复调对话,polyphonic dialogues
1)polyphonic dialogues复调对话

1.Polyphonics in Murder in the Cathedral by T.S.Eliot论T.S.艾略特《大教堂里的谋杀案》的复调对话
2.Carnivalized Fairytale with Poetry and Human Nature--To Analyze the Open Style and Polyphony Dialogue Structure on Jinbo s Fairytale Wudiudiu s Tour;狂欢化的诗性与人性童话——论金波《乌丢丢的奇遇》的文体开放性与复调对话结构
3.Polyphone and Dialogue in Literature Teaching Class;“复调”理论与英语专业文学课上的“对话”
4.Equal Dialogue: A Dialogical Interpretation of The Great Gatsby;平等对话——对《了不起的盖茨比》的复调解读
5."The Self and Others" and Polyphony-A Reading of Dialogism in Atonement自我与他者,复调—小说《赎罪》的对话性解读
6.Dialogue and Interaction: On the Polyphonic Feature of David Lodge’s Campus Trilogy对话与互动——浅析戴维·洛奇三部曲的复调艺术特色
7.On the Dialogism in Polyphonic Novels and Its Translation--Lu Xun s Kong Yiji and Its Translation in Focus;复调小说的对话主义及其翻译——以鲁迅短篇小说《孔已己》为例
8.Sub-dialogue in Fang Fang s Novels--Why There Are No ‘Polyphonic Novels’ in China?;方方小说中的“潜对话”现象——兼论中国何以出不了“复调小说”
9.The Study of Chinese Mandarin Intonation of Composite Sentence by Experiment;汉语普通话口语复句的语调实验研究
10.D. Ask client to repeat. Repeat in conversational or loud tones if needed.嘱受检者重复。必要时可用谈话语调或大声重复。
11.Polyphony Subject and Dialogist Style;复调性主题与对话性文体——王蒙小说创作从《青春万岁》到“季节系列”的一条主脉
12.reply, a letter or conversation come after someone else have write or speak对他人写信或说话后的回复,回函或回话
13.Diaphonic Repetition in Telephone Conversation: A Contrastive Study between Chinese and American Students;回应式重复在中美学生电话会话中的对比研究
14.An old, frequently repeated joke, story, or song.陈词滥调旧时的、经常被重复的笑话、故事或歌曲
15.The Discourse Context of Multi- tone & the Reflective Dimension of Educational Modernity;复调的话语场景与吁求教育现代性的反思向度
16.repeated their dialogue verBatim.一字不差地重复他们的对话
17.Hostile or angry remarks made back and forth.对骂往复地说有敌意的或含怒意的话
18.Cross-Straits relations: Dialogue and negotiations should be resumed on the basis of the one-China principle.两岸:坚持一个中国,恢复对话与谈判

conversational counterpoint对话式复调
3)repetition dialogue重复对话
4)session replication对话重复
5)Double tone discourse复调话语
6)conversational debug routine对话式调试程序
