头发纤维,Hair Fibers
1)Hair Fibers头发纤维
1.Analysis of Cysteine on the Surface of Hair Fibers with Spectrofluorescence;头发纤维表面半胱氨酸的荧光光谱分析

1.Study on the Damage to Epicuticle of Human Hair Fibers by UVB Radiation;头发纤维表面受UVB辐射损伤的研究
2.Hair Aggregation Structure and Tensile Property头发纤维聚集态结构与拉伸性能的关系
3.A Study of Aggregation Structures and Tensile Properties of Hair Fibers头发纤维聚集态结构与拉伸性能的研究
4.A head of white-blond hair resembling tow.一头黄发象亚麻纤维一般满头淡黄色头发
5.fibrous dysplasia of bone affecting multiple bones.骨质纤维的发育异常影响到多处骨头。
6.A braided segment or length, as of hair, fabric, or fiber.如头发、织物或纤维的编织部分或一段
7.heavy duty endless fabric type belt重型无接头纤维编织带
8.papillary adenofibroma of ovary卵巢乳头(状)腺纤维瘤
9.Scandinavians normally have thin, straight, baby-fine hair, and mid Europeans hair that is neither too fine nor too coarse.斯堪的纳维亚人的头发又细又直,像婴儿的头发那样纤细; 中部欧洲人的头发不细不粗;
10.Development of Alginate Fibre Natural Colored Cotton Milk Protein Fibre Blended Yarn海藻纤维彩棉纤维牛奶蛋白纤维混纺纱的开发
11.a hair-thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light; used in bundles to transmit images.一种头发粗细的纤维,由玻璃制成,能传导光线,成束使用以传输图像。
12.a fibrous scleroprotein that occurs in the outer layer of the skin and in horny tissues such as hair feathers nails and hooves.外层皮肤和头发、皮肤、指甲及蹄等组织里的纤维硬蛋白质。
13.Trace-evidence specialists could glean information from single strands of hair, fibers and bits of dust and pollen.追踪专家能够从每一缕头发、纤维和遗留的灰尘和花粉中收集信息。
14.Some New Fibers and the Developing Direction of Fibers in Our Country;几种新型纤维及我国纤维发展的方向
15.a fabric made from the hair of sheep.由羊的毛发制成的纤维。
16.multiple fibroepithelial hyperplasia多发性纤维上皮增生
17.multiple neurofibromatosis多发性神经纤维瘤病
18.history of man-made fibre industry化学纤维工业发展史

3)fiber tip纤维尖头
4)luminescent fiber发光纤维
1.Such spinning solutions allowed to obtain long afterglow luminescent fibers of the Lyocell type.以可再生的α-纤维素为基体,粉末发光颗粒作为添加物,利用Lyocell纤维技术制备出发光性能合格的蓄光型自发光纤维。
5)fiber development纤维发育
1.Studies on the characteristics of fiber development of nature-colored cotton variety JS22-1 ;天然有色棉纤维发育特性研究
2.Study on agronomic characters and fiber development of two materials of naturally colored cotton;2个彩色棉材料的农艺性状和纤维发育特点研究
3.Study on Screening of Good Fineness Germplasms and Expression of Bast Fiber Development Relative Gene in Boehmeria Nivea(L.) Gaud;苎麻(Boehmeria nivea(L.)Gaud)高细度种质筛选及其纤维发育相关基因研究
6)defocusing fiber发散纤维

碳(石墨)纤维增强体(见碳纤维、石墨纤维)碳(石墨)纤维增强体(见碳纤维、石墨纤维)earbon(graPhite)fibrereinforeements ,、、里z耽维增强体earbon(graphi现inforcements用于复合材料中承受负荷,田的磷纤始知五史纤俯亡e)fibre起增强作