镰刀菌病,Fusarium infection
1)Fusarium infection镰刀菌病
1.Fusarium infection was confirmed by cultures from the specimens.报告1例儿童皮肤镰刀菌病
2)Fusarium solani茄病镰刀菌
1.A Case of Child s Corneal Ulcer Caused by Fusarium Solani;茄病镰刀菌引起儿童角膜溃疡1例
2.Cyclosporin H produced by Fusarium solani: Purification and structural identification;茄病镰刀菌产生的环孢菌素H的研究——分离纯化和结构鉴别
3.Study on Resistance Risk and Sensitive Effectors for Sensitive Strain of Fusarium solani to Carbendazim;茄病镰刀菌敏感株系对多菌灵抗药性风险及敏感性影响因素的研究

1.A case of cutaneous hyalohyphomycosis caused by Fusarium Solani茄病镰刀菌致皮肤透明丝孢霉病1例
2.Studies on the Cyclosporin Minor Components Produced by Fusarium Solani;茄病镰刀菌产生的环孢菌素小组分的研究
3.Experimental Study on Pathogenicity of F.solani by Subcutaneous Inoculation on Mice;茄病镰刀菌皮下组织接种致病性实验研究
4.Fourteen cases of corneal ulcer induced by Fusarium solani14例茄病镰刀菌所致角膜溃疡临床分析
5.Studies on the Cyclosporin L and Unknown Analogue Produced by Fusarium Solani;茄病镰刀菌产生的环孢菌素L及其未知组分的研究
6.Experimental Study of Toll Like Receptor 4 on Inflammatory Response of Keratocytes Induced by Fusarium Solani in Vitro角膜基质细胞Toll样受体4对茄病镰刀菌炎性反应的实验研究
7.Effect of Fusarium solani on expression of Toll like receptor 4 in cultured mouse keratocytes in vitro茄病镰刀菌对体外培养小鼠角膜基质细胞TLR4表达的影响
8.Biological Characteristics of Fusarium solani Causing Poplar Blight杨树枯萎病菌茄类镰刀菌的生物学特性
9.Resistance of Lilium Oriental on Bulb Rot Induced by Fusarium东方百合对镰刀菌鳞茎腐烂病的抗性
10.Cloning and Analysis of Resistance Gene Analog Sequences (RGAs) from Banana Germplasm Resistant to Fusarium Wilt;香蕉镰刀菌枯萎病抗病种质RGAs的克隆与分析
11.Transgenic Carnation on Fusarium Wilt Disease Resistance Identification;转基因香石竹对镰刀菌枯萎病的抗性测定
12.The Pathogenicity of Fusarium Associated with Alfalfa in Arid-irrigated Area of Gansu Province in China;甘肃省干旱灌区苜蓿地土壤镰刀菌致病性研究
13.Study on Mechanism of Corn Variety Resistance to Corn Stalk Rot Caused by Fusarium Graminearum;玉米对镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum)茎腐病抗性机制研究
14.Pathogenicity of Fusarium Species of Various Origins on Different Cultivars of Wheat;异源镰刀菌对小麦品种致病力分化的研究
15.Advances on Fusariumoxysporum f .sp. cubense Race 4香蕉镰刀菌枯萎病4号生理小种研究进展
16.Identification and Pathogenicity Determination of the Pathogenic Fusarium of Soybean Root Rot in the Altay Region of Xinjiang新疆阿勒泰地区大豆镰刀菌根腐病病原鉴定及致病性测定
17.Primary Studies on the Isolation of Actinomyces Antagonism against Banana Fusarium wilt Disease and Inhibition香蕉镰刀菌枯萎病拮抗放线菌的分离筛选及作用机制的初步研究
18.Pathologic Histology of Alternanthera philoxeroides Infested by Fusarium stoveri Isolate 32-6蕉斑镰刀菌32-6菌株侵染空心莲子草的组织病理观察

Fusarium solani茄病镰刀菌
1.A Case of Child s Corneal Ulcer Caused by Fusarium Solani;茄病镰刀菌引起儿童角膜溃疡1例
2.Cyclosporin H produced by Fusarium solani: Purification and structural identification;茄病镰刀菌产生的环孢菌素H的研究——分离纯化和结构鉴别
3.Study on Resistance Risk and Sensitive Effectors for Sensitive Strain of Fusarium solani to Carbendazim;茄病镰刀菌敏感株系对多菌灵抗药性风险及敏感性影响因素的研究
3)fusarium disease镰刀菌病害
4)Fusarium saloni立枯病菌(镰刀菌)
5)Fusarium wilt镰刀菌枯萎病
1.Fusarium wilt of banana is con.就香蕉镰刀菌枯萎病在全球的分布与危害、症状、主要扩散原因、抗病育种、抗病机制的研究以及所采取的 防治措施作一概述,以期促进我国香焦镰刀菌枯萎病抗性育种及综合防治的深入研究。
6)corn stalk rot caused by Fusarium镰刀菌茎腐病
1.High levels of soluble sugar in the pith of the second corn stalk internode above groundwere closely associated with resistance to corn stalk rot caused by Fusarium.玉米茎秆地上第2节间髓部组织可溶性糖含量与其对镰刀菌茎腐病的抗性密切相关。
