禁娼,forbidding prostitution
1)forbidding prostitution禁娼
1.Our government always insists on strictly forbidding prostitution and going whoring and the regulations in new Criminal Law have been systematized.我国政府一贯坚持严禁卖淫嫖娼的立场 ,在新刑法中有关禁娼的规定已经体系化。

1.Immediately after its founding, New China adopted resolute measures to outlaw prostitution.新中国一成立便迅速采取有力措施禁娼
2.A Brief Probe of the Prostitution Phenomenon in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom--The prohibition of prostitution cannot be quoted as an evidence to prove that the Kingdom devoted to the women s liberation;太平天国娼妓问题探析——兼论禁娼不能作为太平天国妇女解放之论据
3.We cannot take the prohibition of prostitution as an evidence to prove that the Kingdom devoted to the women's liberation.更不能将禁娼作为太平天国解放妇女一大论据来使用
4.Decision on Strictly Prohibiting Prostitution and Whorehouse Visiting关于严禁卖淫嫖娼的决定
5.Banning the Activities of Prostitution and Whoring: Legislation and Law Enforcement;关于查禁卖淫嫖娼活动的立法、执法思考
6.International Abolitionist Federation国际废娼联合会(废娼联)
7.The "Free Prostitutes" and "Eradicate Prostitutes" in Beijing during the Late Qing and the Nationalist Periods;清末民国时期北京的“救娼”与“废娼”
8.Where is that simple-minded little wench?那个傻小娼妇哪里去了?
9.The unfortunate girl became a woman of the town.那苦命人作了公娼。
10.She lost her job and went on the line.她失业了,沦为娼妓。
11.the white slave traffic将妇女卖为娼妓的勾当.
12.prostitution, gambling, drug taking and trafficking嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒
13.A prostitute lives off immoral earnings.娼妓靠赚肮脏钱生活。
14.all his talk is of humanity, justice, and morality, while in his heart there is nothing but greed and lust.他满嘴仁义道德,满肚子男盗女娼。
15.Fien words dress ill deeds.(谚语)口里仁义道德,心中男盗女娼。
16.Fine words dress ill deeds.〔谚语〕口里仁义道德,心中男盗女娼。
17.F - words dress ill deeds.[谚]满嘴仁义道德,一肚子男盗女娼。
18.When the breadwinner is ill, his children will do anything rather than starve.大人病了,儿女们做贼做娼也比饿着强!

On Guaranteed Essential Factors for Prohibiting Prostitute论禁娼的保证要素
1.Analyzing demands of FSWs for STD/AIDS prevention and treatment in different high risk sites in Panzhihua.;不同类别高危场所暗娼STD/AIDS防治需求分析
2.Objective To understand HIV/AIDS related knowledge and high-risk behavior among MSM and FSWs.目的了解男男性行为者(MSM)和暗娼(FSW)两类高危人群艾滋病相关知识和危险行为状况。
3.Objective To investigate the knowledge,attitude and behaviors towards HIV/AIDS among female sex workers(FSWs) 、former blood donors(FBD)、middle school students and rural residents in Funan County of Anhui Province and to explore the effective health education to this four kinds of persons.目的了解安徽省阜南县暗娼、既往有偿献血人员、中学生和村民4类人群对艾滋病知识认识现状,明确现阶段的重点宣传对象与宣传内容。
1.Analysis of High-risk Behaviors among CSWs in Urban Area of Meishan;眉山市城区2005年暗娼行为学监测分析
2.Analysis on High-risk Behaviors Related to AIDS of CSW in Nanchong City;南充市城区暗娼艾滋病高危行为分析
3.A Survey on HIV Awareness and Characteristics of Sexual Behavior among CSWs in Public Places of entertainments in Wuhu City;娱乐场所暗娼艾滋病知识态度及行为特征的调查分析
5)female sex workers暗娼
1.Investigation on HIV/STDs and the behaviors of drug-abusing female sex workers;有吸毒史暗娼的行为和艾滋病毒/性传播疾病感染状况调查
2.A survey on AIDS-related knowledge and sexual behaviors among female sex workers in Jingning County of Zhejiang Province;浙江省景宁县城区暗娼艾滋病相关知识与行为调查分析
3.Qualitative survey on survival status of female sex workers;暗娼人群生存状况的定性调查
6)Unlicensed prostitutes暗娼
1.Analysis of the results of interview with unlicensed prostitutes in Lishui city about behaviors of AIDS prevention and treatment;丽水市暗娼艾滋病防治行为访谈结果分析
2.Investigation and Analysis of epidemiology about unlicensed prostitutes knowledge of AIDS behavior in Yunnan province;云南省暗娼艾滋病行为知识流行病学调查分析
3.Study on psychological factors affecting condom use among unlicensed prostitutes;暗娼安全套使用行为的心理影响因素分析
