循环现象,circular phenomena
1)circular phenomena循环现象
1.Finally,we explore some new results in non-well-founded set theory and their applications to solving circular phenomena in philosophy,logic,linguistics and theoretical computer science.文章首先剖析经典的ZFC公理集合论在解决循环问题上的局限性,然后介绍非良基集产生的理论背景、历史及研究现状,最后透析非良基集理论的最新研究成果及在哲学、逻辑学、语言学和理论计算机科学中处理循环现象的作用,阐明非良基集理论在现代科学中的应用前景。
2)cycle-dependent phenomenon循环有关的现象
3)circle crisis循环危象
1.Objective:To evaluate the effectiveness of high oxygen liquid in circle crisis after replant of fracted limb(finger or toe).目的 :探讨高氧液对断肢 (指、趾 )再植后循环危象的的疗效。
4)circular reappearance循环再现
6)phenomenon of association环并现象

1.Lookup and Treatment to Association Bus in Public DC System of Longtan Hydropower Station龙滩水电站公用直流系统两段母线环并现象查找及处理
2.This phenomenon does not occur with 1-2-dimethylenecyclobutane.在1,2--二亚甲基环丁烷中并不发生这种现象。
3.Real life isn't as happy as people imagine.现实生活并不象人们想象的那样美好。
4.a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon.由以前的现象引起并跟随其出现的现象。
5.A related phenomenon is evolutionary parallelism.另一个有关的现象是进化上的并行现象。
6.People have studied the henvens and wondered about what they saw.人们研究天象并对他们所看到的现象感到惊奇。
7.not out of the ordinary.这种现象并没有超出通常状态。
8.It's that this sort of thing is hardly unique to Japan.这种现象并非在日本是独一无二。
9.This phenomenon is not unique to China or the Chinese;这一现象并非是中国或中国人独有。
10.We are so familiar with the fact that man ages,我们对人总是要衰老的现象并不陌生,
11.The expansion of the language is not a new phenomenon.英语的扩张并不是新现象。
12.However, compensatory lengthening is not universal.但补偿性加长现象并不是普遍性的。
13.This fusion phenomena is called the "Mach effect."这种合并现象就叫做“马赫效应。”
14.It has been said that pilling did not exist before 1945.人们说,在1945年以前并没有起球现象。
15.International terrorism is not just a recent phenomenon.国际恐怖主义并不是近年才有的现象。
16.It solves the problem of complicated role cardinality caused from role heredity.并以面向对象的方法实现了此模型。
17.The Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Parallel Vector Library;面向对象的并行向量库的设计与实现
18.Analysis on "the Same Structure Juxtaposited" Phenomenon Based on Wang Meng s Series "Seasons";王蒙“季节”系列小说“同构并置”现象探析

cycle-dependent phenomenon循环有关的现象
3)circle crisis循环危象
1.Objective:To evaluate the effectiveness of high oxygen liquid in circle crisis after replant of fracted limb(finger or toe).目的 :探讨高氧液对断肢 (指、趾 )再植后循环危象的的疗效。
4)circular reappearance循环再现
6)phenomenon of association环并现象

循环循环  ①顺着环形的轨道旋转,比喻事物周而复始的运动。②物理学名词。物质系统从某一状态经过一系列变化回到初始状态的过程。③医学上指血液和淋巴液在循环系统的流动过程。