物质戒断综合征,substance withdrawal syndrome
1)substance withdrawal syndrome物质戒断综合征
2)substance withdrawal syndrome/ME物质戒断综合征/代谢
3)Withdrawal syndrome戒断综合征
1.Opioid dependence is a chronic relapsing disorder in the brain characterized by compulsive drug taking, inability to limit the intake of drugs, and the emergence of withdrawal syndrome after cessation of drug taking.阿片依赖是一种慢性复发性脑病,以强迫用药、不断增加药物摄入量和停药时出现戒断综合征为主要特征。

1.Measurable Diagnosis of Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome by theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine阿片类戒断综合征的中医辨证计量诊断
2.The severity of his drug withdrawal syndrome peaked the next day.第二天,他的药物戒断综合征发展到高峰。
3.The Clinical Study of Electroacupuncture Treatment of Withdrawal Syndrome in Heroin Addicts;电针治疗海洛因依赖戒断综合征临床疗效观察
4.TCM nursing of alcohol withdraloal syndrome on the patients with alcoholic liver disease酒精性肝病患者酒精戒断综合征的中医护理
5.A Clinical Study on the Treatment of Heroinism Abstinence Syndrome by Compound Yang - warming, Qi-invigorating and Blood - activating Prescription温阳益气活血复方抗海洛因依赖戒断综合征的临床研究
6.Study on the Mechanism of Fuzitang on the Morphine-dependent Animals Syndromes;附子汤对吗啡类依赖动物戒断综合征治疗作用机制的探讨
7.Study on Syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Protracted Abstinence Symptom of Opium-addicts and the Mechanisms about Addiction Memory;稽延性戒断综合征证候特点及成瘾记忆机制初探
8.Effect of Shengmai lnjection on Warming Yang and Increasing Blood Pressure of Withdrewal Syndrome Patients生脉注射液治疗戒断综合征重症的温阳升压作用研究
9.Objective: To observe the effect of calcium antagonists nimodipine controlled-release tablets(NCRT) as adjuvant therapy on heroin withdrawal syndrome.目的··:观察钙拮抗剂尼莫地平控释片对海洛因戒断综合征的辅助治疗作用。
10.A Visibility Study of Target and Clinical Effect on Treating Opiate Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome with U'finer;中药君复康治疗阿片稽延性戒断综合征的作用靶点和临床疗效的可视化研究
11.A Recombinant Adenovirus Expressing β-EP(Ad-NEP) in Treating Acute Morphine Withdrawal Syndrome in Rats表达β-内啡肽的重组腺病毒Ad-NEP治疗大鼠急性吗啡戒断综合征的实验研究
12.The Treatment of Shen-An-Jiao-Tai Grains on Insomnia with Benzodiazepines Drugs Withdrawal Syndrome by Multicenter Clinical Trial神安交泰颗粒治疗失眠症苯二氮(艹卓)类药物戒断综合征的多中心临床观察
13.Imaging diagnosis of Swyer-James syndromeSwyer-James综合征的影像诊断
14.CT diagnosis of morning glory syndrome (report of 7 cases)牵牛花综合征的ct诊断(附七例分析)
15.Biopsy of labial salivary glands and lacrimal glands in the diagnosis of Sjgren′s syndrome唇唾液腺和泪腺活检诊断Sjogren综合征
16.Sonographic Diagnosis of Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome未破裂卵泡黄素化综合征的超声诊断
17.Comparison of the Diagnostic Criteria of Metabolic Syndrome by International Diabetes Federation and that by Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Branch;代谢综合征2种诊断标准的比较分析
18.Clinical Study on the Early Diagnosis of Children with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis;儿童噬血细胞综合征的早期诊断研究

substance withdrawal syndrome/ME物质戒断综合征/代谢
3)Withdrawal syndrome戒断综合征
1.Opioid dependence is a chronic relapsing disorder in the brain characterized by compulsive drug taking, inability to limit the intake of drugs, and the emergence of withdrawal syndrome after cessation of drug taking.阿片依赖是一种慢性复发性脑病,以强迫用药、不断增加药物摄入量和停药时出现戒断综合征为主要特征。
4)Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/acupoint ther物质戒断综合征/穴位疗法
5)substance withdrawal syndrome物质禁断综合征
6)alcohol withdrawal syndrome酒精戒断综合征
1.To investigate the clinical characteristics of the alcoholic liver disease complicated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome,and to analyze whether the severity of alcoholic liver disease influence the performance of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.探讨酒精性肝病患者中酒精戒断综合征的临床特点,并分析酒精性肝病的严重程度是否影响戒断症状的轻重。

为恶人说戒戒【为恶人说戒戒】 (术语)四十八轻戒之一。诫为恶人说佛戒者。盖未受菩萨戒者或外道恶人及邪见人辈,未受佛戒,名为畜生,生生不见三宝,与木头无异,故若为利养向是等恶人,说七佛之教诫,则所化无益,说者唯得罪也。法藏及太贤皆谓之非处说戒戒。以此等人皆为非处也。道俗七众大小二乘俱制之。出梵网经卷下,菩萨戒义疏卷下。