维A酸软膏,Tretinoin Ointment
1)Tretinoin Ointment维A酸软膏
2)tretinoin ointment维甲酸软膏
1.Determination of the tretinoin in the tretinoin ointment by UV紫外分光光度法测定维甲酸软膏中维甲酸的含量

1.Determination of the tretinoin in the tretinoin ointment by UV紫外分光光度法测定维甲酸软膏中维甲酸的含量
2.Determination of salicylic acid in compound benzoic acid ointment by HPLCHPLC法测定医用苯甲酸软膏中水杨酸的含量
3.Determination of Salicylic Acid and Benzoic Acid in Compound Benzoic Acid Ointment by HPLCHPLC法测定复方水杨酸冰片软膏中水杨酸和苯甲酸的含量
4.Compound benzoic acid ointment is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin.复合苯甲酸酸软膏被使用在皮肤的真菌感染的治疗。
5.Observation on the Effect of Butyl Flufenamate Ointment Combined with Tretinoin Ointmen Treating Chronic Eczema and Dermatoneuritis氟芬那酸丁酯软膏联合维A酸乳膏治疗慢性湿疹和神经性皮炎疗效观察
6.Efficacy of Weialu combined with cutivate cream on vitiligo维阿露联合丙酸氟替卡松软膏治疗白癜风疗效观察
7.Observation of the effect of tow dose of isotretinoic acid combined with Xinfubirun ointment on chronic eczema in palm or sole异维A酸联合新肤必润软膏治疗掌跖部慢性湿疹疗效观察
8.Stimutaneous determination of clindamycin and tretinon in compound clindamycin hydrochloride ointment by HPLC and evaluation of ointment's stabilityHPLC法同时测定复方盐酸克林霉素软膏中克林霉素和维A酸的含量及稳定性考察
9.Comparison of the effects between minocycline hydrochloride and metronidazole on peri-implantitis盐酸米诺环素软膏与甲硝唑凝胶治疗种植体周围炎的临床疗效比较
10.Effect of External Application of Shengjigao and Povidone Iodine Ointment on Pressure Ulcer生肌膏加聚维酮碘软膏外敷治疗压疮效果观察
11.The surface is Yakeli get together fat of third acerbity armour, the reverse side uses colophony gesso to add fibre glass, in order to enhance its hardness.亚克力表面为聚丙酸甲脂,背面采用树脂石膏加玻璃纤维,以增强其硬度。
12.Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Alliance Effect of Acyclovir Ointment and Povidone Iodine Ointment on the Clustering Herpes Induced by Herpes Zoster Virus阿昔洛韦软膏联合聚维酮碘软膏治疗带状疱疹皮损的疗效观察
13.Effective observation on treatment of eczema scrotum with the combination of heparin sodium gream and clobetasol propionate ointment;海普林乳膏联合丙酸氯倍他索软膏治疗阴囊湿疹临床疗效观察
14.Comparing the curative effects for prophase anal fissure between Compound nitroglycerin ointment and Jiu hua adhesive ointments复方硝酸甘油软膏和九华膏治疗早期肛裂的疗效对比
15.Study of Antiseptic Application in Toothpaste by Sodium p-Hydroxybenzoate对羟基苯甲酸酯钠盐在牙膏中防腐的应用研究
16.Method To observe its clinical effects.方法用醋酸去炎松软膏对临床患者进行治疗、察。
17.The effect of non-surgical periodontal and adjunctive minocycline-HCL treatments on collagenase activity盐酸米诺四环素软膏对龈沟液中胶原酶的影响
18.The therapeutic effects of minocycline paste on periodontal abscess盐酸米诺环素软膏治疗牙周脓肿疗效评价

tretinoin ointment维甲酸软膏
1.Determination of the tretinoin in the tretinoin ointment by UV紫外分光光度法测定维甲酸软膏中维甲酸的含量
3)Compound tretinoin ointment复方维A酸软膏
1.OBJECTIVE: To develop a method for determination of the content of Dexamethasone acetate in Compound tretinoin ointment by RP-HPLC.目的:建立以反相高效液相色谱法测定复方维A酸软膏中醋酸地塞米松含量的方法。
2.Conclusion Compound tretinoin ointment is stable in quality and safe in use,with a reliable effect on dermatosis, es.目的研制具有抗角质化、抗菌、抗过敏的复方维A酸软膏
3.Quantitative determination of tretinoin in compound tretinoin ointment by TLC-scanning;目的 :建立复方维A酸软膏的质量控制标准。
4)Tannin ointment鞣酸软膏
5)boracic ointment硼酸软膏
6)Tretinoin Ointment维A酸乳膏
1.The clinical observation of Tretinoin Ointment and Levamisole treatment in verruca planae维A酸乳膏联合左旋咪唑治疗扁平疣的疗效观察

维A酸软膏药物名称:维A酸软膏英文名:Tretinoin Ointment汉语拼音:主要成分:性状:乳剂型基质的淡黄色软膏。药理作用:主要是调节表皮细胞的有丝分裂和表皮细胞的更新,使病变皮肤的增生和分化恢复正常,特别是能促进毛囊上皮的更新,防止角质栓的阻塞,以及抑制角蛋白的合成。药代动力学:外用可有少量经皮吸收,吸收后与维生素A在体内的主要代谢产物和活性形式相同,它主要是在葡萄糖醛酸转移酶的催化下生成葡萄糖醛酸酯代谢物而排出体外。适应症:适用于寻常型痤疮,鱼磷病和寻常型银屑病。亦可用于其他角化异常性皮肤病。用法与用量:外用,涂于患处,每日1~2次。 用于寻常型痤疮:0.05%; 用于鱼鳞病、寻常型银屑病:0.1%。不良反应:外用部位皮肤可引起瘙痒、发红、灼痛或脱屑等刺激现象。禁忌症: 1.急性或亚急性皮炎、湿疹类皮肤病患者禁用。 2.孕妇禁用。 3.儿童慎用。注意事项: 1.不宜使用于皮肤皱折部位。 2.避免同时使用其他外用抗痤疮药、脱屑药以及含乙醇的制剂。 3.避免接触眼和鼻腔粘膜。 4.治疗部位避免照射日光及太阳灯。 5.一般不宜大面积应用,日用量不应超过20g。规格:(1)10g:5mg (2)10g:10mg贮藏:遮光,置阴凉处保存。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是