1.Efficacy of Narrow-band UVB with Halometasone Cream in Treatment of Vitiligo;紫外线联合卤米松乳膏治疗白癜风疗效观察
2.Clinical Observation of Psoralen Combined with Halometasone in the Treatment of Adult Vitiligo;补骨脂注射液联合卤米松乳膏治疗成人白癜风疗效观察
3.Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Compound Glycyrrhizin Combined with Halometasone Cream in Treating Vitiligo;复方甘草酸苷片联合卤米松乳膏治疗白癜风的疗效观察

1.Clinical Observation of 0.05% Halometasone Cream in the Treatment of Scabies Nodule0.05%卤米松乳膏治疗疥疮结节的临床疗效观察
2.Efficacy Observation of Xiaobai Granules with Halometasone in the Treatment of Vitiligo消白颗粒联合卤米松治疗白癜风疗效观察
3.Clinical Observation the Treatment of of halometasone ointment and psoralen tincture in the vitiligo卤米松乳膏联合补骨脂酊外用治疗白癜风
4.Therapeutic Observation of the Effect of Combining Halometasone Cream with 20% Urea Ointment on Chronic Eczema in Palm or Sole0.05%卤米松乳膏联合20%尿素软膏治疗掌跖部慢性湿疹疗效观察
5.Observation of clinical efficacy on subacute or chronic eczema treated with halometasone cream joint fusidic acid cream卤米松乳膏联合夫西地酸乳膏治疗亚急性或慢性湿疹疗效观察
6.Determination of Organic Residues in Halometasone by Head-space Gas Chromatography顶空气相色谱法测定卤米松中14种有机溶剂残留
7.The Curative Effect of Narrow-band UVB Combined with Halometasone Cream in Treatment on Palmoplantar Keratodermia Eczema窄谱中波紫外线联合卤米松乳膏治疗掌跖角化性湿疹疗效观察
8.The Effect Observation of 0.05% Halometasone treatment for Limitations Neurodermatitis0.05%卤米松乳膏治疗局限性神经性皮炎的疗效观察
9.halometasone monohydrate卤美他松霜剂(适确得霜剂,三卤米他松)
10.Prepearation of Carbon Nano/micro Materials from Halogenated Phenols以多卤代苯酚制备碳纳米/微米材料
12.Study on the Halogen-free Flame Retarded Nylon66/OMMT/SiO_2 Nanocomposite;无卤阻燃尼龙66/OMMT/SiO_2纳米复合材料的研究
13.The Influences of Haloid on the Morphology of ZnO、PbO Prepared by Solid State Reaction;卤离子对固相法制纳米ZnO、PbO粒子形貌的影响
14.Electrocatalytic Reductive Dehalogenation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers by Modified Carbon Nanotubes Electrode碳纳米管修饰电极对PCBs和PBDEs的电催化还原脱卤
15.Synthesis and insecticidal activity of 6 terpinen-4-ol halogenated and change analogues6种松油烯-4-醇卤代及双键改造衍生物的合成及其杀虫活性
16.pexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Injection地塞米松磷酸钠注射液
17.Ganymede assumed the forward manners often seen in youths when they are between boys and men盖尼米德故意装出将要成年的小伙子常有的那种卤莽样子。
18.Synthesis Study of 1D Magnesium Hydroxide Fire Retardants from the Brine;基于苦卤资源的一维纳米氢氧化镁阻燃剂合成工艺研究

halometasone cream卤米松乳膏
1.Methods A randomized,double-blinded,parallel controlled clinical trial was per- formed in 80 patients with CSL allocated in two groups,the 40 locally treated with QYC as the tested group, and the 40 treated with halometasone cream as the control group,with the treatment lasted for 2 successive weeks.方法采用随机、双百、平行对照研究,将入选的80例慢性单纯性苔藓患者随机分为观察组40例(予羌月乳膏)和对照组40例(予卤米松乳膏),连续局部用药2周。
3)Halometasone Monohydrate三卤米他松
4)Halometasone Monohydrate卤米松单水合物
5)Compound Glycyrrhizin with ointment Halometasone复方甘草酸苷与卤米松软膏
6)Halometasone Monohydrate卤美他松

卤美他松药物名称:适确得英文名:Halometasone Monohydrate别名: 卤美他松;卤米松单水合物;氯二氟美松;三卤米他松;适确得 外文名:Halometasone Monohydrate 适应症: 1.霜剂:用于治疗急性接触性皮炎、体质性湿疹、特异反应性皮炎、神经性皮炎、钱币状皮炎、脂溢性皮炎等。 2.油膏:用于治疗慢性接触性皮炎、慢性体质性湿疹、特异反应性皮炎、神经性皮炎、脂溢性湿疹、单纯性苔癣、寻常型银屑病、白癜风。 用量用法: 外用:涂于患处,每日2次。 注意事项: 1.少数人有刺激、皮肤干燥、痒、刺痛及毛囊炎。 2.孕妇慎用。 3.对本品过敏者忌用。用药后有皮肤反应即停药。 规格: 霜剂:0.05%×10g。 油膏:0.05%×10g。 类别:皮肤病用药