责任命令,order of responsibility
1)order of responsibility责任命令
1.As a result,the German-American philosopher Hans Jonas innovated in,criticized and made use of Kant\'s theory on its foundation of existence and put forward the "order of responsibility" which agreed with the new technological time.约纳斯从存在的根基着手对康德的"绝对命令"进行创新与扬弃,提出了适应新的技术时代要求的"责任命令"。

1.From 'Imperative Order' to 'Order of Responsibility'--On Hans Jonas's Reflections on Kant's Moral Philosophy in Technological Times从“绝对命令”到“责任命令”——汉斯·约纳斯对康德道德哲学的反思
2.accountable warrant责任支出之支付命令
3.accountable warrants(指未经事前审核的) 责任支付命令
4.On The Penal Liability For Those Armymen Executing Illegal Orders论军人执行违法命令行为的刑事责任
5.To perform the obligations or demands of(an office, duty, or task).履行义务,执行命令履行义务;执行(公务、职责或任务)的命令
6.If a soldier obeys the illegal order from a superior office, what punishment he should bear.以及一旦执行了违法命令将如何承担法律责任。
7.Alternatively, the President may issue administrative orders directing responsible parties to take protective action.替代性的办法是,总统可以颁布行政命令,责令责任方采取保护性措施。
8.Such state court orders may not, however, provide polluters with a complete screen from liability.然而,这种州法院的命令不可能彻底地庇护污染者逃避责任。
9.for an order declaring the issues of liability, proximate cause and/or damages established without substantial controversy as against defendants申请命令以声明对被告的责任、成因、和/或损害问题确定没有争议,
10.It is the responsibility of all political leaders to enforce civilian control and the responsibility of the military to obey the lawful orders of civilian authorities.所有政治领导人都有责任实施文官统率军队,并使军队履行其服从文职政府合法命令的职责。
11.Court order which binds someone over法院责令某人守法的命令
12.Court order which bind someone over.法院责令某人守法的命令。
13.To appoint to a naval or military command.委派任命司令官或舰长
14.No Party member is permitted to disobey orders!不许任何人不执行命令!
15.The management of any large incident requires command, control and coordination to bring a sense of order and accountability to major events and incidents.任何大型突发事件的管理要求指挥、控制和合作,以达到对重大事件和突发事件的命令和责任。
16.The president is responsible for the designation of ambassadors.总统负责对大使的任命。
17.The Liability of the Crime of Grave Accident under the Condition of Being Compelled;论重大责任事故罪在“强令”情况下的“责任范围”
18."Take responsibility for your finances or take orders all your life. You're either a master of money or a slave to it.""为你的财务负起责任或一生只听从别人的命令,你要么是金钱的主人,要么是金钱的奴隶。

imperative of responsibility责任的命令
3)stressing solicitude责任与使命
4)sense of responsibi1ity责任使命感
5)moral mission and responsibility道德使命与责任
6)sense of mission and responsibility责任感与使命感
1.The writer supposes that another aspect of "historians morality" , which is "sense of mission and responsibility" , is the real reason for the prosperity.笔者以为“史德”的另一面,即“史家的责任感与使命感”才是这钟情况形成的真正原因。

《国防人民委员命令》《国防人民委员命令》Order of the Day of the People's Commissar of Defense of the U.S.S.R.  Guofong Renmin Weiyuan Mingli-《国防人民委员命令》(order。Da少,ofthe Pe,)P le’5 Ct)mmissarofDefe‘tll“U及S.R.)斯大林评述苏德战争和阐发决定战争命运主要因素问题的著作。是斯大林以苏联国防人民委员义J几1942年2月23日在莫斯科发}t}令,编为第55号。同日刊载于苏联《报》,1952年收人《论苏联伟大卫国占一书。中译文约4 000字,全文收人《林文选》和《斯大林军事文集》。 命令首先综述了苏德战争的形势出:8个月前,法西斯德国背信弃义地r突然袭击,满以为苏联红军将-溃,可是他们失算r,既没有估计到苏军的力量、后方的巩固和人民争取胜意志,也没有认清自身的虚弱性;苏联级然被迫退却,放弃一部分领l几,但在中沉垂打击r德军,击破其“闪击”t“现在德因军队已经没有战争最初儿个那种山于背信弃义突然进攻所造成的 乍心吃皿刀口.PO月T几1 Ile可势事名命理珊大指动即红的军却:l],吧事苏联卫国战争期间的宣传画“一切为了前优势了”。然后阐述了对战争胜败规律郎识,提出关于决定战争命运的五个因舜原理,指出:“现在战争的命运不会由李性这种偶然因素来决定,而要由那些色起作用的因素—后方的巩固性,军口士气,师的数量和质量,军队的装备,场指挥人员的组织能力来决定。”这个原延看作是正确认识苏德战争前途的理钱器,鼓舞了苏联军民的斗志和必胜信念,明了争取卫国战争胜利的方向,并有夕批判了A.希特勒的“闪击战略”。 《国防人民委员命令》对于指导苏尾国战争的胜利,起了重要指导作用。 (徐晓村仄均冰常均汰妓武脂池卫