儿肤康,"Erfukang Lotion"
1)"Erfukang Lotion"儿肤康
1.Clinical Observation of “Erfukang Lotion” in Treating 32 Cases of Acute Urticaria;儿肤康搽剂佐治急性荨麻疹32例

1.Observation on the effect of hydrocortisone butyrate combined with Erfukang linimentum on infantile ecazema尤卓尔软膏联合儿肤康搽剂治疗婴儿湿疹临床观察
2."for younger, healthier looking skin"使皮肤更年轻、更健康
3.An unhealthy, pasty complexion.不健康而苍白的肤色
4.A baby has a smooth skin.婴儿的皮肤很光滑。
5.A healthy body has healthy bones, muscles and skin.健康的身体有健康的骨骼,肌肉和皮肤。
6.My intestines are much healthier than before.现在肠道健康得到改善,而且皮肤亦更靓、更健康。」
7.Vitamin A is important for healthy skin and eyes.维他命a对皮肤的健康和眼睛非常有益。
8.a luxuriant tan Bespeaks health and glamour.丰润的棕色皮肤是健康和魅力的标志。
9.Experimental study of optimization for formulation of Fukang balm肤康涂膜剂处方优选的临床试验研究
10.A healthy lifestyle helps prevent skin aging.健康生活于对抗皮肤衰老?字?匾?奈恢谩
11.The gentle formula keeps skin soft and healthy.配方温和,能保持皮肤柔软及健康。
12.Morphological changes of dermatophytes treated by itraconazole伊曲康唑对皮肤癣菌形态学影响研究
13.Proper cleansing is crucial for healthy and vibrant skin.要让皮肤显得健康及充满活力,关键在于适当的洁肤方法。
14.BaBy talcum powder is harmless to skin.小儿爽身粉,对皮肤无刺激性。
15.The lack of oxygen in the blood results in the blood results in the blue colour of the “blue babies”.血液中缺氧导致婴儿皮肤呈现青色。
16.Erythromycin Ointment Application to Treat Infants With Skin Crease红霉素软膏治疗婴儿皮肤皱褶处糜烂
17.Erin uses Johnson's Baby Lotion to cleanse and moisturize.埃琳用强生婴儿产品洁面和润肤。
18.The man being so small, he is a waste of skin .那汉子个儿那么小,等于把皮肤糟蹋了。

erfukang liniment儿肤康搽剂
1.Objective T0 study the efficacy and safety of erfukang liniment topical application in the treatment of papular urticaria of childhood.目的观察儿肤康搽剂治疗儿童丘疹性荨麻疹的疗效与安全性。
2.Objective T0 study the efficacy and safety of erfukang liniment topical application in the treatment of infantile eczema.目的观察儿肤康搽剂治疗婴儿湿疹的疗效与安全性。
3)child skin healthylotion儿肤康洗剂
4)a rosy healthy baby; staying fit and healthy.皮肤红红的健康婴儿;保持健康。
5)Fukang ointment肤康软膏
1.Determination of synthetic borneol in Fukang ointment by GC;气相色谱法测定肤康软膏中冰片的含量
6)Fuyankang cream肤炎康霜
1.Determination of chloramphenicol and dexamethasone sodium phosphate in Fuyankang cream by high performance capillary electrophoresis;高效毛细管电泳法测定肤炎康霜中氯霉素和地塞米松磷酸钠
2.Determination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate content in Fuyankang cream by high-performance capillary electrophoresis;高效毛细管电泳法测定肤炎康霜中地塞米松磷酸钠的含量
3.Determination of chloramphenicol in fuyankang cream by HPCE;高效毛细管电泳法测定肤炎康霜中氯霉素的含量

肤康烧伤膜药物名称:肤康烧伤膜汉语拼音:Fukang Shaoshang Mo主要成分:紫草、黄柏、黄芩等。性状:橙红色至深红色半透明软性薄膜,气芳香。药理作用:经动物烧伤模型实验结果,显示本品促进创面有关免疫细胞数量的增加,修复细胞的活跃、分化和再生,缩短创面愈合时间。另外还有一定的抑菌效应。功能与主治:清热解毒、祛腐生肌。与常规抗感染及输液配合,可用于小面积浅Ⅱ度、深Ⅱ度烧烫伤。用法与用量:清创后根据创面形状、大小剪裁后直接贴敷。注意务必使药膜与创面密切接触。包扎或暴露均可。当药股贴牢在创面上呈原始深红色时,即不需再更换,待其愈合后自行脱落。若创面渗液过多,药膜吸水变白,可加敷1~2层药膜,或每48小时后更换一次。换药时不用任何杀菌剂或消毒剂,