强力脉痔灵,Qiangli maizhiling
1)Qiangli maizhiling强力脉痔灵

1.Observation of the Effect on Perianal Eczema with Aescuven Forte Combined with Triamcinolone Acetonide and Econazole Nitrate Cream强力脉痔灵联合曲安奈德益康唑乳膏治疗肛周湿疹疗效观察
2.Therapeutic Effect Observation of 75 Cases about Clear Hemorrhoids Penacea in Treating消痔灵治疗Ⅲ期内痔和混合痔75例疗效观察
3.Study on Relationship between the Hemorrhoids of Downward Flow of Damp-heat and Superior Hemorrhoid Artery;湿热下注型痔与痔上动脉分布的相关性研究
4.Hemorrhoid injection in treating adult total rectal prolapse in 117 patients消痔灵治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂117例
5.Xiaozhiling intracystic injection of ganglion cyst 80 cases of coke消痔灵囊内注射治疗腱鞘囊肿80例
6.The observation of curative effects of severe mixed haemorrhoids by PPT methods and injection therapyPPH术联合消痔灵注射治疗重度混合痔的疗效观察
7.Curative effect observation of Xiaozhiling Morgan assisted injection combined with ex-strip intra-prick operation on the treatment of exo ring mixed hemorrhoid消痔灵注射辅助内扎外切术治疗环状混合痔的临床观察
8.Clinical observation of therapy for the internal hemorrhoids with doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation超声多普勒引导下痔动脉结扎术治疗内痔的临床观察(附30例报告)
9.Clinical Effect of Doppler Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation on 19 Cases of Hemorrhage of Internal Hemorrhoids多普勒引导痔动脉结扎治疗内痔出血19例的临床效果
10.A Comparative Study on the DG-HAL and Conventional Hemorrhoidectomy in Treatment of Hemorrhoids;多普勒超声引导下痔动脉结扎术与传统痔切除术在痔治疗中的对比研究
11.Eight Cases of Underarm Odour Treated by Local Blok Therapy of Haemorrhoids Removing Injection用消痔灵针剂局封治疗8例腋臭患者的疗效
12.Efficacy of Intra-Tumor Injection of Xiao-Zhi-Ling in Treating Transplanted Hepatoma in Rats;瘤内注射消痔灵治疗大鼠移植性肝癌的研究
13.The Experimental Study on XZL-Induced Apoptosis of HepG2 Cells in Vitro消痔灵体外诱导人肝癌细胞HepG2凋亡的实验研究
14.Clinical Research on the Therapy of Xiaozhiling Injection for Complete Rectal Prolapse消痔灵注射治疗完全性直肠脱垂的临床研究
15.Clinical Study of Aesscuven Forte in Treatment of Limbs Swelling and Haemorhoids迈之灵治疗肢体肿胀性疾病及痔疮的临床研究
16.Analgesic anti-inflammatory hemostasia effects and toxicity associated of Zhichangling痔疮灵镇痛抗炎止血作用及相关毒性研究
17.Flexible, hardworking, loyal and responsible.头脑灵活、作努力、诚并有强烈的责任心。
18.There are three types of fitness-flexibility, stamina, and strength.有三种健康指标——灵活性,耐力,强度。

Circanetten New tablets强力痔根断片
1.Objective To determine the content of rutin in Circanetten New tablets by HPLC.目的建立高效液相色谱测定强力痔根断片中芦丁含量的方法。
1.Injection of Xiaozhiling under Ultrasonography Guidance for Ovarian Cyst;超声引导下注射消痔灵治疗卵巢囊肿的临床价值
2.Application of Pingyangmycin and Xiaozhiling for treatment of liver hemangioma:report of 27 cases;平阳霉素与消痔灵在肝血管瘤治疗中的应用(附27例报告)
3.Nd : YAG Laser Irradiation Combined with Xiaozhiling Cures Cavernous He-mangiomas on Body Surface of Children:a Clinical Observation;消痔灵联合Nd:YAG激光治疗儿童体表海绵状血管畸形临床观察
4)Huazhiling Tablet化痔灵片
1.Determination of rutin content in Huazhiling Tablets by using high performance liquid phase chromatography;高效液相色谱法测定化痔灵片中芦丁的含量
1.Research about anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of Quzhiling;祛痔灵抗炎镇痛作用研究
6)Eternal Hemmer hyoids痔灵冲剂

脉痔脉痔 脉痔   病名。肛门痔之。   ①《五十二病方》。有“脉者”,释为脉痔。《诸病源候论》卷三十四:“肛边生疮,痒而复痛出血者,脉痔也。”相当于肛裂。   ②又《外台秘要》卷二十六引《集验方》,《医心方》卷七引《龙门方》云:“五痔中均有脉痔。”泛指出血性痔。