语言自然延伸,natural developing of language
1)natural developing of language语言自然延伸
2)natural prolongation自然延伸
1.Principles of delimitation of the continental shelf,such as principle of natural prolongation,equidistance principle,proportionality principle,and negociation principle,can be applied only based on equitable principle.自然延伸、等距离、成比例、协商等划界的原则与方法,只有在符合公平原则的基础上才能加以适用。
2.While the surrounding countries of the South China Sea have improper understanding of the UNCLOS,abuse of the principle of a natural prolongation,violate the principle of equity,covets the continental shelf interests brought by the sovereignty of South China Sea Islands,the delay of the delimitation of the continental shelf of the South China Sea happens.中国南海周边国家不当理解《海洋法公约》,滥用自然延伸原则,违反大陆架划界所必须遵循的公平原则,觊觎南海诸岛主权带来的大陆架权益,令南海大陆架划界问题迟迟不能解决。

1.Eco-criticism: An Literary Critical Perspective that Extends to Nature;生态批评:向自然延伸的文学批评视野
3.Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's second largest city, stretches itself lazily along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.里约热内卢,巴西的第二大城市,沿着大西洋海岸自然延伸
4.Overall United Organizing and Planning is the natural extending and rational recapitulation of the whole experience in the practice process of Overall Planning.统筹学是统筹实践完整经验的自然延伸和理性概括。
5.Kant's theories about art and genius are the natural extension of his subjectivity thought in the field of art creation.艺术与天才论是康德主体性美学思想在艺术创造领域的自然延伸
6.The courts' relative independence in declaring the law is a natural outgrowth of their traditional role in the American legal system;在美国司法制度中,法院宣布法律的相对独立性是其传统作用的自然延伸
7.The Significance of Natural Prolongation Principle in the East China Sea Dispute between China and Japan--Perspective from the Relationship between Institution of Right and Rule of Delimitation;中日东海争端中自然延伸原则的重要地位——基于权利和划界规则之间关系的视角
8.Natural Language & Logic Language;自然语言和逻辑语言:现代逻辑的延伸
9.Although high school coaches still consider themselves educators, the sports they oversee are not simple extensions of the classroom.虽然高中的教练们仍然视自己为教育者,但并不把体育看做课堂的简单延伸。
10.These results spanning ordinary computers, black holes, spacetime foam and cosmology are testimony to the unity of nature.这些延伸涵盖了普通电脑、洞、空泡沫和宇宙学的结果,就是自然统一性的证明。
11.Extension and Limitation of Press Freedom in New Media Era论新媒体时代新闻自由的延伸和受限
12.Elongation automation system of double stands skin miller双机架平整机延伸率自动化控制系统
13.The Fusion-PCR added Self-Extension Process加入自我延伸过程的融合PCR程序
14.Unroll the lead and put the vacuum plug into the socket.展开延伸导线,然后将吸尘器插头插入插座。
15.Yuan Hongdao s View of Natural Mind;本然生命的伸扬:袁宏道的自然性灵论
16.Study on Problems and Countermeasures of Futher Develeping Self-study Examination in Rurul Areas in Hubei Provice;浅谈湖北省自学考试向农村延伸的问题与对策
17.To thrust out or extend something.伸出伸出或延展某物
18.This road follows the railway for 5km and then suddenly bores right.这条公路沿着铁路延伸了5公里,然后就突然向右拐了。

natural prolongation自然延伸
1.Principles of delimitation of the continental shelf,such as principle of natural prolongation,equidistance principle,proportionality principle,and negociation principle,can be applied only based on equitable principle.自然延伸、等距离、成比例、协商等划界的原则与方法,只有在符合公平原则的基础上才能加以适用。
2.While the surrounding countries of the South China Sea have improper understanding of the UNCLOS,abuse of the principle of a natural prolongation,violate the principle of equity,covets the continental shelf interests brought by the sovereignty of South China Sea Islands,the delay of the delimitation of the continental shelf of the South China Sea happens.中国南海周边国家不当理解《海洋法公约》,滥用自然延伸原则,违反大陆架划界所必须遵循的公平原则,觊觎南海诸岛主权带来的大陆架权益,令南海大陆架划界问题迟迟不能解决。
3)natural draw ratio自然延伸率
4)natural language自然语言
1.Design and realization of intelligent question-answering system supporting natural language;支持自然语言智能答疑系统的设计与实现
2.The natural language communication function in a multi-agent parallel design environment;多智能体并行设计环境中的自然语言通信功能
3.Processing methods of natural language in the mechine translation;机器翻译中自然语言的处理方法
5)nature language自然语言
1.On the Advantages of Nature Language and the Fading Away of the Artificial Language;论自然语言的优势与人工语言的消亡
2.Based on the theory of fuzzy logic,fuzzy concept in nature language is presented with fuzzy membership functions.在模糊逻辑理论的基础上,将自然语言中的模糊概念用隶属度函数进行描述,介绍了在浏览器/服务器模式下使用模糊词汇对人员信息进行查询的方法,作为精确条件查询的一种补充,更好地反映自然语言的含义,得到更加精确的结果。
3.Using the present advanced technologies such as nature language,full-text searching and data mining,this paper designed a full-round intelligent question-answer system of network course.利用当前比较先进的自然语言分析技术、全文检索技术、数据挖掘技术等,设计了比较全面的网络课程的智能答疑系统。
6)extending opera language延伸戏剧语言

国际自然与自然资源保护联盟  由有志于自然保护的各国家成员、其他合作机构和有关的科学工作者组成。建于1948年。多年来,它与世界野生生物基金会、联合国各机构、各区域性组织和其他重要团体密切合作,开展全球性自然资源保护活动,属下有包括116个国家的537个会员组织。联盟大会、理事会和各专业委员会是其管理机构。执行机构为秘书处,总部设在瑞士的格兰德。下设由150多名专家组成的6个专业委员会,即:生态委员会,教育委员会,环境规划委员会,环境政策、法律、行政管理委员会,国家公园及保护区委员会;另外还有各种特设小组或由著名专家为审议重大问题而组成的顾问小组。联盟在非洲、中南美洲、北美洲与加勒比海、东亚、西亚、澳大利亚及大西洋、东欧、西欧等 8个地区还设区域顾问。联盟秘书处负责指导、督促各委员会及各区顾问的工作;推动各项计划的实施;支持各种项目的实施;组织制订保护法规等。全体会员代表大会每3年召开一次,选举新的主席和执行主席,研讨各种有关自然保护的技术问题。1979年,中国以国务院环境保护办公室的名义参加这个国际组织。1984年10月 5日联盟理事会第15次会议,通过决议接纳中国野生动物保护协会为联盟非政符团体会员。