固定性药疹,Fixed drug eruption (FDE)
1)Fixed drug eruption (FDE)固定性药疹
2)fixed drug eruption固定性药疹;固定疹型药物性皮炎
3)herpetic/drug ther疱疹性/药物疗法
4)Drug eruptions药疹
1.A clinical study on 30 cases of in-patient with serve drug eruptions;重症药疹30例临床研究
2.In order to learn the clinical symptom of drug eruptions and familiar allergenic drugs, 484 cases of drug eruptions in retrospective were analyzed.了解常见药疹的临床表现及常见的致敏药物。

2.Study on the role of human herpesvirus-6 infection in cutaneous drug eruptions人类疱疹病毒-6感染与药疹发病关系的研究
3.Clinical Analysis of 135 Patients with Drug Eruption and Biological Treatment Resonant Instrument in the Diagnosis of Drug Eruption135例药疹临床分析及生物共振仪在药疹诊断中应用的探讨
4.One Case with Allergic Drug Rash Caused by Oral Administration of Acetylspiramycin口服乙酰螺旋霉素致过敏性药疹1例
5.Clinical Analysis of 8 Cases with Severe Drug Eruption Caused by Carbamazepine;卡马西平引起重症药疹8例临床分析
6.Retrospective Analysis of 164 Inpatients with Drug Eruption;164例住院药疹患者的回顾性临床分析
7.Retrospective Analysis of 185 Inpatients with Drug Eruption185例住院药疹患者回顾性临床分析
8.Clinical Analysis on 102 Drug Eruption Cases of the Last 10 Years in Our Hospital我院近10年102例住院药疹临床分析
9.Clinical Analysis of 300 Inpatients with Drug Eruption300例住院药疹患者临床特征分析
10.A Case of Epidermolysis Bullosa Drug Eruption Accompanied with Gastric Perforation大疱性表皮松解性药疹伴胃穿孔1例
11.Therapeutic Effect Analysis of Plasma Exchange on Severe Drug Eruption血浆置换疗法治疗重症药疹疗效分析
12.Clinical analysis on 33 patients with severe drug eruption caused by antiepileptic drugs抗癫痫药物引起重型药疹33例临床分析
13.Analysis of 15 ADR case reports of streptomycin-induced exfoliative dermatitis eruption15例链霉素致剥脱性皮炎型药疹不良反应分析
14.Study on the Mechanisms and Susceptibility of Occupational Medicamentosa-alike Dermatitis Due to Trichloroethylene;三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎发病机制及其易感性研究
15.Can you also give me something for this rash?你有治这种皮疹的药吗?
16.Myrrh, mixed with coriander and honey, was used to treat herpes.没药,同胡荽和蜂蜜混和,用来治疗疱疹。
17.This ointment might help to clear up your rash.这种药膏也许能消除你的皮疹.
18.Some people develop skin rashes when they take sulfas.还有人吃了磺胺药后,出现皮疹反应。

fixed drug eruption固定性药疹;固定疹型药物性皮炎
3)herpetic/drug ther疱疹性/药物疗法
4)Drug eruptions药疹
1.A clinical study on 30 cases of in-patient with serve drug eruptions;重症药疹30例临床研究
2.In order to learn the clinical symptom of drug eruptions and familiar allergenic drugs, 484 cases of drug eruptions in retrospective were analyzed.了解常见药疹的临床表现及常见的致敏药物。
5)Drug eruption药疹
1.Clinical analysis of 60 cases of children drug eruption;小儿药疹60例临床分析
2.Retrospective analysis of the medical records of 163 patients with drug eruption;163例药疹回顾性分析
6)Drug Rash药疹
1.Clinical Analysis and Prevention Strategy on 32 Cases of Drug Rash Caused by Zhengqing Fengtong Ning;正清风痛宁致药疹32例临床分析及预防策略
2.Clinical Analysis on 374 Cases of Ampicillin drug rash;氨苄青霉素药疹374例分析

固定性药疹    固定性药疹    又称"固定疹"。因服用某些药物后在身体的某一固定部位或某几个部位反复发作的皮肤损害。主要致病药物依次为磺胺药、解热镇痛药、抗生素和安眠镇静药等,其中以长效磺胺占第一位。临床上开始常为水肿性紫红色斑,圆形或椭圆形,重者斑上有大泡,分布不对称。可发生任何部位,可侵及唇和外生殖器粘膜,引起糜烂,产生痛感。复发时照例还在原处,但可增多,扩大,严重者甚至可对称广泛分布于皮肤上,以致引起休克。除痒外,还伴有不同程度的发热,愈后留下紫褐色斑,可多年不退而有诊断价值。同类药物可引起交叉过敏,有时也可出现多源性过敏。