梅毒感染,Syphilis infection
1)Syphilis infection梅毒感染

1.Prevalence rate of HIV infection and syphilis as well as factors associated with syphilis among female sex workers in Beijing,2006-20082006-2008年北京市暗娼人群梅毒和HIV感染率及梅毒感染率影响因素
2.Ssurvey on HIV and syphilis infection among drug users in detoxification center in Shenzhen戒毒所吸毒人员艾滋病及梅毒感染状况调查
3.Correlation Factor of Infection in Pregnancy Syphilis and Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pregnancy Syphilis妊娠梅毒感染的相关因素及诊治进展
4.The Analysis and Strategy of HIV/AIDS Combined Syphilis InfectionHIV/AIDS合并梅毒感染情况分析与对策
5.Analysis of syphilis infection of voluntary blood donors in Taian泰安市无偿献血者梅毒感染状况分析
6.Infection Status of HCV,HIV and Syphilis among Drug Addicts under Compulsory Rehabilitation in Lianyungang City连云港市强制戒毒人员HCV、HIV与梅毒感染状况
7.HIV,HCV and Syphilis Infection Among Drug Users in Luzhou City泸州市自愿戒毒者HIV、HCV和梅毒感染分析
8.The Analysis of Infection Circumstances of Syphilis of Intermational Travellers at Fuzhou Port福州口岸出入境人群梅毒感染情况的分析
9.A survey of the prevalence of HIV/syphilis infections and sexual behaviors among MSM in Jilin province吉林省MSM人群HIV和梅毒感染及性行为调查
10.Analysis of Detection Results among 74 Cases of Infected with Syphilis at Yantai Port烟台口岸74例梅毒感染者检测结果分析
11.The Progress of Syphilis Infection of Gestational Period and Mother-infant Prevention妊娠期梅毒感染与母婴阻断的研究进展
12.Prevalence of HIV and syphilis and its influential factors among 192 MSM in Chongqing City重庆市192名在婚MSM人群HIV、梅毒感染调查
13.Investigation on Syphilis Infection among 168745 Blood Donors in Hohhot呼和浩特地区168745名献血者梅毒感染情况
14.Survey of syphilis infection in unpaid blood donors in Hainan in 2002~2008海南省2002~2008年无偿献血人群梅毒感染状况调查
15.Analysis of the Monitoring Results of 1144 Unlicensed Prostitutes for Infection of Hepatitis B Virus(HBV),Humam Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) and Syphilis暗娼1144人HBV、HIV及梅毒感染检测结果分析
16.The prevalence of HIV and syphilis infection among money boys in Tianjin天津市性服务男孩的HIV和梅毒感染状况分析
17.The Prevalence of Syphilis Infection among International Travelers at Shenzhen Port深圳口岸出入境人群梅毒感染情况分析
18.Analysis of Syphilis Infection Situation and Epidemiology among Entry-Exit Persons from 2005 to 2007 at Lishui Port2005~2007年丽水口岸出入境人员梅毒感染情况分析

In the woman the syphilis infects妇女中梅毒感染
3)Prevalence of syphilis and HIV梅毒/HIV感染率
4)pregnancy complicated with syphilis妊娠合并梅毒感染
1.Objective To study the expression level of TLR4 of human placenta and fetal membranes of pregnancy complicated with syphilis.目的检测TLR4基因在妊娠合并梅毒感染人胎盘与胎膜中表达变化。
5)Viral infection病毒感染
1.Survey of nosocomial viral infection of patients and nurses in high risk department;医院感染高危科室病人和护士病毒感染的调查研究
2.Viral infection is its main etiology.病毒感染是其主要病因之一。
3.Objective: To study the clinical features of children idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and to explore its association with viral infection and its treatment.目的:总结小儿血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)的临床特点,探讨其发生与病毒感染的关系及治疗。
6)Virus infection病毒感染
1.Study on the correlation between virus infection and the recrudesce of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura特发性血小板减少性紫癜复发与病毒感染关系的研究
2.In recent years, cidofovir has been actively involved in clinical trials for other DNA virus infections, virus-associated skin lesion and carcinoma.近年来,用西多福韦试治疗多种DNA病毒感染、病毒性皮肤病及肿瘤均取得了不同程度的疗效,本文综述其最新进展。
3.Methods Virus infection were detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) and the levels of TNF,SIL-2R were measured by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) in 195 cases cervical cancer, and 75 cases benign diseases.宫颈癌患者血清SIL2R和TNF水平明显高于良性疾病组,且宫颈癌病毒感染阳性者血清SIL-2R和TNF水平明显高于阴性者,经统计学处理差异显著,均P<0。

晚期喉梅毒晚期喉梅毒 病名。晚期呼吸道梅毒病变类型之一。详见该条。