扁平疣/治疗,plane warts/therapy
1)plane warts/therapy扁平疣/治疗
2)juvenilis plana/therapy青年扁平疣/治疗
3)Flat Wart/acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy扁平疣/针灸疗法
4)Verruca plana扁平疣
1.The clinical observation of treating verruca plana by combining transfer factor with xiaoyoutang;转移因子胶囊联合消疣汤治疗扁平疣的临床观察
2.Research on treatment of verruca plana by Q - switched Nd: YAG lasers;Q开关钕:钇-铝石榴石激光治疗扁平疣的研究
3.Effect of Qingyou Yin on Peiphoral Blood T Lymphocite Subpopulation of Verruca plana;清疣饮对扁平疣患者外周血淋巴细胞亚群的影响

1.All 131 Patients with verruca planae ,filiform warts,verruca valgaris and molluscum contagiosum were treated with acetic acid cream.用消疣灵局部外用治疗扁平疣、丝状疣、灵常疣、传染性软疣等131例。
2.Effects of Qingyouyin on the Immune Function of Verruca Plavtaris Patients清疣饮对扁平疣患者免疫功能的影响
3.Observation the Effect of Flat Wart Implantation,Levamisole and Persantine on Flat Wart Therapy;扁平疣种植术、左旋咪唑、潘生丁治疗扁平疣疗效观察
4.The Clinical Observation of Using the Chinese Medicine Quyoumianmo to Cure the Wind-Heat Type of Verruca Plana去疣面膜治疗风热型扁平疣的临床疗效观察
5.Curative Effects of Self-Wart Embedded Operation Combined with BCG-Polysaccharide Nucleic Acid for Verruca Plana自体疣包埋术联合斯奇康治疗扁平疣的研究
6.CONCLUSIONS It is effective to treat the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture.结论无色碘酊治疗扁平疣疗效显著。
7.Clinical Observation of Plane Warts 80 Caes Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine中西医结合治疗扁平疣80例疗效观察
8.Observations on the Efficacy of Fire Needling in Treating Verruca Plana of Liver Qi Depression and Phlegm Stasis Type火针治疗肝郁痰凝型扁平疣疗效观察
9.The Clinical Effects and Cellular Immunological Function Study on Treatment of Verruca Plana by Qu You Ye;祛疣液对扁平疣患者临床及细胞免疫功能影响的研究
10.Observation of therapeutic effects on 55 plane warts patients treated with Quyou apozema combined with topic drugs自制祛疣煎剂联合外用药物治疗扁平疣55例疗效观察
11.Effect of Tazarotene Gel in Patients with Acne vulgaris and Verruca plana;他扎罗汀凝胶治疗寻常痤疮、扁平疣疗效观察
12.Observe the Clinical Effects of Plat Wart Using the Therapeutic Method of Scaling Combined with External Traditional Chinese Medicine刮治法结合中药外用治疗扁平疣临床疗效观察
13.The Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Verruca Planae with Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine中西医结合治疗扁平疣的临床疗效观察
14.The clinical observation of Tretinoin Ointment and Levamisole treatment in verruca planae维A酸乳膏联合左旋咪唑治疗扁平疣的疗效观察
15.Results of treatment of 167 verruca plana patients with integreated therapy综合疗法治疗扁平疣167例临床疗效分析
16.Observation of the Effectiveness of Imiquimod Cream Combined with Vitamin-A acid Cream for Treating Flat warts咪喹莫特乳膏联合维A酸霜治疗扁平疣临床观察
18.Clinical observation on 43 cases of verruca plana treated with Yikeer dermal disinfectant伊可尔皮肤消毒液治疗扁平疣43例临床观察

juvenilis plana/therapy青年扁平疣/治疗
3)Flat Wart/acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy扁平疣/针灸疗法
4)Verruca plana扁平疣
1.The clinical observation of treating verruca plana by combining transfer factor with xiaoyoutang;转移因子胶囊联合消疣汤治疗扁平疣的临床观察
2.Research on treatment of verruca plana by Q - switched Nd: YAG lasers;Q开关钕:钇-铝石榴石激光治疗扁平疣的研究
3.Effect of Qingyou Yin on Peiphoral Blood T Lymphocite Subpopulation of Verruca plana;清疣饮对扁平疣患者外周血淋巴细胞亚群的影响
5)Plane warts扁平疣
1.Methods Plane warts were divided into four states.目的 观察不同型别扁平疣皮损内HPVDNA的相对数量和分布情况 ,了解HPVDNA的活性和扁平疣自愈之间的关系。
2.Objective:To investigate the effect of traditional chinese medicine in plane warts.目的 :研究中药方剂治疗扁平疣的临床疗效。
6)flat wart扁平疣
1.Application of autoimmunotherapy to treat stubborn flat wart;应用自体免疫法治疗顽固性扁平疣
2.Therapeutic effects observation of Zhen qi fu zheng capsule combined with Cimetidine on flat wart贞芪扶正胶囊联合西咪替丁治疗扁平疣疗效观察
3.Objective To research the curative effects of Bacille Calmette-Guerin polysaccharide acid (BCGPA) and polyinosinic polycytidylic acid on flat wart and common wart.目的探讨卡介菌多糖核酸治疗扁平疣、寻常疣的疗效。
