体象障碍,body-image disturbance
1)body-image disturbance体象障碍
1.Clinical analysis of 60 cases of body-image disturbance after stroke;脑卒中后体象障碍60例临床分析

1.A Study on Psychological Intervention of Body Dysmorphic Disorder on Psoriasis Patients银屑病患者体象障碍的心理干预研究
2.The study of the relationship between female BDD in puberty and mental response青春期女性体象障碍与心理反应关系的研究
3.Disorders of Body Image in Multiple Sclerosis patients Report of Four Case多发性硬化患者的体象障碍四例临床报告
4.MMPI and Defense Mechanis in Patients with Body-Dysmorphic Disorder;体象障碍患者人格特征及防御机制研究
5.The Study on Comorbidity of Reading Disability and Mathematical Disability;阅读障碍与数学学习障碍共生现象的研究
6.Dyslipidaemic Subjects and Methods脂代谢障碍的实验对象及实验方法
7.Is mental disorder a global phenomenon?请问心理障碍是一种全球性的现象吗?
8.Barrier-free Furniture Design Practice for the Physically Disabled肢体残障人士的无障碍家具设计实践
9.What's more, there's evidence from brain-imaging research that the distorted body image associated with anorexia may be related to dysfunction in the brain's right hemisphere.此外,脑部影像研究也有证据显示,与厌食症相关的扭曲身体意象,或许与右脑官能障碍有关。
10.Items and expense of accessory tests and examinations and related factors of somatization disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder躯体化障碍和未分化躯体形式障碍患者辅助检查项目和费用调查
11.To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge.围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍
12.On Variables of Systemic and Individual Barriers in Canadian Labor Market;论加拿大人力市场的结构障碍与个体障碍对移民的影响
13.The Barriers in the Regional Tourist Integration of Yangtze River Delta under the Trend of Non-barriers and Their Countermeasures;“无障碍”趋势下的长三角区域旅游一体化障碍及对策
14.insufficiency of accommodation调节障碍 调节障碍
15.cross the barrier of...越过…的障碍,突破…的障碍
16.Diffraction is the bending of light around an obstacle.当光遇到障碍物时,光偏离直线传播的现象。
17.Memory “lingered”;记忆“纠缠”现象——引发应激障碍的创伤性记忆
18.Brief Discussion on Psychological Phenomenon as Obstruction for Functional Realization in China's Criminal Law刍论心理现象于我国刑法中机能实现障碍

Body image disturbance身体意象障碍
3)Body-image deficiency身体表象障碍
4)obstruction phenomenon障碍现象
1.We studied the obstruction phenomenon arising from the solution of the evolution p-Laplace equation with p∈(1,2)∪(2,+∞).研究当p∈(1,2)∪(2,+∞)时发展的p-Laplace方程解的障碍现象,得到了慢速扩散情形(p>2)下解的L∞-障碍现象和快速扩散情形(1
5)systematic obstacle体制障碍
1.By explaining the characteristics of commercial reserves, the key sectors and systematic obstacle of commercial reserves and systematic guarantee for improving quality of the reserves, the paper proposed the comprehensive operation system for the enterprises guided bY market and suggestions for strengthening the integration system of exploration and development.本文阐述了商业储量的特点,寻找商业储量的关键环节、体制障碍,以及提高储量质量的体制保障等,提出了建立以市场为导向的企业整体系统综合运行机制。
6)body dysmorphic disorder体像障碍
1.Objective The purpose of the research was to find out the prevalence of the body dysmorphic disorder seeking plastic and aesthetic surgery, to observe the characteristic of the body image of the plastic and aesthetic populations,and to identify the influence of plastic and aesthetic surgery on the body image.目的:了解整形美容外科受术者体像障碍的患病率,观察整形美容外科受术者的体像特点以及手术对其体像的影响。

体象障碍体象障碍body image disturbance  指患者对自身结构的认识发生困难。尤以右侧顶叶病变多见。机制尚不明。表现为对偏瘫漠不关心,对肢体不感到缺失,不承认瘫痪肢体,幻多肢征等。