针刺拔罐,Acupuncture cupping
1)Acupuncture cupping针刺拔罐

1.After Acupuncture and Cupping Agkistrodon Acutus Golden Powder Topical Treatment of Injured Limb Swelling Clinical Study针刺拔罐后金黄散外敷治疗五步蛇伤患肢肿胀的效果研究
2.Analysis of Therapeutic Effect on Hemifacial Spasm Treated by Acupuncture,Blood-letting Puncture and Cupping针刺加刺络拔罐治疗面肌痉挛疗效分析
3.Clinical Study on Treatment of Acne Conglobata with Body Acupuncture Combined with Ventouse and Venesection;体针结合刺络拔罐治疗聚合性痤疮的临床研究
4.Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Venesection Cupping Combined with Earoacupuncture on Acne刺络拔罐配合耳针治疗痤疮临床疗效观察
5.The Curative Effect of Plum-blossom Needle Therapy Combined with Cupping in Treating Patients with Herpes Zoster梅花针刺络拔罐治疗带状疱疹疗效观察
6.The Clinical Study of the Treatment of Cervieal Spondylosis by Acupuncture with Pricking-cupping Bloodletting on Du14针刺配合大椎刺络拔罐治疗颈型颈椎病的临床研究
7.Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture Plus Pricking-cupping Bloodletting in Treating Postapoplectic Shoulder-hand Syndrome针刺结合刺络拔罐治疗脑卒中后肩手综合征疗效观察
8.Observation on Therapeutic Effect on Shoulder-hand Syndrome Treated by Electroacupuncture Combined with Cupping after Tapping with Plum-blossom Needles电针配合梅花针叩刺后拔罐治疗肩手综合征疗效观察
9.In addition, the Arabian traditional therapy, copping-bloodletting (Hijamah), is briefly mentioned and compared with Chinese acupuncture bloodletting.此外还介绍了阿拉伯传统拔罐放血疗法,并与中医的针灸刺血拔罐疗法进行了比较。
10.Massage,Acupuncture and Cupping Combined with Chinese-medicine in Treatment in the Syndrome of Protrusion Of the Third Lumbar;推拿针刺中药结合拔罐治疗第三腰椎横突综合征
11.Observation on therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture plus blood-letting puncture and cupping combined with diet intervention for treatment of acute gouty arthritis电针并刺络放血拔罐结合饮食干预治疗急性痛风性关节炎
12.Observations on the Efficacy of Electroacupuncture at Huatuojiaji plus Pricking-cupping Bloodletting in Treating Herpes Zoster电针夹脊穴配合刺络拔罐治疗带状疱疹疗效观察
13.Localized Collateral-Puncturing and Cupping for Early Shoulder Periarthritis in 116 Cases局部刺络拔罐治疗初期肩周炎116例
14.Clinical Research on the Treatment of Common Acne with Quick Puncture Bleeding and Cupping;刺血拔罐治疗寻常性痤疮的临床研究
15.As for non-drug therapy, there are acupuncture and moxibustion, ma age, and cu ing.非药物治疗包括针灸、按摩、拔火罐等。
16.Making and application of soaking container for inward transfixion pin内芯穿刺针头浸泡罐的制作与应用
17.Clinical Observation of Treating Urticaria by Bloodletting Puncture and Cupping Therapy on Dazhui and Zhiyang acupoints大椎至阳刺络拔罐治疗荨麻疹的临床观察
18.Observations on the Efficacy of Pricking Bloodletting plus Cupping in Treating Cervical Vertigo刺络放血配合拔罐治疗颈性眩晕疗效观察

The bioodletting puncture cupping therapy with plum-blossom needle combined梅花针刺络拔罐
3)Blood-letting puncture and cupping刺络拔罐
4)Electricity needle cupping glasses电针拔罐
5)pricking-cupping bloodletting method刺络拔罐法
6)spicule collaterals and cupping刺络拔罐疗法
1.The spicule collaterals and cupping has the convenient and economy or high performance to treat cervical syndrome.颈椎病是因颈椎间盘退变本身及其继发性改变刺激或压迫邻近组织,并引起各种症状、体征的疾病,刺络拔罐疗法治疗颈椎病以其简便、经济、高效等优点被广泛应用于临床,本文对其近几年来的临床应用现状进行了总结,并对当前存在的问题提出了建议。

拔罐疗法拔罐疗法cupping therapy 是以罐子为工具,利用燃烧排出罐内的空气,造成负压,使罐吸附于施术部位,造成郁血现象的一种疗法。