皮肤类型,skin type
1)skin type皮肤类型
1.Objective: To study skin types to the sun irradiation in Chinese female population.方法:按照Fitzpatrick分型概念设计问卷,采用引导性答卷和自主性答卷两种方式进行调查;然后利用标准日光模拟器测定受试者的最小红斑量(MED)和最小持续黑化量(MPPD),比较分析这些参数在不同皮肤类型之间的变化。

1.Study on the Relationship between the Parameters of Skin Barrier Function and Anatomic-site, Skin Type;女性皮肤屏障功能相关参数与部位、皮肤类型的相关性研究
2.Optimal Doses and Curative Effects of Semi-conductor Laser for Skin Epilation不同皮肤类型患者激光脱毛的最佳剂量及疗效
3.FB products are for Professionals who have skin knowledge and can give professional advices on FB products according to your skin type.答:因为FB的产品很专业,需要有很多皮肤知识的美容师根据您的皮肤类型给您专业的建议。
4.Methods80 cases of various types of skin flaps were selected according to different tissues of palm skin injured.方法根据手部皮肤缺损组织不同而选择不同类型皮瓣修复皮肤软组织80例。
5.lipoidosis cutis et mucosae皮肤粘膜类脂沉积症
6.Do not use lotions or oils to lubricate the skin.不要用润肤剂或油类来润滑皮肤。
7.The Relationship between Human Herpesvirus 7 and the Pathogenesis of Lichen Planus;人类疱疹病毒7型与皮肤扁平苔藓发病机制的关系
8.Array of Contraction of Tissue Engineered Skin Constructed with Different Collagen不同类型胶原蛋白构建的组织工程皮肤收缩情况研究
9.Establishment of Skin Defect Animal Models and Study on Skin Defect Restoration by Transplantation of Tissue Engineered Composited Skin;皮肤缺损动物模型建立及组织工程皮肤修复皮肤缺损的实验研究
10.SNPs in the gene MATP of oculocutaneous albinism type 4 and skin color眼皮肤白化病Ⅳ型基因MATP的SNPs与皮肤颜色
11.Cutaneous Expression of Toll-like Receptor2 and 4 in Various Dermatitis ModelsTLR2和TLR4在不同皮炎模型皮肤的表达
12.Expression of CD147 and Classification of T Lymphocyte Subset in the Lesions of Cutaneous Squamous Carcinoma and Psoriasis Vulgaris;皮肤鳞状细胞癌和寻常型银屑病皮损处CD147的表达及T细胞亚群分类的研究
13.Diagnosis and Control of Mixed Fowl Pox (Eye Type and Skin Type);混合型(眼型、皮肤型)鸡痘的诊断及控制
14.a parasitic fungus that can infect the mouth or the skin or the intestines or the vagina.能感染口、皮肤、肠或鞘的一种寄生菌类。
15.the skin of cephalopods is thin and lubricious.头足类动物的皮肤很细腻光滑。
16.Reptiles possess a scaly, dry skin.爬行类具有覆盖着鳞片的干燥皮肤。
17.Antibacterial and Anticancer Peptides in Batrachia Skin Secretion蛙类皮肤分泌物中的抗菌肽和抗癌肽
18.Retinamidoester for acne and related dermatoses:Clinical observation维胺酯治疗痤疮类皮肤病的临床观察

skin model皮肤模型
1.The paper mainly discusses the main factors which affects the thermal insulation value of disposable diapers by Means of the skin model to imitate the disposable diaper practical wearing state.本文利用皮肤模型,模拟纸尿布的实际穿着状态,通过保温率的测量,对其产生影响的主要因素进行讨论。
2.The other was a skin model used to represent motions,which represented reality.其次,根据该模型实现手语的动作,利用该方法实现手语动作的关键技术,包括手及手臂旋转变换的变换矩阵、有向拓扑结构描述骨骼模型、表现运动的皮肤模型的拓扑不变性、以及骨骼模型实现运动和皮肤模型表现运动的方法。
3)skin classifier皮肤分类器
1.Designed a color-based skin classifier to segment human skin regions from non-skin regions.设计了基于颜色的皮肤分类器,对图像中的皮肤区域和非皮肤区域进行分割;并对分割出的皮肤区域进行预处理,初步确定候选人脸;再进一步将候选脸与模板脸进行匹配最终确定是否为人脸,并给出检测到的人脸的位置信息。
4)Print patterns肤纹类型
1.In interdigital Ι, palmar patterns indicated their pecularity and complexity in percentile frequencies of the five species of primates, the result conveyed that the print patterns and percentile freq.结果表明 :有 6种花纹分布在掌面的不同区域 ;纹路的开口方向和旋转方向 ,箕形纹以桡侧、斗形纹以尺侧居多 ;指间Ⅰ区花纹在花纹类型、分布频率和性别差异等方面表现出一定的特异性和复杂性 ;通过对 5种非人灵长类定型花纹分布频率聚类 ,结果提示 ,肤纹类型和分布频率在灵长类不同分类阶元中有一定差异 ,是判别种间形态特征的依据之一。
5)Dermatosis of enzema and dermatitis皮炎类皮肤病
6)lipid analogues皮肤脂质类似体
1.As a new addition to ISP's growing range of lipid analogues, this patent-pending technology has an excellent safety profile and has been shown to form structured lipids with fatty acids in a manner similar to ceramides and cholesterol in the stratum corneum.作为国际特品公司在皮肤脂质类似体领域推出的最新原料 ,在具有良好的安全性能的同时 ,Ceraphyl RMT能以与皮肤角质层中神经酰胺和甾醇同样的作用方式和脂肪酸形成有序的脂质结构。

阴茎干全周皮肤撕脱后阴囊皮肤埋藏术阴茎干全周皮肤撕脱后阴囊皮肤埋藏术 手术名。阴茎皮肤撕脱伤修复术之一。硬膜外麻醉 、腰麻或全麻。清创,尽可能多保留阴茎皮肤缺损近侧有生机之皮肤,剪除缺损远侧之皮肤及包皮,达近阴茎冠2~3mm处,以防术后淋巴水肿。在阴囊前壁做两平行横切口,深及内膜,距离同阴茎皮肤缺损。自两切口向中间分离形成皮下隧道,将阴茎自隧道穿进,遮盖阴茎皮肤缺 损,露出阴茎头。将隧道之近远二缘与阴茎皮肤间断缝合,留置气囊导尿管。待愈合后,将阴茎自阴囊上移下,并以两侧皮瓣包绕阴茎两侧及腹侧缺损,皮片两缘对合成锯齿状,以免日后因瘢痕挛缩影响勃起。术后加压包扎,用抗生素预防感染,雌激素防止阴茎勃起,1周后拆线并拔除导尿管。 