意象统治一切,Image rules everything
1)Image rules everything意象统治一切
1.Dobord illuminates what is "spectacle" and "the society of the spectacle",points out that capitalist society gives rise to "the society of the spectacle" which in turn leads to the outcome that "Image rules everything".德波阐明了什么是"景观"及"景观社会",指出资本主义社会出现"景观社会"形成了"意象统治一切",提出由"景观社会"中的"真-伪"二重性所以"伪世界"充斥,要有一种"革命性"的"总体策略"才能超越"景观社会"中"意象与幻觉的统治"等关键性命题,具有相当的现实性批判意义。
2)combination of disposition and artistic conception意象与意境的统一
3)the identification of sense and image意义与形象的统一
4)single idea单一意象
5)traditional image传统意象
1.Analysis and enlightment of Japan architecture inheriting traditional image日本建筑继承传统意象手法浅析与启示
2.This work will inspire a new thought into us about representing the traditional image which uses modern methods.皮阿诺设计的特吉巴欧文化中心,设计者通过考察当地的历史文脉,挖掘、利用当地的传统建筑样式,在此基础上进行再创造,用现代技术表达传统意象,设计出极具象征性的建筑作品。
6)imago system意象系统

1.On Image Systems and Imagery Prototypes in Emily Dickinson s Poems;论艾米莉·迪金森诗歌意象系统及其原型意象
2.The Image Systems in The Waste Lang by Eliot and the Puzzle of Comprehension艾略特《荒原》的意象系统和解读困惑
3.On Gradation Logic and Imago System--A survey based on helical structure of "multi","two" and "one(zero)";论层次逻辑与意象系统——以“多、二、一(0)”螺旋结构切入作考察
4.The Reiteration of the Composition Structure and the Image System;论章法结构与意象系统之迭合——以“多”、“二”、“一(0)”螺旋结构切入作考察
5.The Structure of the Organization of Writing and the Image System:An Exploration Starting from the "Multiple","Binary" and "Unitary (zero) "Spiral Structures;论章法结构与意象系统——以“多”、“二”、“一(0)”螺旋结构切入作考察
6.The Discussion From"Imagery Doctrine"of Classical Poetics in China to "Imagery Note System"of Modern Doctrine --The thought on imagery aesthetic to Chinese poetry;从“意象说”到“意象符号系统”论——对中国诗歌的意象审美思考
7.On the Diversified Symbol System of the Moon in "ChunJiangHuaYueYe;论《春江花月夜》月亮意象的多重象征系统
8.Research on Product Form Intelligent Evaluation (PFIE) System Based on Users Kansei Image;基于用户感性意象的PEIE系统研究
9.An Experimental Study of Applying Task-based Teaching in Oral English Teaching;产品语意学在产品形象系统中的应用
10.The Existing Forms of Poems as a System of Image Signs;论作为意象符号系统的诗歌存在形态
11.The Nature of Symbol. System and Function of Poetic Image;诗歌意象的符号质、系统质、功能质
12.By systematic thinking, Nature and man are regarded as an organic and unified system in essence.表现在认识特征上则是系统思维与意象思维。
13.Research and Development of Network-Based Kansei Image Survey System;基于网络的感性意象调查系统研究与开发
14.The Establishment of Civic Identity System for New City Image;从CI战略谈城市形象识别系统的确立与意义
15.Image Theory:First Chinese Ancient Systematic Poetics Theory;“意象”说:中国古代第一个系统的诗学理论
16.Clinical significance of Raynaud's phenomenon in systemic lupus erythematosus雷诺现象在系统性红斑狼疮发病中的意义
17.Signifying System and Dual Virtual Images:Looking at Advertisements from the Perspective of Roland Barthes意指系统及双重虚象:从罗兰·巴特的角度看广告
18."Well, Western symbolic systems are more intellectually directed, their imagery has precise literary meanings and is intended primarily for narrative and devotional identification."西方的象征系统更有理性,其意象有精确文学意义,并主要用于叙事性或宗教绘画。

combination of disposition and artistic conception意象与意境的统一
3)the identification of sense and image意义与形象的统一
4)single idea单一意象
5)traditional image传统意象
1.Analysis and enlightment of Japan architecture inheriting traditional image日本建筑继承传统意象手法浅析与启示
2.This work will inspire a new thought into us about representing the traditional image which uses modern methods.皮阿诺设计的特吉巴欧文化中心,设计者通过考察当地的历史文脉,挖掘、利用当地的传统建筑样式,在此基础上进行再创造,用现代技术表达传统意象,设计出极具象征性的建筑作品。
6)imago system意象系统
