哲学研究范式,philosophy research paradigm
1)philosophy research paradigm哲学研究范式
1.In recent years,in close connection with the major practical problems in China\'s development of economic and society,and in the large background of innovation in Marxist theory,the discussion of Marxist philosophy research paradigm has become one of the interesting topics in academic, and made some valuable research results.近年来,关于马克思主义哲学研究范式的讨论已经成为学术界关注的热点问题之一,并取得了一些有价值的研究成果。

1.Tending towards "Body Philosophy"--Transformation of the Traditional Chinese Philosophical Research Paradigms;走向“身体哲学”——中国传统哲学研究范式的变革
2.On Transformation of the Paradigms of China s Legal Philosophy--From the Paradigm of Class Struggle to the Paradigm of Right as Fundamental Basis.;当代中国法哲学研究范式的转换——从阶级斗争范式到权利本位范式
3.Enlightenments from the Transformations of Paradigm of Philosophy of Social Science for Education Research;社会科学哲学研究范式转型对教育研究的启示
4.The Historical and Philosophical Paradigm in the Study of Legal System Modernization;论法制现代化研究中的历史哲学研究范式
5.Philosophical consideration on Indian traditional culture--Taking the Paradigm of Cultural Philosophy Research as the Basic Point;印度文化的哲学关照——以文化哲学研究范式为基点
6.Construction Research Paradigms of Political philosophy for Chinese Problems;建构面向“中国问题”的政治哲学研究范式
7.The Social Constructivism and the Paradigmatic Shift in Studies of Philosophy of Technology;社会建构论对技术哲学研究范式的影响
8.Social Engineering: the Important Philosophical Formula in the Period of Society of Risk;社会工程:风险社会时代的重要哲学范式——兼论哲学研究范式的历史转向
9.The Model Change and Innovation of the Marxist Research of Philosophy in Contemporary China;当代中国马克思主义哲学研究范式转换的基础与原则
10.The Critique of Civil Society and the Transformation of the Research Paradigm of Marxist Philosophy;市民社会批判与马克思主义哲学研究范式的转换
11.Problem Paradigm Research on the Innovation of Marxism Philosophy;马克思主义哲学创新的问题范式研究
12.The Feasibility and Significance of the Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Philosophical Paradigms;中西哲学范式比较研究的可能和意义
13.The Paradigm for Research on Marxist Philosophy in Contemporary China;当代中国马克思主义哲学的研究范式
14.On the Dualism of Economic Research Paradigms in Perspective of Scientific Philosophy;从科学哲学视角论经济学研究范式的二重性
15.The Transform of Philosophical Study Paradigm and The Change of Man s Living Manner;哲学研究的范式转换与人的生活方式的变化
16.The Philosophical Anthropology Research Pattern of Bollnow and its Educational Implication博尔诺夫的哲学人类学研究范式及其教育意蕴
17.Paradigms"and "Research Programs"in Western Economics;西方经济学中的“范式”和“研究纲领”——科学哲学影响经济学的典型范例
18.Transformation of Paradigms and the Research on Marxist Philosophy in China;范式的转换与我国的马克思主义哲学研究

historical and philosophical paradigm历史哲学研究范式
1.In the study of legal system modernization,historical and philosophical paradigm should be constructed and applied.在进行法制现代化研究时,要构建和运用历史哲学研究范式
3)The Transformation of Paradigm of Philosophy of Social Science社会科学哲学研究范式转型
4)philosophy research哲学研究
1.Extended culture is one of the objects that philosophy researches.大文化是哲学研究的对象 ,通过对大文化的研究解决上述问题 ,提出新的大学发展理念和教学革新思路。
5)philosophical studies哲学研究
1.The mistaken way by which the studies of philosophical history covers or substitutes a creative a- nalysis of the world as the obligation of philosophical studies puts an end to the dialogue between philoso- phy and being.用哲学史研究掩盖或搪塞对世界进行原创分析这一哲学研究义务,此类错误做法终止了哲学与存在的对话,使哲学丧失对好奇精神的刺激能力,最终招致社会对哲学的普遍轻视。
6)philosophical research哲学研究
1.An Analysis of philosophical research and its trend during globalization;“全球化”语境下的哲学研究及其动势透析
2.The post-Stalin Soviet Marxist philosophical research witnessed a decline and even deterioration as a result of Krushchev s revisionism,Brezhnev s debates,and Gorbachev s new thoughts bringing the Soviet Union to an disintegration.斯大林逝世后苏联马克思主义哲学研究工作日渐退潮,不到四十年时间就经历了赫鲁晓夫"修正"时期、勃列日涅夫"大讨论"时期黄戈尔巴乔夫"新思维"时期,其间苏联马克思主义哲学在曲折中发展嬗变,最终导致世界上第一个社社会主义国家的解体。
3.The paper generally studies several questions of the construction of economic philosophy,which mainly consists of essence and characteristics of economy,the objects,contents,characteristics,purpose,method of economic philosophical research as well as subject branches and development orientation of economic philosophy etc.该文对经济哲学构建的几个问题进行了概论性研究,主要包括经济的实质和特征、经济哲学是最高层次的经济理论、经济哲学研究的对象、内容、特点、任务、方法、经济哲学的学科分支、经济哲学的发展方向等。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀