内在本质,the inherent nature
1)the inherent nature内在本质
1.The first level is the inherent nature of the spirit of " the May 4th Movement", which is mainly constituted by its core point and its the essence.第一层面是"五四"精神的内在本质,主要由"五四"精神的核心点与精髓构成;第二层面是"五四"精神的外在表现形式,主要包括不怕困难顽强斗争的精神、改革创新的精神、与为民精神等。

1.an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something.不能真实反映事物内在本质的外表。
2.The Inherent Nature and Modem Succession of the Spirit of the May Fourth Movement“五四”精神的内在本质和现代传承
3.But rarely in any time does an issue bare the secret heart of America itself.但几乎没有什么问题涉及美国自身的内在本质
4.The Value Orientation and Intrinsic Nature of Traditional "Peopleoriented" Theory from Zhenguan Monarchy从贞观君臣重民思想看传统民本思想的价值取向与内在本质
5.preoccupation with what concerns human inner nature esp ethical or ideological values.涉及到人的内在本质尤其在伦理或意识形态价值方面。
6.On Intra-Relationship of Quality Cost and Quality Improvement;浅谈质量成本与质量改进的内在关系
7.intrinsic non-flammability内在的不燃性,本质的不燃性
8.Social Justice:the Inherent Requirement of the Essence of Socialism;社会公正:社会主义本质的内在要求
9.Talking about the Essence, Intrinsic Contradiction and Efficient Value of the Fairness;论公平的本质、内在矛盾及其效率价值
10.On inherent logic and essential characteristics of corporation strategy;略论企业战略的内在逻辑与本质特征
11.The“Three Representatives”-- Essential Attribute,Internality Relation,Practical Application JI Ming;“三个代表”:本质属性、内在联系、实际运用
12.On the Inherent Conflict Between Essentialism and Anti - essentialism in Marx s Theory of Human Being;论马克思人论中本质主义与反本质主义的内在冲突(中)
13.On the Inherent Conflict Between Essentialism and Anti-essentialism in Marx s Theory of Human Being;论马克思人论中本质主义与反本质主义的内在冲突(下)
14.The dynamite itself is implanted in a matrix of inert materials.炸药本身被灌注在一种惰性物质的填料内。
15.On the Internal Unity between the Point of View of Scientific Development and the Essence of Socialism;论科学发展观与社会主义本质的内在统一
16.The Inherent Prescriptivity of the Essence of Socialism and Judgment Criteria;社会主义本质的内在规定性及评价尺度
17.The Essence of Knowledge: Inner, Open and Dynamic--On the Outlook on Knowledge;知识本质:内在、开放、动态——新知识观的思考
18.Intrinsic Motivation and Essential Requirement of Legalization in Modern Administrative Management;现代行政管理法制化的内在动因与本质要求

5)appearance essence显在本质
1.The former is the appearance essence and the later is the latent essence of the nature system.自然系统有两个主要本性,即差异相辅的整体本性和对立统一的辩证本性,前者为自然系统的显在本质,后者为自然系统的潜在本质,两者在相互渗透中发挥作用。
6)latent essence潜在本质
1.The former is the appearance essence and the later is the latent essence of the nature system.自然系统有两个主要本性,即差异相辅的整体本性和对立统一的辩证本性,前者为自然系统的显在本质,后者为自然系统的潜在本质,两者在相互渗透中发挥作用。
