思想录,Pascal's Penssees
1)Pascal's Penssees思想录
2)bibliographic thoughts目录学思想
1.The three academic points about bibliography reflected the basic views of his bibliographic thoughts,which established him one important position in our country s bibliographic history.郑樵的目录学的三个重要学术观点反映了郑樵目录学思想的基本内容,确立了郑樵在我国目录学史上的重要地位。
2.There were some differences and identities in Confucian nnd Zheng Qiao s bibliographic thoughts about books collectiveprinciples,editorial thinkings, and to bring interestings of books to light.孔子和郑樵的目录学思想,在"兼收并蓄"与"详今略古、存佚皆取"的收书原则,"分门别类"与"类例既分、学术自明"的编次思想,"述而不作"与"泛释无义"的揭示旨趣三个方面,既有相同点又有不同点,表现了我国古代目录学搜求广深、重视分类、精究提要的传统特征。

1.Bibliographic Education of Boone Library School and Bibliography Modernization文华图专目录学教育与目录学思想现代化
2.Comment on Liu xiangs ,Zhengjiao s and Zhang Xuecheng s Thoughts of Bibliography;简评刘氏父子、郑樵、章学诚目录学思想
3.On LIANG Qi-chao s Bibliographical Thoughts;读《佛家经录在中国目录学之位置》——浅析梁启超目录学思想
4.On the Study of Bibliography in 20th Century and Wang Bijiang s Thought on Bibliography;浅谈20世纪初的目录学研究与汪辟疆的目录学思想
5.On Zhang Xue-chengs Thought of Bibliography and His Contribution in the General Meaning of Proofread;浅论章学诚《校雠通义》的目录学思想及其贡献
6.On Zheng Qiao's Bibliographical Ideology and its Generalization--Understangding and Analyzing General History Collation郑樵目录学思想体系及其广义性论——解读《通志·校雠略》
7.On the Status of The Book of Change in the History of Ideology from the Bibliographical Change of the Six Classics;从六经目录学变迁看《周易》的思想史地位
8.Materialism·Realism·Evolution·Development;唯物 求实 进化 发展——以马克思主义理论审视章学诚目录思想
9.A Comparative Study on Hu Shi and Zheng Zhenduo's Achievements and Thoughts of Bibliography and Index Science文献寻检磨才力目录索引助学问——胡适、郑振铎目录索引学成就和思想比较研究
10.The Development of Ji-Department of the Chinese Ancient Catalogue and the Academic Trend of Chinese Classical Literature;古籍目录集部源流与中国古典文学的学术思想走向
11.Some thoughts on Catalogue of Discipline、Specialty about Conferring of Doctor、Master Degree and Cultivation of Graduate;关于《研究生学科、专业目录》的思考
12.A Comparative Study of the Aesthetic Thoughts in Tanjingand Confessions;《坛经》与《忏悔录》美学思想对比研究
13.On Ten Requirements in Respective of Morality and Thought of College Students in Modern Time;新时期大学生思想道德素质“十知”录
14.We always try to get students to appreciate the importance of recording bibliographical information我们总想让学生体会到做的文献目录的重要性,
15.A Realistic Thinking on the "Three Programs"and "Eight Items" in The Great Learning;《大学》“三纲”“八目”思想的现实思考
16.The Excavation and Reflection of Legends in Tang Dynasty in the Perspective of Bibliography;目录学观照下唐传奇作品的发掘及其反思
17.Review on the Bibliographical Practice in the Past Thirty Years改革开放30年来目录学实践的回顾与思考
18.Comments on the Thought and Language of Author′s Preface of San Song House of Philosophy Memo by Feng Youlan;论冯友兰哲学回忆录《三松堂自序》的思想和语言

bibliographic thoughts目录学思想
1.The three academic points about bibliography reflected the basic views of his bibliographic thoughts,which established him one important position in our country s bibliographic history.郑樵的目录学的三个重要学术观点反映了郑樵目录学思想的基本内容,确立了郑樵在我国目录学史上的重要地位。
2.There were some differences and identities in Confucian nnd Zheng Qiao s bibliographic thoughts about books collectiveprinciples,editorial thinkings, and to bring interestings of books to light.孔子和郑樵的目录学思想,在"兼收并蓄"与"详今略古、存佚皆取"的收书原则,"分门别类"与"类例既分、学术自明"的编次思想,"述而不作"与"泛释无义"的揭示旨趣三个方面,既有相同点又有不同点,表现了我国古代目录学搜求广深、重视分类、精究提要的传统特征。
3)Pensées philosophiques《哲学思想录》
4)A Revelation of Thought of Arts艺术思想启示录
5)novel memoir idea of litterateurs文学家的实录思想

《中国目录学史论丛》  中国目录学论著。王重民著。中华书局1984年出版。该书的主要部分是作者1962年为北京大学中文系古典文献专业编写的讲义《中国目录学史》(先秦至宋末元初)。此外出版时还入选作者其他目录学论文6篇,即《〈永乐大典〉的编纂及其价值》、《〈千顷堂书目〉考》、《〈明史·艺文志〉与补史艺文志的兴起》、《论〈四库全书总目〉》、《章学诚的目录学》、《清代两个大辑佚书家评传》。    《中国目录学史》讲义按中国历史阶段叙述了中国目录学的产生、发展和主要成就,系统分析与介绍了历代重要古典书目的内容与编制方法,从理论上总结了图书著录与分类、类序、提要诸方面的经验。该书注重联系社会政治、经济和文化背景,联系一定时期的社会学术思想、文献内容和文献的聚散等来研究各时期目录学。《中国目录学史》讲义与其他 6篇论文都具有一定学术价值。该书附有刘修业编《王重民著述目录》。