永恒理念,Eternal philosophy
1)Eternal philosophy永恒理念

1.The Principles of Justice and Immortality in Biography of Bo Yi;《伯夷列传》中的公正理念和永恒理念
2.Literature and Art: The Duplicating of the Universal and Eternal Ideas--A Brief Account of Schopenhauer s Literrary Theory of Voluntarism;文艺:复制普遍永恒的理念——评叔本华唯意志文论
3.The institutions of higher learning should take teaching as vocation and quality as Lifeblood;教学为本,质量立校:高校的永恒主题与办学理念
4.An eternal state of communion with God;everlasting bliss.极乐与上帝意念和谐的永恒状态;永恒的幸福
5.Eternity is inapprehensible to mankind.永恒非人类所可理解。
6.Constant personal attention and often obsequious solicitude.永恒不变的个人恒心和经常顺从的挂念
7.the dateless rise and fall of the tides; time is endless; sempiternal truth.永恒的潮起潮落;时间是无穷的;永恒的真理。
8.I too was ravished with permanent effect.我也被这永恒的意念弄得心神恍惚。
9.In Memory of Mr. Bai Shouyi;永恒的薪火──怀念我的老师白寿彝先生
10.Jingke Cmpany cordially invites domdstic and overseas customers to discuss matters of cooperation with it. The“ Win-win principle” is the eternal theme in Jingke's marketing.京科公司竭诚欢迎国内外客户共商协作大计,“共赢理念”是京科人永恒的营销主题。
11.Philosophical Research on Sports Ethics--Seeking Eternal Faith in Sports Scientific Development from the Different Qualities of Sports Culture体育伦理的哲学探究——从体育文化的差异性寻求体育科学发展的永恒信念
12.Innovation is a permanent abyss of human society, and it is also a permanent abyss of administration.创新是人类社会的一个永恒主题,也是行政管理的永恒主题。
13.Shanghai house property, an eternal estate with inflation proofing and possible appreciation, is an ideal investment.上海房产,永恒基业,保值增值,理想投资。
14.Running Colleges According to the Law: An Eternal Theme in College Education and Management;依法治校是高校教育、管理的永恒主题
15.John Keat s Pursuit of Immortality in His Odes;济慈永恒理想在颂歌中的体现(英文)
16.Confucian Immunity for Ethic:Laying the Foundation of Immortality儒家的伦理豁免:为永恒奠基的制度
17.the ageless themes of love and revenge; eternal truths; life everlasting; hell's perpetual fires; the unending bliss of heaven.爱情与复仇是永恒的主题;永恒的真理;永生;地狱里不息的火焰;天堂乐土。
18.Cost management and quality management are the permanent subject of the enterprise management;成本管理和质量管理是企业管理的永恒主题

conception of the constancy永恒的观念
3)eternal truth永恒真理
1.“Scepticism” and “outlook of eternal truth”,which were the derivative form believed by him and contained their own limitations bu t provided a new visual angle for our cognition.他批判传统真理观中的“符合论”、“怀疑论”和“永恒真理观” ,认为它们是源始真理的衍生样式 ,虽然有自己的局限性 ,但也为我们的认识提供了一个新的视
4)the concept of eternal life生命永恒的观念
5)the eternal verities永恒的真理
6)everlasting management revolution永恒的管理革命
