化妆品皮肤病,cosmetic dermatosis
1)cosmetic dermatosis化妆品皮肤病
1.Investigation and analysis on cosmetic dermatosis happened in 2005;2005年全国化妆品皮肤病1053例临床调查及分析
2.The value of patch testing with cosmetic protoplast in diagnosing cosmetic dermatosis;化妆品原物斑贴试验在诊断化妆品皮肤病中的作用评价

1.Analysis of the clinical features of 200 patients with cosmetic dermatoses in Guangzhou in 20072007年广州监测点化妆品皮肤病发病情况分析
2.Surveillance on cosmetic dermatosis in Guangzhou City,20082008年广州地区化妆品皮肤病监测结果分析
3.care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage and the application of cosmetic creams.用化妆品护理面部皮肤。
4.A cosmetic, such as rouge, that is used to give color to the face;makeup.化妆品一种用来给皮肤上色的化妆品,如胭脂;化妆品
5.Your skin will no longer be dry and rough if you apply some hydrating cosmetics.用些补水的化妆品皮肤就不干涩了。
6.Rouge is a cosmetic used to apply on the cheek skin.胭脂是擦敷于面颊皮肤上的化妆品。
7.Establishment of reconstituted human engineered skin model for evaluating cosmetic skin corrosion/irritation重组人皮肤模型评价化妆品皮肤腐蚀性/刺激性替代方法的建立
8.a toiletry applied to the skin in order to mask unpleasant odors.涂在皮肤上用来掩盖不和谐的气味的化妆品。
9.The protection of treatment cosmetics on sensitive skin功效性化妆品对敏感性皮肤的防护作用
10.Assessment of the skin irritation hazard of 5 cosmetics using the shell-less hen's egg test chorioallantoic membrane assay五种化妆品的皮肤刺激性:平皿法鸡胚试验评价
11.A cosmetic preparation that is applied to the face and allowed to dry before being removed, used especially for cleansing and tightening the skin.面膜涂在脸上的化妆前用品,干后除去,用以清洁和缩紧皮肤
12.Research for Some Alternative Methods of Dermal Toxicity in Cosmetic Safety Evaluation化妆品安全性评价中皮肤毒性若干替代实验方法的研究
13.Various numerous skin care products and cosmetics have emerged for delaying consenescence and skin ageing.为了延缓衰老,延缓皮肤的老化,各类护肤品和化妆品应运而生,数不胜数。
14.We have a series of product, such as cosmetic,the produce of clean-skin and moisten.我们有一系列的产品,从化妆品到洁肤和润肤品。
15.These include cosmetic, toothpaste, shampoo, skin and hair care agent.如:化妆品、牙膏、洗发膏、护肤、护发用品等。
16.This shop has set up a special counter to sell cosmetics for removing dandruff and moisture skin.本商店特设去屑,润肤化妆品专柜。
17.Put some moisturizer on as a base before applying your make-up.使用化妆品之前先用点润肤脂打底.
18.The high-grade apperception that protect skin makeup article collect limits to be made separately.高档护肤类化妆品征收范围另行制定。

skin cosmetic皮肤化妆品
1.The formulations and ef- fective evaluation methods of skin cosmetics are also introduced.同时介绍了这种皮肤化妆品的配方及效果评价方法。
3)Skin-whitening cos-metic皮肤美白化妆品
4)cosmetic skin irritant test化妆品皮肤刺激性试验
5)skin care cosmetic护肤化妆品
6)berloque dermatitis化妆品皮炎

品他病  又名斑点病。由品他密螺旋体 (Treponema cara-teum)引起的一种地方性流行病。主要累及皮肤,初期在螺旋体侵入处出现原发性丘疹,二期时全身发疹,晚期出现色素增多和色素脱失斑。