章光101,Zhangguang 101
1)Zhangguang 101章光101
1.Study on the culture of vibrissa follicles of C57BL/6J mice by the Products of Zhangguang 101 in vitro章光101生发系列产品对C57BL/6J小鼠触须毛囊体外培养的研究
2.To investigate the effects of products of Zhangguang 101 on hair growth cycle in vivo and the effects on hair follicles growth in vitro were studied in this paper.本实验以C57BL/6J小鼠为动物模型,通过在体试验,观察章光101生发系列产品对毛发生长周期的影响;应用C57BL/6J小鼠触须毛囊体外培养模型,观察章光101生发系列产品对毛囊生长的影响。

1.The Influence of the Products of Zhangguang 101 Hair Growing with C57BL/6J Mice章光101生发系列产品对C57BL/6J小鼠毛发生长的影响
2.Study on the culture of vibrissa follicles of C57BL/6J mice by the Products of Zhangguang 101 in vitro章光101生发系列产品对C57BL/6J小鼠触须毛囊体外培养的研究
3.On the Art of Irony in A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters;《101/2章世界史》中的反讽艺术
4.'Room 101,' he said.“101号房,”他说。
5.Dissolution of the Real in Julian Barnes A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters;诘问历史,探寻真实——从《101/2章人的历史》看后现代主义小说中真实性的隐遁
6.The thing that is in Room 101...101号房里的东西…
7.Research on Identification of Stamp Impressions Forged by Laser Stamps and Photosensitive Stamps利用激光、光敏印章机伪造印章印文的鉴定
8.Liner 101 is leaving in ten minutes.101 号轮十分钟后开船。
9.Nationwide, 101 military airports and 29 military harbours have been opened to the public, and some military facilities have been put to civilian use.全国共有101个军用机
10.That makes a total of one hundred and one yuan.你总共要给我101元。
11.You know what is in Room 101.你知道101号房里有什么。
12.'Room 101,' said the officer.“101号房,”那个军官说。
13.Liner 101 leaves at 8:30 p.m.101 号轮晚上 8:30 开船。
14.Irving Berlin lived to be 101 years old.欧文?伯林活了101岁,
15.Analysis of the Description of Cataloging Field 101 in CNMARKCNMARC中101字段著录探析
16.You see, if you add 100 to 1, you get 101, and 99 and 2 is 101你看,如果把100和1相加,得到101,而99加2是101
17.98 and 3 is 101 too, and when you reach 51 and 50, you have 101 fifty times .98加3也是101,当加到51和50时,就有50个101。
18.You see, if you add 100 to1, you get 101, and 99 and 2 be 101.你看,如果把100和1相加,得到101,而99加2是101。

bronze red101金光红
3)A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters《101/2章世界史》
4)A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters《101/2章人的历史》
1.Dissolution of the Real in Julian Barnes A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters;诘问历史,探寻真实——从《101/2章人的历史》看后现代主义小说中真实性的隐遁
5)Provisional Urban Council Ordinance [Cap.101]《临时市政局条例》(第101章)
6)photosensitive seal光敏印章
1.This paper discusses the characteristics of photosensitive seal print and the main issues for examination on the basis of research team s investigation,empirical study and case study.光敏印章盖印印文是司法鉴定中涉及真伪鉴别的一类新型印文。
