栖居与空间,Dwelling and Space
1)Dwelling and Space栖居与空间
1.From "Being and Time" to "Dwelling and Space"——The Spatial Turn and Its Eco-Aesthetic Significance of Heidegger's Philosophy in His Later Years从“存在与时间”到“栖居与空间”——海德格尔后期哲学的空间化转向及其生态美学意义
2)space of romantic house"诗意栖居"空间
1.Poetry is accrued by labor,and dwelling is the spirit of poetry.在诸神退隐、技术褫夺、劳作异化的"图画的时代",要用"畏"和"良知"来召唤诗意地栖居。
2.The essence of architecture is dwelling.建筑的本质在于人的栖居,这种思想为我们提供了一条超越主体与客体、理性与非理性二元对立的形而上学传统的思路。

1.any wild sheep inhabiting mountainous regions.栖居在山区的野生绵羊。
2.A Phenomenological Thinking of a Bridge in Dwelling--Heidegger s Thinking of Dwelling (Continued);栖居之桥的现象学沉思——海德格尔的栖居之思(续)
3.How Can the Poet "Dwell"--A Study on the poetic dwelling of Tao Yuanming;诗人何以“居”?——试论陶渊明的诗意栖居
4.Many marine fish breed in Hong Kong waters.本港海域有多种海鱼栖居
5.He also knows a lot about one of its most famous inhabitants--the alligator.他还熟知这里最著名的栖居者--短吻鳄。
6.A big white bear lives near the North Pole.一种大白熊栖居于北极附近。
7.(of fish,etc)living near the surface of the open sea(指鱼等)栖居于海洋上层的
8.Many forms of aquatic life inhabit ponds.有很多种水生动植物均栖居於池塘.
9.the lacustrine age(史前)湖上生活时代;【生】栖居于湖中的
10.Analysis of Heidegger s Theory of Poetic Dwelling;海德格尔“诗意地栖居”理论的解析
11.A Preliminary Discussion on the Uninhibited Dwelling of Tao Yuanming and Its Modern Significances;试论陶渊明的诗意栖居及其现代意义
12."Dwell Poetically"--On Fei Ming s Pastoral Fiction;“诗意地栖居”——论废名的田园诗化小说
13.Poetic residence--The ecological idea implied in The Secret Life of Bees;诗意栖居——《蜜蜂的秘密生活》的生态思想
14.Living in the Poetic Environment--A Discussion on Artistic Conception of Wang Wei s Landscape Poetry;栖居在诗意中——论王维山水诗的意境美
15.The Lost Unoccupied Paradise--Beicun s Love Redeeming;无法栖居的失乐园——北村的爱情救赎
16.Comfortable Life and Poetic Living:ON LI Yu's Garden-building Ideas适性人生,诗意栖居——李渔造园思想探微
17.Mankind Dwells Poetically--Reflection on the Ecological Civilization and Global Climate Change诗意地栖居——生态文明与全球气候变化
18.Comparison on Tao Yuanming s Live in Reclusion and Heidegger s Live ;海德格尔的栖居观与陶渊明隐居观比较研究

space of romantic house"诗意栖居"空间
1.Poetry is accrued by labor,and dwelling is the spirit of poetry.在诸神退隐、技术褫夺、劳作异化的"图画的时代",要用"畏"和"良知"来召唤诗意地栖居。
2.The essence of architecture is dwelling.建筑的本质在于人的栖居,这种思想为我们提供了一条超越主体与客体、理性与非理性二元对立的形而上学传统的思路。
1."Man poetically dwells on the earth" describes human s dilemma of looking into sky and bases himself upon the earth.家园是人性的外在延伸,人性包含着对自然的超越和回归,因此家园也包含了与自然的隔离和通达,家是一种覆盖与遮蔽,而园是家与自然之间半开放的过渡;家园是人性需要的外在物化,家园为我们提供身体和精神的双重庇护,而现代家园正在剥离家园的精神层面;家园一方面是对自然的超越,同时又呼唤着对自然的回归,"人诗意地栖居在大地上"正是仰望星空与立足于大地的有机结合。
1.and the "Returning Hometown"of Tao YuanMing,and expound the corresponding artistic life state to "habitation"and "peripateticism" from the aspect of reasons for returning hometown,the process of return,and the analysis of the concrete poem text.还乡是古今中外文学艺术的永恒主题,本文试图将荷尔德林《返乡——致亲人》与陶渊明的《归去来兮辞》加以比较,从"还乡之原因"、"还乡之进程"及具体诗歌文本的解析,来阐述两者之间"栖居"与"逍遥"所对应的人生艺术境界。
2.By reading the Heidegger\'s thought of truth from truth of existence to truth of existent and the article Architecture,Residence,Thoughts,the definition of the habitation is interpreted.思》一文,理解"栖居"的含义,结合现实,探讨和寻找建筑物作为存在之物对于人而言的精神层面的意义。
6)job-housing balance就业与居住空间均衡
