致敏药物,causative agents
1)causative agents致敏药物
1.Objective To study the causative agents and the clinical features of drug eruption of outpatients in our hospital from 2004 to 2005.目的分析北京同仁医院皮肤科2004年1月2006年6月,门诊药疹患者的致敏药物及临床分型。
2.OBJECTIVE By investigating the epidemiological characteristics of drug eruption and summarizing the development of the causative agents, the types of drug eruption of inpatients and the therapeutic experiences of severe drug eruption in our department for five years, the objective of the thesis is to improve prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy of this disease.目的 探讨药疹的流行病学特征,总结齐鲁医院皮肤科近5年来住院药疹患者的致敏药物和皮疹类型的发展变化及重症药疹的治疗经验,以便更好地预防、诊断和治疗药疹。

1.Early recognition of AHS and timely discontinuing of the suspected drugs are the essential therapy.即早认识并停用致敏药物是治疗的关键。
2.Analysis of 26 Cases of Allergic Shock Induced by Anticancer Drugs26例抗肿瘤药物致过敏性休克分析
3.True drug allergy is often preceded by prior exposure, or sensitization, to the same or to a similar substance.药物过敏发生前常有同一物质或类似物质的接触或致敏。
4.Along with the development and application of new drugs, the incidence of drug-induced erythro-derma tends to increase, so does the number of sensitizing drugs.随着药物的使用和新药的开发应用,药物过敏引起的红皮病呈上升趋势,致敏药也逐渐增多。
5.On Separation of Pathogenic E.coli from Chicken and Screening of Sensitive Drug肉雏鸡致病性大肠杆菌的分离及敏感药物筛选
6.Omparative study on allergen assessment animal models in brown norway rat and guinea pigBN大鼠与豚鼠用于药物致敏性评价的比较
7.A Phermaceutical Susceptibility Test of Pathogenic E.Coli strains Isolated from Chicken to Eroflocacin;恩诺沙星药物对几株禽源致病性大肠杆菌的药敏试验
8.Conclusion: There are relations between the mortality and age,administration time,characteristics of drugs and administration route.结论:药物所致过敏性休克死亡与患者年龄、用药时间、药物特点及给药途径等有关。
9.Molecular Species Identification and Susceptibility Patterns of Pathogenic Fungi in Superficial Mycoses;浅部致病真菌的分子生物学鉴定及药物敏感性的相关研究
10."Drugs containing mercury can cause sensitivity reactions, sometimes fatal. In young children, acrodynia (pink disease) is probably caused by an organic mercury compound in house paints. "含汞药物可引起过敏反应,有时是致命的。儿童的肢痛病(「红皮
11.objective To investigate the rule and characteristics of drug-induced anaphylactic shock(AIAS).目的探讨各类药物导致过敏性休克的规律和特点。
12.Comparison of Sensitivity of Anti-bacteria Medicinies between Gansu and Shanghai Strains of Aeromonas hydrophila Parasited on Trionyx sinensis鳖致病性嗜水气单胞菌甘肃株和上海株对抗菌药物的敏感性比较
13.Sensitivity Test of Pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila to 31 Kinds of Antibiotics致病性嗜水气单胞菌对31种抗菌药物的敏感试验
14.Mucus Hypersecretion in the Airway of Sensitized Rats: The Effects of EGFR Pathway and a Novel Therapeutic Intervention.;致敏大鼠气道粘液异常分泌与EGFR通路及其药物治疗
15.Expression of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecle-1 in Lung Slices from Antigen-sensitized Rats and Pharmacological Modulation;抗原致敏大鼠离体肺片VCAM-1表达及药物调节作用
16.Almost any allergy-causing substance- including insect venom, pollen, latex, certain foods and drugs- can cause anaphylaxis.几乎所有的致敏物质——包括昆虫毒液、粉、胶、些食物和药品——都能引发过敏症。
17.food - sensitized solar dermatitis食物致敏性日光性皮炎
18.Do you have any drug allergies?你对什么药物过敏吗?

sensitizing medicine致敏药
3)pathogen drug sensitivity致病菌药物敏感性
1.In the process of ACD,a series of infiltration of inflammatory cells and the release of inflammatory mediators will appear after stimulated by allergen.ACD 是由 T 淋巴细胞介导的抗原特异性皮肤过敏反应,以抗原刺激后局部皮肤出现一系列的皮肤炎症细胞浸润、炎症介质释放为特征,属于迟发Ⅳ型变态反应,而 ICD 是不产生特异性抗体的皮肤炎症;防腐剂、香料香精、乳化剂是引起化妆品接触性皮炎致敏物的三类主要致敏源,并讨论了人们对化妆品接触性皮炎认识的几个误区。
6)Drug allergy药物过敏
1.Strengthening the nursing intervene of drug allergy;加强病人药物过敏的护理干预
2.The drug allergy by Carbamazepine was made a definite diagnosis.一糖尿病患者因下肢疼痛服用卡马西平,3天后出现严重的剥脱性皮炎,被确诊为卡马西平药物过敏,经抗过敏治疗好转。
3.Analysis on cases of medical dispute caused by drug allergy show that the main law problems are both the law recognition and compensation.通过对药物过敏所致医疗纠纷的案例进行分析,认为其主要的法律问题是法律认定和赔偿。

光致敏作用光致敏作用 又称"光感作用","光变态反应作用"。光照人体而引起的一种特殊反应。由于组织内存在某些化学物质,当受光照射时产生异常反应。产生这种反应的多为药物,以冬眠灵、磺胺最为突出,此外某些蔬菜(如紫云英等)也可引起。这种反应可能是药物通过光变态反应或光毒性反应,提高了皮肤对光敏感的过程。