抽象思想,nonobjective idea
1)nonobjective idea抽象思想

1.The Boundary Between Tangible Invention and Abstract Idea--An Analysis of the Patentablity of Algorithm;专利法上的抽象思想与具体技术——计算机程序算法的客体属性分析
2.But ethics without practical application only lead to the sterile formalism and abstractionism of scholastic thought.但是,拟订道德标准而不付诸实施,只会导致毫无结果的形式主义和学究气十足的抽象思想
3.Thought about blending "cool abstractive" harmonious ideas in group calisthenics design;关于团体操设计中融入“冷抽象”和谐思想的思考
5.His mind was concrete and moved with difficulty in regions of the abstract.他的思想是具体的,他在抽象的领域里步履艰难。
6.an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances.从特殊的具体实例引申出来的抽象或整体思想。
7.Western abstract art and artistic thoughts in traditional Chinese paintings by scholars and officials;西方冷抽象绘画与中国文人画美学思想
8.On Art Abstraction-;艺术抽象论——王朝闻美学思想系列研究之一
9.Though idealized method is an logical one, it is the combination of thinking in image and abstract thinking.理想化方法为逻辑方法,但却是形象思维与抽象思维的结合。
10.Marx s Idea Evolution from the Abstract Rational Idealism to Realism;马克思从抽象理性理想主义向现实主义的思想演变
11.a plan abstract and conceptional; to improve notional comprehension; a notional response to the question.抽象的、概念性的计划;提高思维理解能力;对该问题的思想反应。
12.The ability to think abstractly or profoundly.抽象或深刻思维的能力
13.About thee, as wild vines, about a tree,我想你!我的相思围抱住了你,/绕着你而抽芽,象蔓藤卷缠着树木、
14.Artistic representation of an abstract quality or idea as a person.拟人化表现把抽象事物或思想赋予人性的艺术表现手法
15.The Discussion on the Cultural Ideological Roots, the Problems Faced and the Method Performed of Abstract Painting;抽象绘画产生的文化思想根源、面临的问题及表现方法
16.On the Popular Sovereignty:from Abstract to Concrete--Compared with Thoughts of Rousseau and Benjamin Constant;人民主权:从抽象的到具体的——卢梭与贡斯当思想之比较
17.The Ethical Idea of Confucius Ren Xue in The Harmonious Society--Carry on Narrating Feng Youlan s "The Abstract Inheritance Method";和谐社会视域下的孔子仁学伦理思想——接着冯友兰“抽象继承法”讲
18.Comprehending Sympathetically and Inheriting Abstractly--Inspect two Conception of the History of Chinese Philosophy in the View of Hermeneutic;“了解之同情”与“抽象的继承”——从解释学角度看两种中国思想史观

thought withdrawal思想抽除
3)Abstract Ideal抽象理想
4)abstract thought抽象思维
1.The author analyzed the meaning of the abstract thought and creativity thought, the meaning in reading , form with characteristics, and education with the training method etc.分析了抽象思维与创造性思维的含义,在阅读中的意义,形式与特点,培养与训练方法等,旨在让阅读者了解抽象思维与创造性思维的重要性,从而在阅读中更好地运用抽象思维与创造性思维。
2.Chinese characters belong to ideography and are characterized by pictography, which reveals that Chinese people are good at thinking in images while English is alphabetic writing, which shows that Westerners is versed in abstract thought or logical thinking.汉字属于会意文字,具有象形的特点,象形文字体现了中国人重视形象思维的特点;英语属于拼音文字,在思维方式上表现为西方人善于抽象思维或逻辑思维。
3.An important component part of the creative ability is abstract thought ability.素质教育的核心是创新能力的教育,创新能力的一个重要组成部分是抽象思维能力,个体的抽象思维能力虽然有天赋的差别,但主要还是靠后天的培养训练获得,因此如何开发、培养个体的逻辑抽象思维能力是逻辑教育面临的一个重大课题,逻辑教育在培养创新能力,实现素质教育中有着重要的地位和作用。
5)abstract thinking抽象思维
1.Effect of modified electroconvulsive therapy on memory and abstract thinking;无抽搐电休克治疗对记忆及抽象思维的影响
2.Application of imagery teaching and abstract thinking in engineering mechanics teaching;工程力学教学中的形象化教学与抽象思维
3.The Nature of iconic thinking and abstract thinking and the hints for physics teaching;形象思维和抽象思维的本质及其对物理教学的启示
6)abstract speculation抽象思辩

抽抽1.皱;瘦小。 2.抽动。