自然主义批判,critique of naturalism
1)critique of naturalism自然主义批判
1.The critique of naturalism is the quintessence of Husserl\'s phenomenology.自然主义批判始终是胡塞尔现象学的一个重要内容。
1.One is the regeneration and reconstruction within positivism,and the other is the criticizing positivism of comprehensiveness and criticism.解决社会学危机的努力表现为两条进路:一条是实证主义内部的更新改造,一条是理解主义和批判主义对实证主义的批判。
2.The integration of empiricism and criticism is analyzed historically,theoretically and practically.从历史、理论与实践的层面着手分析经验主义和批判主义理论,尤其在我国本土研究中的融合之势,对了解两者的关联核心之所在有一定的帮助。

1.Materialism and Empirio-Criticism唯物主义和经验批判主义
2.criticism of the pragmatic doctrines of Hu Shi对胡适实用主义的批判
3.On Communitarian′s Criticism to Liberalism Justice;论社群主义对自由主义正义观的批判
5.Criticizing Capitalism:from the Perspective of Eco-socialism;资本主义批判:生态社会主义的新视野
6.Ecological socialism’s criticism of contemporary capitalism;生态社会主义对当代资本主义的批判
7.On the Relation and Difference Between Law of Criticism and Law of Racialism Criticism论批判法学与批判种族主义法学之联系与区别
8.Re-criticism to the Criticism of Anti-Essentialism of the Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory当代中国文学理论反本质主义批判的批判
9.Argue About Justice--Communitarian criticizing liberalism justice view;正义之争——社群主义对自由主义正义观的批判
10.John Rawls Criticism to Utilitarianism;罗尔斯对功利主义的批判及当代意义
11.Exposition and Critique of Dewey s Democracy and Education;对杜威《民主主义与教育》的解读和批判
12.From“Self”to“Subject ” -- A Cultural Criticism of Communitarianism;从“自我”到“主体”——“社群主义”文化批判
13.Riticism of Democracy of American Constitution from View of Republicanism共和主义视角下的美国宪法民主批判
14.Dogmatism should be criticized, or else many mistakes cannot be rectified.教条主义应当受到批判,不批判教条主义,许多错事不能改正。
15.At the same time as we criticize dogmatism, we must direct our attention to criticizing revisionism.我们在批判教条主义的时候,必须同时注意对修正主义的批判。
16.Managerialism in Public Administration:Reflexion and Criticism公共行政的管理主义:反思与批判
17.Dogmatism is being criticized by various kinds of people.批判教条主义的有各种人。
18.On Marx’s Criticism of Capitalist Fetishism论马克思对资本主义拜物教的批判

1.One is the regeneration and reconstruction within positivism,and the other is the criticizing positivism of comprehensiveness and criticism.解决社会学危机的努力表现为两条进路:一条是实证主义内部的更新改造,一条是理解主义和批判主义对实证主义的批判。
2.The integration of empiricism and criticism is analyzed historically,theoretically and practically.从历史、理论与实践的层面着手分析经验主义和批判主义理论,尤其在我国本土研究中的融合之势,对了解两者的关联核心之所在有一定的帮助。
3)critical liberal humanism批判性自由人文主义
1.His critical liberal humanism is closely related with his personal,communal and social background.他的批判性自由人文主义思想与个人、社团和社会背景息息相关。
1.Naturalism:City Bionic Design——A Case Study of Ecological Landscape Concept Planning of Yangzhong in Jiangsu Province;自然主义之城市仿生设计——以江苏扬中生态景观概念规划为例
2.Embodiment of naturalism in residential architecture;自然主义在居住建筑中的体现
3.Laozi s naturalism and naturalism of Emile Zola——annotation with urban planning angle;老子的自然主义和左拉的自然主义——站在城市规划的角度诠释
5)Critical Regionalism批判的地域主义
1.Dppugn about two phenomenon in the critical regionalism;关于批判的地域主义两种现象的质疑
2.Thought and delation about critical regionalism;浅谈批判的地域主义及思辩
6)Critical regionalism批判的地区主义
1.In the design of high-rise residence in Beijing called "heaven and dwellings" , the architect used "Hutong" and "rectangle courtyard" as prototypes in order to express the idea of critical regionalism in commercial residence.将批判的地区主义建筑思想运用于北京的高层住宅设计,以“胡同”及“四合院”为原型,用异 化的思想在高层住宅建筑中表现胡同及合院的空间概念以增加商品住宅的精神内涵。
2.The important part is the study of Critical Regionalism.本文从现代主义与地区主义的辩证关系出发,综述了地区主义的起源与发展,并以“批判的地区主义”建筑理沦作为沦义的重点研究部分。
3.Fortunately, we have got such theory as“critical regionalism”and the reg.幸好我们已经拥有了像“批判的地区主义”这样的建筑理论作为思想基础,使地区文化可以有了较为恰当的方式在当代建筑的舞台上表演。
