皮肤垢着病,cutaneous dirtadherent disease
1)cutaneous dirtadherent disease皮肤垢着病
1.Objective:To study the clinical characteristics of cutaneous dirtadherent disease of hands and the relationship between the disease and infection of pityrosporum.目的:通过病例分析,探讨手部皮肤垢着病的临床特征以及其与马拉色菌感染的关系。

1.A case of cutaneous chromoblastomycosis caused by Fonsecaea monophora着色真菌monophora引起皮肤着色芽生菌病1例
2.marbleized pink skin.粉红色皮肤有着大理石般的纹理。
3.And as for the flesh of her body, it shone with the lustre of silver. so brightly polished it was.而她的皮肤,闪着银色的光泽,光滑,明爽。
4.A Case of Chromoblastomycosis Misdiagnosed as Tuberculosis Cutis误诊为皮肤结核的着色芽生菌病1例
5.Perfectly whiten the blacker and all kind of pigmentation skin.使较黑肤色和各类色素沉着的皮肤白皙完美,均匀靓丽。
6.Dark coloration of the skin, hair, fur, or feathers because of a high concentration of melanin.黑色素沉着病头发、皮肤、毛皮或羽毛因黑色素沉积而变黑
7.the practice of making a design on the skin by pricking and staining.通过刺和着色在皮肤上制造图案的过程。
8.The lady was young, blonde, and dressed in blue.这位女士年轻,皮肤白皙,穿着蓝色的衣服。
9.The skin irradiated was pigmentation after radiotherapy.放疗后,患者受照射的皮肤部位均出现色素沉着。
10.His skin was brown and faintly glistening from the summer.由于夏天的日晒,他的皮肤显棕色,微微闪着光亮。
11.Anorexia-losing hair-atrophy of nail-splash-diarrhoea syndrome食欲不振 脱发 指趾甲萎缩 皮肤色素沉着 腹泻
12.can lie and start a tan or deepen an existing one under a sunray lamp.躺在上面,晒着日光灯,要么把皮肤晒成褐色,要么把已经晒成褐色的皮肤晒得颜色更深一点。
13.Redness, a rash, or an eruption on the skin.皮疹皮肤上出现红色疹
14.an ivory skin, complexion, etc乳白色的皮肤、 面色等
15.Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes.(飞碟)里面站着许多白皮肤、样子奇怪、长着黑色大眼睛的生物。
16.marked by dark or relatively dark pigmentation of hair or skin or eyes.以黑色的头发、皮肤或者眼睛或者有比较多的黑色素沉着为特点。
17.A small, flat, pigmented spot on the skin.雀斑,着色斑,小痣皮肤上的一种扁平、有色的小斑点
18.Pycnogenol? helps to lighten-up disturbing dark spots of the skin resulting from over-pigmentation.碧萝芷?助于袪除由于过度色素沉着引起的皮肤色班。

5)skin disease皮肤病
1.The application of realgar in therapy of skin diseases(a review);雄黄在皮肤病治疗中的应用
2.Retrospective analysis of 88 dead inpatients with skin disease;住院皮肤病患者88例死亡原因回顾性分析
3.Investigation of the skin diseases from the disaster area抗震救灾前线皮肤病发病情况调查
1.Clinical analysis on 667 cases children dermatoses at first visit out-patient in 30 months;门诊初诊儿童皮肤病667例临床分析
2.Investigation on dermatoses affecting officers and soldiers garrisoned southeast China;东南沿海部队官兵皮肤病患病情况调查
3.Half dose of standard high-dose intravenous Y-globulin in the treatment of dermatoses;半标准大剂量静脉注射用人免疫球蛋白治疗皮肤病13例临床疗效观察
