浅部真菌感染,superficial mycotic infection
1)superficial mycotic infection浅部真菌感染
1.Clinical analysis on 1417 cases of superficial mycotic infection;浅部真菌感染1417例临床分析
2)Invasive fungal infection深部真菌感染
1.Study of β-1,3-D-glucan on the diagnosis of invasive fungal infection;血浆β-1,3-D-葡聚糖对深部真菌感染诊断的研究
2.Research on diagnosis of invasive fungal infection with(1→3)-β-D-glucan检测血浆(1→3)-β-D-葡聚糖对深部真菌感染诊断的研究

1.Analysis of deep fungal infections risk factors of SICU外科ICU深部真菌感染危险因素分析
2.The Development in Research of Combination Antifungal Therapy of Invasive Fungal Infection深部真菌感染药物联合治疗研究进展
4.Analysis on Deep Fungus Infection in Patients with Lung Cancer and Its Pathogen by FCM and RAPD;肺癌患者深部真菌感染及病原菌的FCM和RAPD分析
5.Investigation of distribution of pathogens and drug resistance in clinical deep fungal infections临床深部真菌感染的菌群分布及耐药性调查
6.Distribution and drug resistance analysis of 217 strains of deep infected fungi217株深部真菌感染的菌种分布与耐药性分析
7.Species Distribution and Drug Resistance of Deep Fungi Infection in Cerebral Apoplexy Patients脑卒中患者深部真菌感染的菌群分布及耐药性
8.Study on Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Prevention of Nosocomial Fungal Infections;院内深部真菌感染的流行病学、诊断和预防研究
9.Overview of Invasive Fungal Infections in Hospitalized Patients in Affiliated Hospitals of Zhengzhou University in 2005;2005年郑州大学附属医院深部真菌感染病例分析
10.Risk Factors of Nosocomial Invasive Fungal Infection for Infants小婴儿院内深部真菌感染危险因素的临床研究
11.Distribution of nosocomial systemic Fungi infection and analysis of their drug resistance医院内深部真菌感染分布及耐药性分析
12.Deep Fungal Infection in Patients:Clinical and Pathogenic Analysis术后患者深部真菌感染的调查及病原学分析
13.The analysis of deep nosocomial fungal infection in 76 tumor patients76例恶性肿瘤患者院内深部真菌感染调查
14.Clinical Study of Deep Fungal Infections and in Vitro Evaluation of the Susceptibility of Candida Species to Two Azoles and Honokiol;深部真菌感染临床分析及酵母菌的体外药敏试验研究
15.The Application of Molecular Biologic Method in the Early Diagnosis of Deep Fungal Infection;分子生物学方法在深部真菌感染早期诊断中的应用
16.The Meaning of (1→3)-β-D-glucan-detection in the Early Diagnosis of Deep Fungal Infection;(1→3)-β-D-葡聚糖检测对深部真菌感染早期诊断的意义
17.Clinical Significance of Plasma (1→3)-β-D-glucan in Patients Suspected with Deep Fungal Infection;血(1→3)β-D-葡聚糖在疑似深部真菌感染患者中的临床检测意义
18.Relation of Immun Function State with Patient of Invasive Fungal Infect that Peripheral Blood Appear Plasmocyte深部真菌感染患者外周血出现浆细胞与机体免疫功能状态的关系

Invasive fungal infection深部真菌感染
1.Study of β-1,3-D-glucan on the diagnosis of invasive fungal infection;血浆β-1,3-D-葡聚糖对深部真菌感染诊断的研究
2.Research on diagnosis of invasive fungal infection with(1→3)-β-D-glucan检测血浆(1→3)-β-D-葡聚糖对深部真菌感染诊断的研究
3)deep fungal infection深部真菌感染
1.Risk factors analysis of deep fungal infection in ICU;ICU深部真菌感染危险因素分析
2.Investigation into deep fungal infections appeared in Huashan Hospital;华山医院深部真菌感染临床调查
3.Clinical Significance of Plasma (1→3)-β-D-glucan in Patients Suspected with Deep Fungal Infection;血(1→3)β-D-葡聚糖在疑似深部真菌感染患者中的临床检测意义
4)pulmonary fungal infection肺部真菌感染
1.Objectives To analyze the risk factors of pulmonary fungal infection in patients treated in pediatric intensive care unit(PICU), and discuss the strategy of the prevention and treatment to the disease.目的分析重症监护病房患儿肺部真菌感染的危险因素,探讨控制对策及治疗措施。
2.Objective To investigate the etiology distribution,and treatment in pulmonary fungal infection (PFIH) accompanied with cor pulmonale in the elderly.目的探讨老年肺源性心脏病(肺心病)患者肺部真菌感染(PFI H)的发病因素、病原学分布及其临床诊治。
5)Lung fungus infection肺部真菌感染率
6)Deep-seated fungus感染深部真菌

播散性真菌感染播散性真菌感染  创面真菌感染或系统性真菌感染发展,侵入体内血液、脏器,称播散性真菌感染。但是,血真菌培养阳性率低,培养阴性时不能除外播散性真菌感染。若要待血培养阳性或典型的败血症出现时才诊治,已为时过晚,常错失治疗时机。所以,临床上见创面真菌灶发展迅速,出现酷似绿脓杆菌败血症的早期症状时,就应及时诊断和治疗。创面、痂下组织、血、尿培养结果则可明确真菌的菌种,对选用抗真菌药物有用。