早期隐性梅毒,early latent syphilis
1)early latent syphilis早期隐性梅毒
1.Objective To explore the influence of BCG-PSN on peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in early latent syphilis.目的探讨卡介菌多糖核酸(BCG-PSN)对早期隐性梅毒患者外周血T细胞亚群表达的影响。

1.Influence of BCG-PSN on Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subsets in Early Latent Syphilis卡介菌多糖核酸对早期隐性梅毒患者外周血T细胞亚群的影响
2.The Cellular Immune Function of Patients with Early Latent Syphilis and the Influence Caused by BCG-PSN Therapy;早期隐性梅毒患者细胞免疫功能改变及卡介菌多糖核酸对其影响的研究
3.Clinical analysis of three methods in the treatment of acquired early syphilis三种方法治疗获得性早期梅毒的临床疗效分析
4.Cellular immunity in syohilis patients at the third trimester with sero-resistance of TRUST妊娠晚期隐性梅毒TRUST血清固定患者细胞免疫功能研究
5.Expression of Toll-like receptor 2 mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cell of early early symptomatic syphilitic patients syphilitic patients早期显性梅毒患者外周血单个核细胞Toll样受体2mRNA表达的研究
6.Detection of Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subsets in Early Sero-Resistant Syphilis Patients;早期梅毒血清固定患者淋巴细胞的检测及意义
7.Study on the Clinical Therapeutic Effective of Three Methods in Patients with Early Congenital Syphilis;三种方法治疗早期梅毒的疗效比较研究
8."Chancre: Primary sore or ulcer at the site of entry of a pathogen; specifically, the typical skin lesion of primary infectious syphilis."下疳: 性传播疾病梅毒早期的典型皮肤病变,常常发生在阴茎、阴唇、子宫颈或肛门直肠部位。
9.a small rubbery granuloma that is characteristic of an advanced stage of syphilis.有弹性的肉芽是梅毒的后期阶段。
10.The Application of Nested PCR and Low Avidity Tests for the Detection of Early Syphilis Infection;采用巢式PCR与低亲和力试验检测梅毒早期感染的研究
11.Serological analysis of 360 cases of syphilis360例早期梅毒患者实验室检测及临床治疗结果分析
12.Objective To help physicians make correct diagnosis of secondary syphilis.目的:提高临床医师诊断二期梅毒的准确性。
13.The early MRI features of subacute virus encephalitis亚急性病毒性脑炎的早期MRI表现
14.The Early Diagnosis and Dynamic Observation after Therapy in Cryptococcal Meningitis;隐球菌性脑膜炎早期诊断及治疗后的动态观察
15.The Pattern of Benevolence--Invisible structure in Zhu Ziqing s prose of his earlier stage;仁者之文——论朱自清早期散文的隐性结构
16.syphilitic spinal muscular atroph梅毒性脊髓病性肌萎缩
17.aortitis syphilitica obliterans闭塞性梅毒性主动脉炎
18.meningovascular neurosyphilis脑膜血管性神经梅毒

latent early syphilis潜伏性早期梅毒
3)early symptomatic syphilis早期症状性梅毒
4)Early syphilis早期梅毒
1.Analysis on diagnosis and treatment of 52 patients with early syphilis;52例早期梅毒诊疗分析
2.This paper analysed the sex,age,occupation,infection of source stage,sex portner,marriage,clinical symptom,diagnvsis and therapy of early syphilis.本文分析了早期梅毒75例的性别、年龄、职业、传染来源、期别、性伴、婚姻、临床症状诊断及治疗。
3.Objective:To eveluate the value of ceftriaxone in the treatment of serofast of patients with early syphilis.目的 : 了解头孢曲松对早期梅毒血清固定的治疗价值。
5)latent syphilis隐性梅毒
6)Late latent syphilis/ pregnancy晚期隐性梅毒/妊娠
