阿昔莫司胶囊,Acipimox Capsules
1)Acipimox Capsules阿昔莫司胶囊
1.Comparison of dissolution rate assay methods on Acipimox Capsules;阿昔莫司胶囊溶出度测定方法的比较
1.Determination of Acipimox in materials by HPLC;HPLC法测定阿昔莫司原料的含量
2.Studies on efficacy and safety of simvastatin plus acipimox for treating combined hyperlipidemia;辛伐他汀联合阿昔莫司治疗混合型高脂血症的疗效与安全性研究
3.The efficacy and safety comparison of acipimox,lovastatin in treatment on aged people with combined hyperlipidemia;阿昔莫司、洛伐他汀治疗老年混合型高脂血症随机对照研究

1.Effect of acipimox for treating combined hyperlipidemia in the elderly patients with diabetes阿昔莫司对老年糖尿病患者混合型高脂血症的影响
2.Amoco International Oil Co.阿莫科国际石油公司
3.Amoco Corporation阿莫寇股份有限公司
4.Effects of aspirin and celecoxib on expressions of COX-2 and VEGF in breast cancer cells MCF-7阿司匹林和塞来昔布对乳腺癌细胞MCF-7中COX-2及VEGF表达的影响
5.BP-Amoco’s Business Activities and Introduction of its Products;BP-阿莫科公司的经营业务及其产品介绍
6.The Effect of Lormoxicam and Aspirin-DL-Lysine on Auto-immune Status of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion in Rabbits;氯诺昔康和赖氨酸阿司匹林对腰椎间盘突出症自身免疫状态影响的动物实验比较研究
7.Synthetic Research of ACE Inhibitor Moexipril Hydrochloride;ACE抑制剂盐酸莫昔普利合成工艺研究
9.Advances in correlation between CYP2D6 and tamoxifen therapyCYP2D6与他莫昔芬疗效相关性的研究进展
10.Simultaneous and Rapid Determination of Aciclovir, Ganciclovir and Penciclovir in Plasma Using Solid-phase Extraction and High-performance Liquid Chromatography;SPE-HPLC法同时快速测定血浆中更昔洛韦、阿昔洛韦和喷昔洛韦的浓度
11.Comparison of Effects of Ganciclovir and Acyclovir on Adult Varicella更昔洛韦和阿昔洛韦治疗成人水痘的疗效比较
12.Therapeutic effects of ganciclovir and aciclovir on varicella更昔洛韦与阿昔洛韦治疗水痘临床疗效分析
13.ASAMOAH, Obed Yao奥贝德·亚奥·阿萨莫阿赫
14.Development of the Aspirin and Dipyridamole Floating Tablets in Stomach and Its Pharmacokinetics and Reltive Bioavailability Study;阿司匹林双嘧达莫胃内漂浮片的研制与家犬体内药物动力学研究
15.Effects of Cyclosporine A or Tacrolimus Combined with Epirubicin on the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines;环孢素A或他克莫司联合表阿霉素对肝癌细胞增殖、凋亡的影响
16.Observation of aspirin plus dipyridamole in preventing recurrence of ischemic stroke阿司匹林与双嘧达莫预防缺血性脑卒中复发的临床观察
17.Studies on Pharmacokinetics and Relative Bioavailability of Aspirin-dipyridamole Floating Tablets in Stomach阿司匹林双嘧达莫胃内漂浮片的药动学及相对生物利用度的研究
18.The Clinical Effect of Glutathione Combining with Ulinastatin in Treating Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome乌司他丁联合阿拓莫兰治疗多器官功能障碍综合征疗效评价

1.Determination of Acipimox in materials by HPLC;HPLC法测定阿昔莫司原料的含量
2.Studies on efficacy and safety of simvastatin plus acipimox for treating combined hyperlipidemia;辛伐他汀联合阿昔莫司治疗混合型高脂血症的疗效与安全性研究
3.The efficacy and safety comparison of acipimox,lovastatin in treatment on aged people with combined hyperlipidemia;阿昔莫司、洛伐他汀治疗老年混合型高脂血症随机对照研究
3)acipimox capsule阿西莫司胶囊
4)Synthesis of Acipimox阿昔莫司的合成
5)dipyridamole compound sustained release capsule阿司达莫缓释胶囊
1.Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of dipyridamole compound sustained release capsules in health volunteers;阿司达莫缓释胶囊在健康志愿者的生物等效性研究
6)tamaxin capsule他莫昔芬胶囊

阿莫西林胶囊【通用名称】阿莫西林胶囊 【其他名称】阿莫西林胶囊 阿莫西林胶囊 拼音名:Amoxilin Jiaonang 英文名:Amoxicillin Capsules 书页号:2000年版二部-339 本品含阿莫西林(C16H19N3O5S) 应为标示量的90.0%~110.0 %。 【鉴别】 取本品的内容物,照阿莫西林项下的鉴别(1)项试验,显相同的结果。 【检查】 水分 取本品的内容物,照水分测定法(附录Ⅷ M第一法A)测定,含水 分不得过16.0%。 溶出度 取本品,照溶出度测定法(附录Ⅹ C第一法),以水为溶剂,转速为每分 钟100 转,依法操作,45分钟时,取溶液适量,滤过,精密量取续滤液适量,用水稀释 成每1ml 中约含130μg的溶液;另取装量差异项下的内容物,混合均匀,精密称取适量 (约相当于1粒的平均装量)按标示量加水溶解并稀释成每1ml 中约含130μg的溶液。取 上述两种溶液,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A),在272nm 的波长处分别测定吸收度,按二者 吸收度的比值计算每粒的溶出量。限度为80%,应符合规定。 其他 应符合胶囊剂项下有关的各项规定(附录Ⅰ E)。 【含量测定】 取装量差异项下的内容物,混合均匀,精密称取适量,加磷酸盐缓冲液 (PH5.0)溶解并稀释成每1ml中约含0.6mg的溶液,滤过,取续滤液,照阿莫西林项下的方法 测定。 【类别】 同阿莫西林。 【规格】 按C16H19N3O5S 计算 (1) 0.125g (2) 0.25g 【贮藏】 遮光,密封保存。