人心决断,the decisiveness of human heart
1)the decisiveness of human heart人心决断

1.The Decisiveness of Human Heart:the Fort of Peace--Karl Jaspers' Interpretation of Kant's on Permanent Peace人心决断:和平的堡垒——卡尔·雅斯贝尔斯对康德《永久和平论》的解释
2.A vacillating person finds it hard to make up his mind.优柔寡断的人不容易下定决心。
3.The judgment of an arbitrator or arbiter.仲裁者或公断人的判决。
4.That man lacks decision.那个人缺乏决断力。
5.The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.果断,决意态度坚决的状态或品质;坚定的决心
6.A decision made by an umpire or a referee.判决由公断人或裁判员作出的决定
7.Continually strive for patience, perseverance, determination, and rational action.不断地为耐心、毅力、决断和理性的行为作努力.
8.George was determined to break off with those racists.乔治决心和那些种族主义者一刀两断。
9.Correct decisions stem from correct judgement.正确的决心来源于正确的判断。
10.discontinuance [ICSID]中断诉讼 [解决投资争端国际中心]
11.Correct decisions stem from correct judgments.正确的决心来自于正确的判断。
12.hearts were breaking on their account;有人为他们伤心断肠,
13.Anonymous terrorist attacks on its people and property are likely to harden that resolve.针对印度人民的生命和财产的匿名恐怖袭击不断,这将有可能使这一决心变得更为坚定。
14.They were determined to wreak vengence on the enemy.他们决心向敌人报仇。
15.The thrilling semi-finals set the stage for what should be a great game.半决赛尚且激动人心,决赛将更扣人心弦了。
16.Julie hesitated, and resolved to take counsel.尤莉心里犹豫不决,决定找人商量一下。
17.ask for advice, But do what you think is Best.征求别人意见,自己作出决断。
18.His chin have the squareness which mark the man of determination.他的四方下颚标志著男人的决断力。

a man of determination [great resolution]有决断的人
3)a man of determination有决断力的人
1.The most significant concepts like exception, sovereignty, decision in his theoretical system have not only absorbed the tradition of normativism, but also that of decisionism.在其理论体系里最具有标识性意义的非常状态、主权和决断这三个概念中,既有挥之不去的规范主义的传统刻痕,又有所谓“决断主义”的野性取向,而其思想与方法,则无不飘忽着与传统神学具有“结构同一性”的投影,这乃是由他的“(法学)概念的社会学”,尤其是所谓的“精神史的”(geistesgeschichtlich)方法所决定的,而其最终目的,则是为了建构一种有神论的政治宪法学。

人心1.人的心地。 2.特指善良的心地﹑良心。 3.指人们的意愿﹑感情等。