患者发现,Finding case
1)Finding case患者发现

1.Altogether,12.6% of patients had MCA stenosis.最终,12.6%的患者发现有大脑中动脉狭窄.
2.After a27- year follow-up, seven percent pf the patients had developed dementia.经过二十七年追踪,发现七%患者罹患痴呆症。
3.Most people with lung abscess will be found to have periodontal disease.多数肺脓肿患者可发现有牙周
4.The intermediate fat pad was found absent in two of our patients.在2例患者中发现颞中脂肪垫缺如。
5.Discover hepatitis patient undertakes keeping apart cure instantly.发现肝炎患者就立即进行隔离治疗。
6.The researchers found that dementia was more common in those with wilder bellies.研究者发现患痴呆在腹部肥胖者中更为普遍。
7.Researchers reported no signs of infection in the patients.研究人员目前还没有发现患者出现感染的迹象。
8.Background Cross-sectional studies find an elevated prevalence of depression among subjects with diabetes mellitus( DM).背景:一项横断面研究发现糖尿病患者罹患抑郁症的风险明显增加。
9.The doctors found that the brains of persons with dislexia are different.医生发现,读写困难症患者的大脑与众不同。
10.Episodes of amnesia and time loss are frequent in DID sufferers.偶发性的失忆及时间断层也常出现在患者身上。
11.Results Fourty-four (10.6%) of subjects were found to have chromosome abnormality.结果发现44例患者有染色体异常,频率为10.6%。
12.Anterior segment ischemia ensued in at least one case.至少有一位患者己发生眼球前段缺血之现象。
13.During CTU, 10 patients had complications, but no severe complication and clinical side effects.在超声溶栓中 ,10例患者出现各种并发症。
14.Clinical Characteristics of 143 Chinese HIV/AIDS Patients;143例首诊发现的中国HIV/AIDS患者临床特征分析
15.The Study of Therapy and Motor Complications in Parkinson's Disease帕金森病患者治疗现状及运动并发症的研究
16.Association between morning blood pressure surge and target organ damage in elderly patients with essential hypertension老年原发性高血压患者晨峰现象与靶器官损害
17.Epileptic seizure occurring in a patient receiving tacrolimus following addition of fluconazole他克莫司治疗的患者加用氟康唑出现癫痫发作
18.Analysis of Detecting and Treatment in 1266 Cases of Tuberculosis1266例肺结核患者的发现与治疗情况分析

calvous paitents脱发患者
3)patients with fever发热患者
1.The necessity of taking care of patients with fever from theview of psychology during SARS situation;从发热患者心态看人文关怀的必要性
4)severe multiple injury严重多发伤患者
1.Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein in diagnosis of early bacterial infection in severe multiple injury patients降钙素原与血清C-反应蛋白联合测定对严重多发伤患者早期细菌感染的诊断价值
1.Alain Robb-Grillet s detective stories imitate the traditional detective stories but his literary treatment runs counter to the traditional model,in which the detector is usually a detective.罗伯 格里耶常常通过模仿传统的侦探小说达到颠覆传统小说的目的 ,而其中的奥妙就是将传统侦探小说中的侦探———发现者置换掉 ,而使读者成为发现者。
1.Investigation on the needs of outpatients in the deparhnent of private medical center for service attitude and the service quality;特需门诊患者对护士服务质量的需求调查分析
2.Investigation on Psychosomatic Symptoms of SARS Patients at Different Stages;SARS患者入、出院及目前心身症状的调查研究
3.Curative effect of music treatment on improving anxiety in operative patients;音乐疗法对手术患者焦虑心理的影响及分析

苯丙酮尿症患者(二) 乔守怡提供[图]