美的思想,the thoughts of beauty
1)the thoughts of beauty美的思想
1.On Bu Yan-tu s Artistic Thoughts on "Bigness";试论布颜图关于“大”的美学思想
3)Bacon s Aesthetics培根的美学思想
4)Locke on esthetics洛克的美学思想
5)SUN ZI s aesthetic thought孙子的美学思想
6)aesthetic thought美学思想
1.The aesthetic thought of Tang dynasty influence on the architectural style of Tang dynasty;唐朝的美学思想对唐朝建筑风格的影响
2.Xu Wei s Aesthetic Thought of Conciseness: A Single-angle View;观其一节:徐渭尚简尚短的美学思想
3.Taking Summa Theologica as its major original source,the article analyzes firstly Aquinas theological standpoint and his philosophical foundation,and then mainly makes a comprehensive discussion on Aquinas aesthetic thought in three respects of the ontology,formalism and experimentalism of beauty.阿奎那的美学思想是其神学思想的一部分,主要散见于《神学大全》中。

1.esthetic thoughts of K.Marx and F.Engels马克思恩格斯美学思想
2.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Thought of Zhuang Zi;形美、德美、道美——浅谈庄子美学思想
3.On Perfect Existence--An Explanation of Nietzsche s Aesthetics Idea;“美的生存”问题之思——尼采美学思想浅释
4.Aesthetic Thought and Representation of Postmodernism Art Ideological Irend;后现代美术思潮的美学思想及其表现
5.A Study of How Chinese Aesthetics Come into Being--On Outline of Aesthetics of Western Zhou Dynasty;中国美学思想发生研究——西周审美思想论纲
6.New Aesthetics-Cornerstone of Cai Yi s Aesthetic thought;评蔡仪美学思想的基石——《新美学》
7.New Practice Aesthetics and Marx s Practice Aesthetical Thoughts;新实践美学对马克思实践美学思想的承续
8.Beauty Be Sacred--The New View on the Aesthetic Ideology of Aurelius Augustinus美是有神性的——奥古斯丁美学思想新论
9.The pursuit of beauty and truth --A review of Keats? aesthetic thought美与真的追求——济慈美学思想述评
10.Li Zehou’s Ideas of Aesthetic Education;李泽厚“主体性”美学思想中的美育问题
12.Beauty of Chaos--A Probe into Zhuangzi s Aesthetics of Survival;混沌之美——庄子生存美学思想探微
13.Beauty as the Symbol of Morality;美是道德的象征——康德美学思想探析
14.An Analysis of Xun Kuang's Aesthetics of Pleasure without External Beauty Source and Void and Quietness荀子无美而乐与虚静的美学思想辨析
15.Beauty:From "Nature" Back to "Urphnomen"--An Elucidation of Goethe's Aesthetic Views美,从自然溯向“本原”——歌德美学思想阐微
16.Art and Imagination --A Study on Husserl’s Art Aesthetics Thought;艺术与想象——胡塞尔艺术美学思想探析
17.Analysis of the Role of Imagination in Kant s Aesthetic View;康德美学思想的关键词——想象力分析
18.About the Thought of Ecological Esthetics in Marks Manuscript;论马克思《手稿》中的生态美学思想

1.On Bu Yan-tu s Artistic Thoughts on "Bigness";试论布颜图关于“大”的美学思想
3)Bacon s Aesthetics培根的美学思想
4)Locke on esthetics洛克的美学思想
5)SUN ZI s aesthetic thought孙子的美学思想
6)aesthetic thought美学思想
1.The aesthetic thought of Tang dynasty influence on the architectural style of Tang dynasty;唐朝的美学思想对唐朝建筑风格的影响
2.Xu Wei s Aesthetic Thought of Conciseness: A Single-angle View;观其一节:徐渭尚简尚短的美学思想
3.Taking Summa Theologica as its major original source,the article analyzes firstly Aquinas theological standpoint and his philosophical foundation,and then mainly makes a comprehensive discussion on Aquinas aesthetic thought in three respects of the ontology,formalism and experimentalism of beauty.阿奎那的美学思想是其神学思想的一部分,主要散见于《神学大全》中。

白居易美学心理思想白居易美学心理思想Bai Juyi's psychological thought on aesthetic education  白居易美学心理思想协ai Juyi’5 psyeho场gicaithought on aesth已tie education)伟大的现实主义诗人白居易不但写了许多为人民大众喜闻乐见的诗篇,也留下了丰富的美育心理学思想。其表现有以下三点:(l)他认为,诗歌必须为当前的政治服务,诗歌的任务要“补察时政”、“泄导人情”,达到“救济人病,裨补时阀”的目的。他在《与元九书》中说:“自登朝以来,年齿渐长,阅事渐多,每与人言,多询时务。每读书史,多求理道。始知文章合为时而著,诗歌合为事而作。’,“文章合为时而著,诗歌合为事而作。”这两句名言,指明了不论文章或诗歌都是为政治服务的。(2)他还认为,诗歌艺术是现实生活的反映,并非凭空而来。他说:“大凡人之感于事,则必动于情,然后兴于磋叹,发于吟咏,而形于歌矣。”(《策林》)这里一系列的审美心理活动,就是对客观事物的反映。(3)他阐发了诗歌的特点,并结合这种特点,强调了美育的作用。他在《与元九书》中说:“感人心者,莫先乎情,莫始乎言,莫切乎声,莫深乎义。诗者,根情、苗言、华声、实义。上自圣贤,下至愚联……未有声入而不应,情交而不感者。”这里他用生动形象的比喻表明诗歌的美育作用,进行了描绘和分析,很有启发意义。 (刘述均撰国巫固审)