materialist" in their literature The German Ideology.马克思和恩格斯在《德意志意识形态》中把自己称作是"实践的唯物主义者"。
7.Evolution of the Concept Individual and the Foundation of Historical Materialism:Critique on Stirner s Egoism in German Ideology;个人概念的变革与唯物史观的创立——《德意志意识形态》对施蒂纳利己主义的批判
8.Materialism of History Based on the Meaning of World Outlook;论“世界观”意义上的历史唯物主义
9.In What Aspect Does Feuerbach s Materialism Belong to the Old Materialism;费尔巴哈的唯物主义在何种意义上属于旧唯物主义
10.Why Historical Materialism is Possible--Oneness of Double Meaning of "History" of Historical Materialism历史唯物主义何以可能——历史唯物主义之“历史”双重意义的统一性
11.An ideological study as a pre-solution of materialist monism;意识问题:唯物主义一元论的解决前景
12.The Practical Materialistic Connotation of Sollen;论“应然”范畴的实践唯物主义意蕴
13.Zhang Cheng-zhi s heroic characteristics and its social implication;张承志的英雄主义特征及其社会意义
14.Only men of great resolution“唯有意志非常坚强的人
15.View of communism in "German Ideology";《德意志意识形态》中的共产主义观
16.Misunderstanding,Or Neglecting?--to Discuss with Zhu Bao-xin,and on Broad-sense Historical Materialism;误解,还是忽视?——与朱宝信同志商榷,兼论广义历史唯物主义
17.How to Explain the Historical Materialism as the Sense of "World Outlook;如何破解作为“世界观”意义的历史唯物主义
18.On the Foundation of Historical Materialism in the Doctrine of Alienated Labour;论异化劳动学说对于历史唯物主义的奠基意义

voluntaristic pantheism意志主义的泛神论
1.On Voluntarism of Ancient Greek Philosophy and Marxism: With Regard to the Analyses of Its Relationship with Chinese Traditional Thoughts;唯意志主义和马克思主义的古希腊哲学观──兼析与中国传统思想的关系
2.Humanism is one of the contemporary western two greatest philosophies current of thoughts, it includes many philosophies flows, for example: Voluntarism, life doctrine, Pragmatism, Existentialism, philosophy of Sigmund Frend etc.人本主义作为现代西方两大哲学思潮之一,它包含了许多哲学流派学说,例如:唯意志主义、生命主义、实用主义、存在主义、弗洛伊德主义等等。
3.In fact,its emergence and development represent the conflict between voluntarism and law of science and the paradox between theory and reality.十月革命的发生、发展,体现了科学法则与唯意志主义间的悖论和理论与现实间的吊诡。
4)German Feudalism德意志封建主义
1.A Token of the Duality of German Feudalism;德意志封建主义两重性的标本
5)Germany nationalism德意志民族主义
6)will to meaning意义意志
