门诊性病患者,STD outpatients
1)STD outpatients门诊性病患者
1.【Methods】200 consecutive STD outpatients who attended the clinic of a general hospital were investigated using a self-designed questionnaire, which included background information, STD related knowledge and health-seeking behaviors.目的了解医疗机构门诊性病患者就诊延误行为发生情况及主要影响因素。
2.【Methods】200 STD outpatients who attended clinic from 19th Apr.目的了解综合性医疗机构门诊性病患者的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染危险性性行为发生现况及其主要影响因素。

1.Sexual risk behaviors and its related factors among sexually transmitted disease outpatients门诊性病患者危险性性行为及其影响因素
2.Epidemiological Study on Risk Factors of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in STD Out-patients门诊性病患者沙眼衣原体感染危险因素研究
3.Analyzing Causes and Making a Reactive Treatment Decision of Mental Health Problems in Outpatients of Venereal Disease;门诊性病患者的心理问题、产生原因及对应处置决策研究
4.Detecting and drug-susceptibility analysis of mycoplasma in out patients with sexually transmitted diseases性病门诊患者支原体检测及药敏分析
5.Analysis of Syphilis Infection in Outpatients for Sexually Transmitted Diseases In Quzhou City衢州市性病门诊患者梅毒感染情况分析
6.Studies on Etiology and Epidemiology of Patients with Mucopurulent Cervicitis in a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic;性病门诊粘液脓性宫颈炎患者的病原学及流行病学研究
7.Disease Spectrum in Fever Outpatient Department and Pre-treatment Education Strategy:A Retrospective Analysis发热门诊患者疾病谱回顾性分析及诊前教育对策
8.Investigation on Pathogen in Case with Cervical Erosion in STD Outpatients.性病门诊中宫颈糜烂患者病原微生物感染情况调查
9.Etiological Analysis of 3270 Patients with Dizziness3270例门诊头晕患者的病因分析
10.Etiological Analysis of 2189 Headache Patients from Specific Headache Clinic2189例门诊头痛患者的病因分析
11.Methods: We selected two regions as study sites, one of which represented a rural area and the other an urban area in northwestern Taiwan.研究对象是急诊部门的病患中须转诊者,不包括门诊及病房的转诊病患。
12.The Influencing Factors of Treatment Compliance of Geriatric Patients with T2DM in Health Care Clinic and Countermeasures保健门诊老年2型糖尿病患者治疗依从性影响因素及管理措施
13.Urogenital mycoplasma infection and drug resistance analysis in STD clinic性病门诊患者泌尿生殖道支原体感染及耐药分析
14.A patient who is admitted to a hospital or clinic for treatment that does not require an overnight stay.门诊病人不需住院而在医院或门诊部接受诊断治疗的患者
15.Analysis of Disease Burden of Diarrhea in Sichuan四川省门诊和住院腹泻病患者疾病负担调查
16.Research of intensive treatment card in newly diagnosed diabetes patients during the out - patient referral初诊糖尿病患者强化治疗卡在门诊复诊中的应用
17.Investigation of Knowledge Attitudes and Practices of AIDS among Outpatients with STD性病门诊就诊者艾滋病知识态度行为调查
18.National Sentinel Surveillance of HIV Infection Among STD Clinic Attendants in Chengdu from 2004 to 2008成都市2004-2008年性病门诊就诊者艾滋病哨点监测

clinic attendants性病门诊患者
1.Objective This study was conducted to learn about the awareness of the clinic attendants for knowledge of AIDS/HIV, the infection of AIDS/ syphilis and the high risk behaviors of AIDS, and providing the basis for developing the policy of integrated interventions.目的了解上海市嘉定区性病门诊患者艾滋病知识知晓情况、艾滋病/梅毒感染情况和艾滋病高危行为发生情况,为干预策略的制定提供依据。
3)veneral clinic patients性病门诊就诊患者
4)psychotic outpatient门诊精神病患者
1.Objective To survey and analyze the present situation of use of the antipsychotic drugs in psychotic outpatients.目的了解门诊精神病患者抗精神病药物的使用情况,为临床合理用药提供参考。
5)Cases visiting skin disease clinics皮肤病门诊患者
1.Correlation Between Outpatient's Medical Knowledge and Satisfaction Degree;门诊患者药物认知度及与患者满意度的相关性调查
2.Antibacterial Usage among Outpatients in Our Hospital;门诊患者抗菌药物应用调查
3.Analysis on knowledge and behaviors to AIDS in STD outpatients;性病门诊患者艾滋病防治知识和行为状况分析
