乌托邦哲学,utopian philosophy
1)utopian philosophy乌托邦哲学
1.Bloch\'s utopian philosophy has a strong charactor of religion.布洛赫的乌托邦哲学具有很强的宗教色彩。

1.Emancipatory Eschatology--Religious Philosophy Perspective of Bloch Utopian Philosophy解放的末世论——布洛赫乌托邦哲学的宗教哲学视角
2.Utopia will finally realize its perfect combination of philosophy with politics.乌托邦将最终实现哲学与政治的完满结合。
3.Utopia and Brave New World a Comparative Study of Utopian and Dystopian Literature;《乌托邦》与《美丽新世界》:乌托邦文学与反乌托邦文学之比较研究
4.Anti-Utopian literature is a parody of Utopian literature.反乌托邦文学是对乌托邦文学的讽刺性模拟。
5.The Utopian Road under the Political Liberation: the Reflection of Gramsci Cultural Phylosophy;政治解放下的乌托邦性救赎之路:葛兰西文化哲学的思考
6.The Root of Utopian Holism--The Theoretical Difference between Plato and Popper s Political philosophies;乌托邦的整体主义根源——兼论柏拉图和波普政治哲学的理论差异
7.Utopian spirit and education--The philosophical thought on the value of education;乌托邦精神与教育——关于教育价值理想的哲学思考
8.Utopia,Anti-utopia,Dystopia and Science Fcition乌托邦、反乌托邦、恶托邦及科幻小说
9.New Analysis of the Nature of Physical Education Teaching: Utopian Perspective学校体育教学本质新解:乌托邦视角
10.This article is about the philosophical concept and literary form. For the Half-Life 2 mod, see Dystopia (computer game).这篇文章是关于哲学的概念和文学类型。找战栗时空二的模组,请看反乌托邦(电脑游戏)。
11.Only in this way could the ecological economics get rid of the Eutopia philosophical assumptions,approach the public and find the source of its momentum.这样才能使生态经济学走出乌托邦式的哲学范式,接近公众从而找到其动力源泉。
12.Multi-dimensional Destruction of Scientific Utopianism and its Revelations;科学乌托邦主义的多维解构及其启示
13.The Spirit of Utopia: the Core of Marx’s Ontology of Manology;乌托邦精神:马克思人学本体论的核心
14.Aesthetic Utopia"-Marcus s politics of art and literature;“审美乌托邦”:马尔库塞的文艺政治学
15.Social Solidarity:Utopia at Post-metaphysical Times社会团结:后形而上学时代的乌托邦
16.The Philosophy on Spaces: The Theory of Foucault s Heterotopias;空间的哲学:福柯的“异托邦”概念
17.The Prospects of Cultural Globalization: Utopia or Dystopia?文化全球化的前景:乌托邦还是敌托邦?
18.create a political Utopia创造政治的乌托邦.

Literary Utopia文学乌托邦
3)Utopian literature乌托邦文学
1.It can be seen in various forms of literary writings and hence the formation of the genre of Utopian literature.这种已经内化到人类生存经验中的期待,被当今人们称为“乌托邦情结”,并通过各种文学形式得到尽情展现和抒发,由此便产生出乌托邦文学。
2.Anti-Utopian literature is a unique literary genre.反乌托邦文学是乌托邦文学的变体,作为一种独特的文学体裁,它形成和发展于 20 世纪。
4)scientific utopianism科学乌托邦主义
1.Having developed fast since the modern times,scientific utopianism in 20th century,encountered suspect and criticism from different perspectives,such as suspects within utopian horizon,criticism on technological society and reflection on technological civilization.从近代开始孕育的科学乌托邦主义思潮在几个世纪里蓬勃发展,但在20世纪遭遇到了乌托邦视域当中浪漫主义、科学敌托邦、反科学乌托邦和其他乌托邦的质疑,卢德主义和新卢德主义、法兰克福学派、现象学和存在主义等展开的科技社会批判,从精神分析学和文化心理学、科技理性与科技文化等角度展开的科技文明反思。
2.Since modern times,the ideal design of human future has been closely connected with science and thus formed the scientific utopianism with far-reaching significance.自近代以来,对人类未来的理想设计就与科学紧密联系在一起,形成了影响深远的科学乌托邦主义社会思潮。
5)Anti-Utopian literature反乌托邦文学
1.Anti-Utopian literature is a unique literary genre.反乌托邦文学是乌托邦文学的变体,作为一种独特的文学体裁,它形成和发展于 20 世纪。
6)Dystopia literature反面乌托邦文学
1.Dystopia literature rises in 20~(th) century as a unique literature normative form.反面乌托邦文学作为一种独特的文学体裁,兴盛于20世纪。
