1.Role of survivin expression in laryngeal leukoplakia and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma;喉黏膜白斑和喉鳞状细胞癌中survivin表达的意义
2.Retrospective analysis on oral leukoplakia in 56 aged patients;56例老年口腔黏膜白斑的回顾分析
3.The voice assessment of 63 patients with larynx leukoplakia;63例声带白斑的嗓音分析

1.Any of several birds having white markings on the head.头上带白斑的一种鸟
2.a cross - trammelled horse对角两脚有白斑的马
3.leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum离心性后天性白斑
4.Study on Alisma White Spot Caused by Ramularia Alismatis泽泻白斑病(Ramularia alismatis)的研究
5.A white or light-colored spot on the face of an animal, such as a horse.白斑动物脸上,如马脸上白色或浅色的斑
6.Not all white appearance of vocal cords are leukoplakaia of larynx.声带白色样病变并非全部为喉白斑病。
7.Partial or total loss of skin pigmentation, often occurring in patches.白斑病皮肤色素的局部或全部缺乏,经常是斑状
8.Identification and Classification for One Pathogenic Fungus from Porphyra Yezoensis;条斑紫菜丝状体白斑病病原真菌的分离及鉴定
9.The expression and significance of ET-l and MMP-1 in oral leukoplakia and leukoplakia canceation tissueET-l,MMP-1在口腔白斑白斑癌变组织中的表达及意义
10.Little zebra, black and white,小斑马,黑白相间,
11.She has turned quite grey recently.她近来头发多已斑白.
12.The old man had graying hair on the temples.这位老人鬓发斑白。
13.His hair is going gray at the temples.他的鬓角正在变得斑白。
14.He is going gray at the temples.他的鬓发开始斑白。
15.Study on Angelica Leaf Spot Caused by Septoria Dearnessii;白芷斑枯病(Septoria dearnessii)的研究
16.Study on Angelica Black Spot Caused by Phyllosticta Angelicae;白芷黑斑病(Phyllosticta angelicae)的研究
17.Investigation of acid induced denaturation of albumin by dynamic laser speckle method白蛋白酸致变性的动态激光散斑研究
18.The first sign of potassium deficiency is a white speckling or freckling of the leaf blades.缺钾的最初病症是叶片呈现白色斑痕或斑点。

white spot白斑
1.The forming mechanism of “white spots” during the production of PVC-U pipe fittings and the solutions;PVC-U管件生产中“白斑”产生的机理及解决办法
2.Causes and solution for white spots in anodic oxidation of type 6063 merchant aluminum alloy;6063铝合金型材氧化过程中出现“白斑”的原因分析及解决
3.The chloride ion is one of reasons forming white spot,the concentration of which in the phosphating bath should be.结果表明:各成膜离子含量及相互比例应适中,工艺参数需控制合理,氯离子是造成镀锌钢板上磷化膜形成白斑的原因之一,磷化液内氯化物中的氯离子的质量浓度应控制在0。
4)leaf spot of Chinese cabbage白菜白斑病
5)Whitening and Freckle-removing美白祛斑
1.Determination of Active Components in Whitening and Freckle-removing Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography;美白祛斑类化妆品有效成分的液相色谱测定法
6)Freckle-removing whitening cream祛斑美白

白斑白斑white spot 以境界分明的皮肤色素脱失为其特点,为常见难治病。病因不明。任何部位均可发生,好发于阳光照射及摩擦部位,尤以面部眼、鼻、口腔等处比较多见。表现为大小形态不一的色素脱失斑,白斑周围皮肤可正常或黑素增加。如累及头皮,白色斑片上的头发可正常或呈束状白发。单侧或对称分布,也可与神经分布一致。损害可以是长期稳定的一处,也可以逐渐泛发多处。任何年龄均可发病。目前无特效治疗方法。